by Zamir Awan
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is on his first overseas visit since the crisis began in February 2022. He is already in Washington and met with President Joe Biden at the White House. The visit amounts to a daring show of solidarity and backing with Ukraine’s most powerful ally and its largest foreign supplier of weapons, or the masterminds of the whole crisis.
Sitting next to Biden in the Oval Office, Zelensky spoke in English and expressed “all my appreciations, from my heart, from the heart of Ukrainians — all Ukrainians” for the U.S. designs. It seems he is committed to Washington’s plans. Biden told Zelensky that the Ukrainian people “inspire the world.” But at what cost? Is it worth it to keep happy the masters at such a huge cost???
Zelensky will deliver an address to a joint session of Congress later in the day in which he will again convince that Ukraine still needs more powerful weapons, according to Ukrainian politicians. As a matter of fact, he was not satisfied with the limited assistance and control over weapons. His desires are much higher and unlimited.
The U.S. announced a new aid package of $1.8 billion that includes a Patriot missile battery, the most advanced U.S. ground-based air defense system. The Patriot could help Ukraine defend against Russian missile and drone attacks that have targeted its energy infrastructure. In military circles, the Patriot is viewed as a security blanket, protection from incoming fire. But Russia has developed its own weapons much more advanced and Patriot cannot intercept them.
Zelensky’s trip came after U.S. lawmakers proposed $44 billion more in emergency aid to Ukraine, which would bring the total U.S. wartime assistance to more than $100 billion. But many Republican lawmakers are hostile to authorizing more money to Ukraine just as they are poised to take control of the House of Representatives in January. The US expenditures above Trillion Dollars in Afghanistan and a long war over two decades could not make them win the war. This meager amount is far behind making Ukraine win over Russia.
In a speech to defense officials yesterday, President Vladimir Putin agreed to an increase in the size of Russia’s armed forces. He said there would be “no limits in terms of financing” Russia’s campaign in Ukraine. Russia has spent 150 billion in its operation in Ukraine but gained economic benefits worth around 500 to 600 billion.
As a matter of fact, Russia has not planned for a full-scale war in Ukraine, its limited special military operation was on the same line as in 2014 in Crimea. Once the Russians achieved their limited targets and goals, might have returned back. It was the US plan to engage Russia for a longer period of time and bleed for a prolonged time. Despite Russian early warmings and declaring Ukraine as its Red Line, the US kept on instigating Russia to intervene in Ukraine providing the American an excuse to engage Russia for a prolonged time.
The US is not sincere with Ukraine nor in love. If the Americans love Ukraine, they might have provided unlimited weapons and advanced weapons to make Ukraine win. But, this is not their intention, not their goals. Actually, they are in hate with Russia and wanted to counter the revival of Russia through Ukraine and may keep them engaged for a prolonged time to make Russia suffer economically. The US put sanctions on Russia to harm it economically.
Sanctions proved counterproductive and the Russian economy has not suffered at all. Its trade has remained the same, but, the trading partners have changed, China, India, Pakistan, and many other countries are becoming bigger trading Partners with Russia. Pushing out from the SWIFT banking system has no impact on its financial transactions as China has compensated and provided them with alternates. It Oil and Gas export has not reduced, and India and China have been importing much more. Furthermore, the increase in Oil and Gas prices in the international market has become supported the Russian economy.
On the other hand, Europe has been victimized by the Ukraine war. The Fuel and Food prices have jumped much high. Few European countries are providing subsidies to their citizens but not all of the European countries are rich enough to extend subsidies to their citizens. As a result, many Europeans are suffering.
The public in Europe is turning against the Ukraine war and demanding the end of this war immediately. There are protests and agitations in some European capitals and slogans are heard against NATO and withdrawal from NATO. The current leaders in Europe are bound under the agreement to support NATO and Ukraine’s war. But, it is predicted that in the upcoming some of the political parties may come up with the idea to promise the public to end the war, end NATO support or exiting from NATO, etc., may win the general elections. It is pretty sure that public sentiments will dominate in the next elections and visionary politicians will make bold decisions.
October 31, 2019
Democrats Vote Against Troops, Ukraine Defense Funding
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) released the following statement after Senate Democrats blocked funding for a 2020 defense appropriations package:
“Democrats claimed that they could impeach the president and still do the people’s business. Today’s vote against funding our troops and protecting our borders proves they can’t. Not only that, Democrats just voted to block security assistance to Ukraine for political reasons—the very thing they accuse the president of doing. It’s time for the Democrats to get over their obsession with the president and get back to work.”
Less than 17% of Americans support financial backing of Ukraine.
This is a proxy war against Russia for regime change.
And this is a war to profit the military industrial complex.
More than anything else, this is a war to plunder the taxpayers dollars and then launder that money back to democrats.
It’s not about loving Ukraine and hating Russia. It’s about defense against wanton aggression. It’s about loving freedom and hating tyranny.
Then perhaps our FBI should stop acting like Russian Stasi, and we should have a president who was elected and doesn’t try to arrest those they couldn’t beat in a free and fair election.
Putin, Biden. They’re the same.
Merely rational observation and now proven fact.
The American people do not support any of the views that you’re expressing, and you are in such a pathetically small majority that you should just keep your mouth shut.
The Twitter files have showed that we have an illegal tyrannical government that is struggling to maintain control.
No American supports this war with Russia and we don’t support any of you in killing ukrainians.
Their blood is on your hands and your hands alone.
Piss off you losing, paid propaganda pig
No one buys this bullshit, as the American people are firmly against this clown show that is an invented character in the way of Zelenskyy and the war that NATO and our regime started against the wishes of the people.
It all makes perfect sense. Russia continues to call for peace. The compromised Western regimes continue to get people killed and are using ukrainians as fodder.
Short, green screen hero Zelenskyy is no hero at all.
What an embarrassment he and the regime made of our government yesterday.
It’s disgusting.
The one thing Zelenskyy is however, is a war criminal. Even Google hasn’t been able to cover up the truth of what he did, the genocides he committed.
Zelensky is an actor and commedian, installed by the CIA, US State dept and evil NGOs.
The Lake election lawsuit in AZ confirms the 2020 election was stolen
Our southern border is far more a vital national security interest than the Russian speaking eastern border of Ukraine and far more worthy of taxpayer dollars.
Its neither, they are bankrupting our country intentionally. Why tax if you can just print as much as you want? Taxes and open borders are to bankrupt the middle class.

Thousands dead, zero diplomacy, just toss money and equipment into a highly corrupt country, already caught laundering it back to treasonous politicians. Ya the crypto creep is out on 250 million dollar signature bond and off to his parents mansion in California.
12/27/22 – Russian tycoon dies after apparent fall from hotel window
Sounds a lot like what happens in America to someone who criticizes the Clintons, or the regime at large.
The “slight difference” being that, in Putin’s case, it’s actually real, and has been going on for decades. Murder is part of Putin real-world modus operandi. And for speaking about Putin as you do so freely do about Biden, you’d probably die in a Russian penal colony.
We have the flight logs, they are all over the internet, Clinton, Gates, the Obamas all went to the island, yes Joey too.
Google “bigfoot” and you’ll get 34,800,000 results. “Reptilians” will get you 17,300,000 possibilities. “Hollow Earth” gets you 99,300,000. I’m thinking a big internet buzz doesn’t actually count for much.
(By the way, vampires don’t have any problems at all with modern mirrors, which are backed with aluminum. Their whole problem was with silver, which is what was used to make mirrors reflective back in the old days. I learned this on the internet, proving that it’s actually good for something.)
Best “self own of the day” goes to greg, who routinely tells us if there’s not a goverment-sponsored website showing all the existing evidence of the rigged election 2020, then it doesn’t exist.
Which is it, greg? Are your “facts” only real if it’s on a website, or not?
There’s no such website because there’s no such evidence. If there were, clearly laying it all out in one location would be the simplest thing in the world, and the most logical thing to do. Not doing so would make no sense at all.
Clearly reality, and the Twitter files, make your “opinion” irrelevant.
It makes perfect sense for dictators and fascistic regimes, as they’ve killed, silenced, and limited people and information that threaten their power since time immemorable.
You’re no different.
Again, Bigfoot is “disproven” by lots of websites saying it’s real, but the obvious rigged elected in 2020 is also “disproven” because google worked with the FBI to scrub and websites with evidence most of us very quickly downloaded and exists in MILLIONS OF COPIES in computers everywhere?
greg…and I say this with concern for your being….
Quit while your behind. It’s established now that the country I live in hasn’t been a true democracy for decades. Biden’s installation came at a cost. The usual sculpting of the narrative to use the less-thinking minority of our population like you isn’t going to work the same way it did.
Greggie our lil goose stepper you wouldnt go to the site if there was one. but..
Well, well, well, Katie Hobb’s second in command, Kori Lorick, the lady who was shaking down Arizona counties to get them to certify her boss as Governor, is an FBI Agent from their Cyber Division.
Seems the intelligence agencies are fuck!ng with our elections.
The “slight difference” being that, in Putin’s case, it’s actually real, and has been going on for decades.
Haha. As has it in the United States.
Don’t worry. The people who installed Biden are just getting going.
China as a nation will end in the next few years. Russia will end in about ten if it “loses” the war, and about 20 if it “wins.”
This war was always expected. It’s just strange how the crumbling power structures in Europe and the United States have amplified it and made it worse.
Biden (his handlers, that is) kept ALL of Trump’s trade deals. Because they are awesome.
I’m no fan of dictators posing as duly elected presidents, whether they be in Moscow or Washington. Unlike you, I’m consistent in my beliefs.
Old news, you know like Vince Foster.
So when is Billy going to be prosecuted for the shit they put Epstiens GF in prison for? Or any of her customers?
Independent voters abandon Biden, choose DeSantis and Trump
Corrupt Volodymyr Zelensky Brings in Globalist BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to Coordinate Ukraine’s Money Laundering