There Is No Border Anymore

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by Sam Faddis

No one changed federal immigration law when Joe Biden got elected. No one even discussed the topic. Biden and his underlings simply decided to ignore existing U.S. law and adopt an open borders policy supported by at best a tiny minority of Americans. The result has been a catastrophe, but here’s the really sick part.

You haven’t seen anything yet. Joe and his cabal of anti-American ideologues are just getting started.

On Monday alone at one spot on the border in Eagle Pass, Texas 14,000 illegal immigrants entered the United States. On Tuesday at the same spot, another 14,000 came across.  According to the Department of Homeland Security, these individuals represent 28 different countries:

Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Peru, Haiti, Lebanon, Oman, Slovenia, Uruguay, Panama, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Brazil, Guinea, China, Bangladesh, Albania, Angola, Argentina and Belize.

The Border Patrol is overwhelmed. It is not stretched thin. It is not hard-pressed. Our border defenses have collapsed. The border is unmanned in long stretches. Even as the FBI talks of terrorist threat levels at unprecedented highs, no one has any idea who or what is entering the country.

‘It’s an absolute collapse of the border,” said Sheriff Thaddeus Cleveland, the top law enforcement officer in Terrell County, Texas adjacent to Eagle Pass.

“You increase the amount of gotaways, you increase the opportunity for cartels to bring drugs in successfully,’ the sheriff, who is a retired border agent, explained.

‘It’s a wide open border. Come as you please.”

The 14,000 immigrants who crossed at Eagle Pass, Texas Monday joined the 26,000 already waiting to be processed. Eagle Pass has a total of slightly in excess of fifty law enforcement officers on its payroll and a total population of roughly 30,000.

“We have opened the floodgates. All it’s going to do is encourage more people to cross our border illegally – it’s a reward for breaking our law. We’re going to see the numbers skyrocket even more – it makes absolutely no sense…’We believe this is politics, that this administration is trying to pander to an open-border base, energize their base to get them out to vote. It makes our country a lot less secure….’ It’s monstrous to see what this administration is doing,”

Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council

Understand that all these tens of thousands of individuals are not simply happening to appear at certain places like Eagle Pass. They are being directed there by transnational criminal organizations making billions off human smuggling and the drug trade. Illegals are deliberately used to overwhelm the Border Patrol and force us to surge all available personnel to certain spots on the border. That means the cartels and whoever pays them for their help can then move anything they want across the border in the places where Border Patrol agents have been withdrawn.

Eagle Pass is one of the key rail crossings for freight train traffic between Mexico and the United States. The migrant surge has forced the closure of that crossing. Union Pacific responded by demanding that the crossing be immediately reopened and threatening dire consequences from the action. “Roughly 450,000 rail shipments move across these two gateways annually. These locations represent 45% of cross-border Union Pacific business and include goods critical to the U.S. economy.”

Several railroad associations also called for the immediate reopening of the crossing and another one in El Paso closed for similar reasons.

“The urgency of reopening these crossings and restoring rail service between the two nations cannot be overstated,” AAR President and CEO Ian Jefferies said in a news release. “There are not separate U.S. and Mexican rail networks; there is only one interconnected North American rail network. Every day the border remains closed unleashes a cascade of delay across operations on both sides of the border, impacting customers and ultimately consumers.”

“Closures will disrupt legal trade, commerce, and retail. This is a big mistake for CBP and timing couldn’t be worse,” the Texas Association of Business wrote in a post onTwitter.

“CBP is continuing to surge all available resources to safely process migrants in response to increased levels of migrant encounters at the Southwest Border, fueled by smugglers peddling disinformation to prey on vulnerable individuals. After observing a recent resurgence of smuggling organizations moving migrants through Mexico via freight trains, CBP is taking additional actions to surge personnel and address this concerning development, including in partnership with Mexican authorities.

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If this was a military force, that would be two divisions a day coming across our border. No President has ever been more derelict of duty than this corrupt traitor, this pedophile, this incompetent liar, this sorry excuse for a human being, this goddamn f**king bastard, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

As “election season,” gets going joe decides he wants to talk with Mexico’s president about who-knows-what.

Meanwhile joe is losing Hispanic support over his wide-open border.

“The Democrats are steadily losing ground with Hispanic voters,” noted a December report by Ruy Teixeira, a Democrat-aligned political analyst. He continued:
If Hispanic voting trends continue to move steadily against the Democrats, the pro-Democratic effect of [migration-caused] nonwhite population growth will be blunted, if not cancelled out entirely.

Trust me, hard working, patriotic Hispanic citizens don’t like illegal immigrants. I haven’t been around my Hispanic coworkers since I retired, but I can just imagine their feelings on this unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants now.

Trump would stop it at the border. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will merely assign more personnel to process them all faster.