The True Conservative Choice is Ted Cruz, not Donald Trump, Part 1: Demonstrated Backbone

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The main problem with Donald Trump’s candidacy is not his immigration stance, or his narcissism, or his stupid hair. No, the real problem is that Trump is a distraction from the true conservative choice: Ted Cruz.

This is Part 1 of what I expect to be a multi-part series on Cruz’s superiority to Trump. I’ll keep these posts relatively bite-sized (for me) because I am short on time and so are you. Today’s point: Cruz has something Trump doesn’t: demonstrated backbone within the political process.

The current success of Trump and Carson in the polls, to me, reflects a typical and understandable American sentiment: a hatred of political “insiders” and a desire to look outside that process for someone different. But why do Americans do that? It’s because it’s so rare for someone inside the political process to stay true to what they said they would do. So Americans naturally turn their gaze outside Washington.

But what is a better indicator of someone’s willingness to fight the establishment: mere outsider status, or a demonstrated track record of fighting the establishment as an elected official? Clearly the latter.

An example makes the case. Pretend we are in 2008, in a hypothetical alternate universe in which Donald Trump and Ron Paul each seeks to be the big-L Libertarian Party candidate. Pretend that you are a committed Libertarian Party supporter who must choose between Trump and Ron Paul. (Yes, I’m asking you to pretend you’re a little crazy. It’s a hypo!) Trump brings to the table his hyper-inflated sense of self-importance and a collection of radical libertarian proposals, many of which directly contradict his past positions. Ron Paul brings to the table his long track record of voting in a libertarian manner in Congress — an institution that swallows most men whole and corrupts them entirely. Which man gives a committed libertarian better reasons to believe they will actually do what they say? Of course you would have to cast your vote for Paul.

But you’re not a crazy person who supports the Libertarian Party. You’re a conservative who is tired of watching Republicans march off to Washington and stab you in the back the second they get there.

I recently read Ted Cruz’s book (thanks, DRJ!) and it is packed with stories of Cruz standing up for principle when it counts. When a bunch of GOP’ers plan to betray the principles they campaigned on, and gather in a back room to collude to make their sell-out look good, Ted Cruz is the kind of man who will stand up and say: No! He doesn’t just talk the talk. He has walked the walk.

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Amen brother!

Cruz is the only candidate I have contributed to for a very long timeI believe I can trust this man.

I believe Cruz will end The Donald’s hate filled crusade about the time they get to the Texas Primary–I think Cruz and Rubio will go to the Convention in a tight battle–Dr. Carson will be there as well. Trump finishes an also ran 4th.

Curt Didn’t mean to shut this down but I will definitely agree Cruz a much better choice than the “NARCISSISTIC BLOWHARD ” from N.Y.

Donald Trump deals in the politics of hate. You can not be elected President of this great country if you are coming from hate. TRUTH
Semper Fi