The Weekly Standard: Republicans Should Be Condemning Sinclair Media and Its “Deeply Unserious” Claim that the Biased Leftwing Media is Leftwing and Biased

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The cucks continue padding their Clip Reels for their job applications to work in the leftwing media.

Stuff about Amazon omitted. That’s a different question and requires a different response.

For now, let’s just focus on the claim that the leftwing media is not itself very biased, and therefore Republicans are charged with decrying the bias of Sinclair media. Or, at least, not decrying the bias of the leftist media.

Editorial: What If Trump Were Obama, and Sinclair Were CNN?
The right response for the wrong reason.6:40 AM, APR 04, 2018 | By THE EDITORS

Republicans have been awfully quiet over the last few days, and they probably should have been. The question is why they were so quiet.

…And what about the controversy over Sinclair Broadcasting? The Maryland-based media company, which owns 193 local television stations in more than 100 media markets, is reported to have required news anchors at Sinclair-owned stations to read scripts about the dangers of “fake news” (meaning left-liberal biased news) on news broadcasts. Not only that. Sinclair headquarters regularly sends its stations news segments of a politically right-leaning nature with instructions that the stations are required to run them (they’re labeled “must-run”).

Is this a breach of basic journalistic integrity? Is the requirement that news anchors read vaguely pro-administration boilerplate an instance of state propaganda? The answers aren’t obvious. Sinclair is a private company, not a government agency, and its executives can run its newsrooms how they wish….

Suspicions about Sinclair’s rightward bias were confirmed when David Smith, the company’s chairman, wrote in an email to New York magazine that “the print media is so left wing as to be meaningless dribble [sic] which accounts for why the industry is and will fade away.” We have our complaints about the unacknowledged dominance of left-liberal political opinions in many parts of America’s news media, although Smith’s remark that mainstream print media are “meaningless dribble”–together with his comment that there is a “complete lack of integrity” in print-media newsrooms–strikes us as a deeply unserious appraisal.

Let me translate: Our billionaire owner might not keep us on the make-work payroll forever. Please hire us, Atlantic! We’re not like those other conservatives! We like and trust you and think you do a really good job and would like to be just like you!

[W]e wince to imagine the response among lots of famous right-wingers in the media and in Congress if the same were revealed on the other side of the media’s ideological divide. If, say, MSNBC were discovered to require its anchors to recite vaguely anti-administration talking points, or if Jeff Zucker, say, were overheard grousing about the “complete lack of integrity” among conservative journalists, all hell would break loose at Fox News.

What about if, hypothetically, CNN’s “media analyst” Brian “Tater” Stelter acted as a corporate propagandist absolving CNN of all the journalistic sins he actually bothered to cover, and ignored most of the charges against the network entirely?

What if CNN ran an advertising campaign similar to Sinclair’s?

There would be no allowance for ambiguity and context and the distinction between private companies and public entities; it would be a scandal about mandatory agitprop and radical left-wing media bias.We’re glad Republicans aren’t saying a lot of stupid things about Amazon and Sinclair. We only wish it were for the right reason.

In other words, we’re glad they’re not saying Sinclair is biased, because it’s silly to claim the leftwing media is biased, and no one who has integrity should do either.

Guys, I know you’re not quite done bilking Conservative, Inc. out of the last bits of money they’re willing to set on fire to fund your cush no-influence-no-results sinecures, and I know you’re still busy fighting The Only Struggle That Really Matters to the Conservative Commetariat Class — whether formerly right-wing writers like Kevin Williamson should be permitted to write for leftwing magazines, as you hope to do in the next few quarters — but it’s time for you to leave the stage like Hillary Clinton, who you all hoped would be president, and dedicate yourself to selling Cruise Cabins at steep discounts full-time.

The liberal former Republicans understand that their time being paid for zero results to advance any cause other than their own is coming to an end. Just as Kevin Williamson debuts at The Atlantic by ingratiating himself to his new liberal confreres, declaring Victor Davis Hanson to be the Real Enemy, so too must the cucks begin pre-ingratiating themselves with their would-be future employers.

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The biased left wing media IS biased and left wing. And corrupt.

A great deal of Sinclairs business is in fly over country, The small stations dont have the money to send people to DC so they repeat what their affiliates report watered down. When it is proven to be BS it is so much easier to call your local station or send an email and get a response. Those may be sent to or seen by Corporate so they dont want you to turn the channel or send nasty letters to their local advertisers, follow me? They actually care about ratings so Corporate sends down an edict add a non-apology for not getting it perfect. Who wants republican politicians to jump this statement by Captain Obvious?

Jeff Bezos paid $250 million for the Washington Post, but it could cost Amazon $75 billion, says Wells Fargo

…because of the lies coming out of the White House. Nearly all of his recent Twitter tirade claims about Amazon are false.

Since Amazon shares started to react to the first report of Trump’s ire last week, the stock has shed $52.8 billion in market capitalization. Based on FactSet data on his personal holdings, Jeff Bezos could have lost $8.6 billion in that time.

It’s all about an infantile President’s childish vendetta, nothing more or less. But it has cost a lot of stockholders beside Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos—Trump’s personal target—tens of billions of dollars. If your 401K includes Amazon stock, consider yourself collateral damage.

@Greg: Maybe he should do what an “adult” President would and use the IRS, DOJ, FBI, FISA, BLM or EPA against them.