The voice of tyranny isn’t always dressed in army fatigues and a giant dyed mustache

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Witness, for instance, the “civilized” fascism of the contemporary Democrat party, which is couching its totalitarian designs in the false nobility and unearned moral authority of sleazy elected officials and their army of appointed, faceless, bureaucratic lifers.

What they believe — and so are determined to act upon — is real, and it is the very essence of liberal fascism. What we are engaging in isn’t some mere set of “policy disagreements” within a completely workaday status quo DC, as some on the “right” — wishing to sound more reasoned than we Hobbits, extremists, anarchists, and domestic terrorists (read: constitutionalists) who have seen Obama and the New Left takeover of the Democrat Party for exactly what it is — have long maintained. Holding on to that position at this point, in fact, is nothing more than knee-jerk recalcitrance and should be treated as a complete surrender to the manufactured reality of the left, and the complete triumph of stubborn egoism over empiricism (Obama never was a “garden-variety liberal Democrat,” nor was he ever a “good man” who merely differed with the right on the best policies for America; instead, he is, and always has been, a revolutionary, a destroyer, someone whose entire life was constructed and molded to place him in a position to foist a progressive, Fabian Socialist, quasi-Marxist coup on our very system of governance by pressuring and breaching the Constitution, by challenging or ignoring separation of powers, and by turning the Executive branch and its administrative state into the ultimate governing authority, with the President as the supreme leader. He is, by way of Marx, Alinsky, Ayers, Cloward-Piven, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ, a Manchurian candidate with a nice pant crease and the cover of being an Historic figure in a country taught self-loathing over racial animus long ago atoned for, in ways large and small).

The mask has been off for some time now. So the sub rosa socialism — which was the strategy developed back during Obama’s days at Cooper Union’s Marxism conferences — has slowly become more brazen, with the attendant attempt to continue to normalize that presumptuousness so that it seems in keeping with traditional American ideals.

But one has to be willing to overlook so many things to buy into this fiction that those who do can, with confidence, be broken down into either useful idiots or complicit actors in an attempt at “fundamental transformation” — or, if you prefer, the remaking of our system of governance, a velvet revolution, a coup.

And here it is articulated, clearly and almost matter-of-factly, by Howard Dean, speaking on the roles of the private sector and the government in the arena of health insurance:

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a liberal Democrat, says decisions about health care should rest with the federal government, not with individual employers who pay for their workers’ health insurance.

“So, you know, this is one country,” Dean told CNN’s “State of the Union” with Candy Crowley on Sunday. “We all have to live by a set of things that are passed in Washington and agreed to by the court. We’ll see what the court does, but I don’t think a particular employer has a right to decide what kind of health care their employees are going to get. That’s now in the hands of the federal government, and that’s where it should be.”

Let that sink in for a second: the dispersed and varied choice that occurs when private employers offer health care packages to their employees — which employees are free to factor in those proffered coverages as part of the calculus for deciding upon which job to take — is, to the left’s way of thinking, illegitimate: choice, competition, private contracts, variety of coverages, all of these things, we’re told, can’t rest with private enterprises buying them and then providing them to their employees.

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at least how much obama try to make believe the private companies are not doing a good job,
and that the insurence companies are screwing their public, we now have found that obamacare,
is so mediocre the size of lowest build website, without even having the courtesy of securing the public,
it’s not the case of insurers who secure privacy of their people and think of what’s best for them in what they can offer,
as oppose to obamacare, you take it or are penalize, what?
penalty because one refuse that crappy insurence, which even doctors don’t want to touch it,
and if they don’t like it mean they see all the flaws present and future, they see what kind of cheap obamacare they will be ask to provide, they have figure out the intent of obama from day one.
he never done any positive thing for the people,no he sent his employees to find those who have breach one of is 2000 laws
written in his book and make them pay the penalty or get them trying to crush , and torment the people who refuse to pay,
why would he suddenly care so much for the people?
it’s is a power take over from him and the democrats,
and they will have many profits by owning it ,like the many profits they have in owning the welfare administer by their own employees,