The World’s Bad Actors Do Not Want Trump to Win in November

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by Stephen Kruiser

It’s an election year and there’s a bear in the woods again.

I’m wearing a “Reagan-Bush ’84” shirt (not an original, sadly) as I write this and that just popped into my head when I began.

Forty years on, Russia is still a hot topic of conversation in the United States during a presidential election year. Times have changed, of course, and the nature of the threat is a little less nuclear than it was during the Cold War.

A big change since then is that the Democrats now perceive Russia as a threat. They misinterpret the goal of the threat, but they’re less asleep than they were in 1984. In early 2017, I was the token conservative guest on a progressive SiriusXM radio show. I congratulated the progs on finally being on board with the idea that Russia is an enemy.

Yesterday, Matt wrote that the Biden administration was gearing up to bring back the specter of Russian interference in our elections:

I’m old enough to remember that as soon as Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, the mainstream media declared it the “most secure” election in history.

Today, Kamala Harris’s lead in the polls is dwindling, and Trump is now favored in Nate Silver’s election model. So naturally, it’s time to stir up a Russian interference narrative.

Yes, this does have the feeling of a preemptive excuse strike should Madame Veep crash and burn in November. Perhaps the poor dears are so worn out from their 8-year-long Trump Derangement Syndrome tantrum that they figure they won’t have the energy to make up new excuses. Why not bring back one they’ve been keeping in their hip pockets, no matter how absurd it is?

I’m not saying that the idea of attempted Russian interference in a U.S. election is absurd, mind you. Any implication that it’s being done to help Trump is, however, and it seems like the Dems are gearing up for that here.

I agree with my HotAir colleague David Strom that everybody wants to get in on interfering with our elections, as well as with his assertion that Russia might not be high on our list of worries:

I also think that Russian interference is nothing more than a minor annoyance compared to what we have been seeing from the United Kingdom, the European Union, Brazil, and especially the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese spies and influencers are sprinkled throughout our government and business, throwing money around to media and academic figures, and spewing fairly sophisticated propaganda onto social media at an astonishing rate. They have, through TikTok, a direct route into Gen Z’s brains.

Oh yeah, the ChiComs! The Democrats don’t caterwaul about them much these days given the fact that, as my good friend Stephen Green is fond of saying, “Joe Biden is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Xi and Co. might also have a controlling interest in vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz too.

Rounding out the deluge of potential interference news yesterday, I wrote about an admission by the New York Times that Iran’s attempts to influence the election are all about making sure that Trump loses.

Take all of your gambling money and bet that Iran’s aims align with those of Russia and China.

The world leaders who most want to knock the United States of America off of its superpower perch don’t want any part of a second Donald Trump term in the White House.

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The M.S. Media are just the Partners in Crime for Biden’s acts of treason just like they did for Clinton(Bill)and Obama their always in favor of the Demo-Rats