You might be thinking, “Only three reasons? I have reasons for days to send the Democrat Party into the history books with the Whigs, the Know-Nothings, and the Dixiecrats.” But rather than spend the next four hours listing 1,099 reasons — including the border and the economy — let’s focus on the main justifications for why the Democrat Party must now end its inglorious run and settle its tab with Satan.
As Whitney Houston once warbled, “Children are the future.” That said, I’m repulsed the Democrats are attempting to force-feed their “GENDER AND SKIN COLOR ARE EVERYTHING” narrative to kids too young to know leprechauns aren’t real. But every night, as you and I sleep the sleep of the just, liberals lie awake, scheming ways to brainwash your children and possibly even recruit them into their LGBT cult.
Pete Buttigieg’s husband leads kids in a pledge of allegiance to the gay pride rainbow
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 10, 2022
Yes, I said recruit. Whereas gay people once marched and fought for the right to get married, things have changed. The trans crew has taken over the LGBT mafia and they are actively recruiting. Like the skinheads of the 80s or a creepy cult, the transgender scouts are targeting young, confused, insecure kids who have troubles at home or in school. And lefty parents are only too happy to indulge the whims of their confused or sick children, even kids as young as six years old.
Even toddlers.
FACT-O-RAMA! When I was a teenager, my dad wouldn’t give me the keys to the car, much less a pair of fake boobs.
A former cult scout I know, a hot Asian woman, told me her cult would send her to college campuses to seek out kids who were overweight, alone, and “loserish.” These kids are prime targets for cults, and that is what the LGBT peeps have become.
The trans crowd pretends they “just want to be accepted.” This is a ruse. Many crave attention (duh), but some are as angry as Black Panthers at a David Allan Coe concert. They are cranky because they think “evil white men” are holding them back, though honestly, we mostly just ignore their pleas for attention. We aren’t holding them back; we just aren’t kissing their asses the way the far left does.
The Military
As Chinese soldiers train to slaughter our troops, the American military is looking for ways to make a “female soldier with a penis” feel more at home in his/her/its government-issued camos.
The military that defeated Nazis, fascists, and the brutal Japanese forces is being replaced by “A Band of Gender-neutrals.” High-ranking generals and admirals have jumped on the woke bandwagon and fly the pride flag whenever told to, lest they lose their commissions … as well as their drivers, secretaries, and various other perks they’ve literally fought for. A military that is well versed on how to dig latrine pits for seven various genders is of no use when hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers are pouring over the Canadian border and into Detroit.
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Yes, I said Canadian border. DO NOT trust Princess Trudeau. Watch the princess bride himself extoll the virtue of China’s dictatorship and suck up to the commies. He wants to be their ally, their power partner in North America. No one seeks power more than a weak, cowardly man. That “man” is Miss Trudeau.
The Democrats’ military agenda is literally and purposefully making our country weak and vulnerable. They are simultaneously attempting to raise a generation of angry, entitled, America-hating, militant gender-whacks. The commies are at the gates. What do we have left?
The 2nd Amendment
Now would be a great time to remind you that the Democrats want to take your guns. Once the 2nd Amendment is vanquished, the rest of their plan will be easy.
Australia took healthy, COVID-free kids away from their families and sent them to camps simply for associating with a COVID-positive friend. The Democrats are salivating at the chance to frog-march unvaccinated Americans to a camp where we can “reconsider” our “selfish resistance” to an untested supposed vaccine with a growing history of adverse reactions. Obey or pay, plebe.
My lawmakers in both parties are obsessed over 150,000 Russians moving on Ukraine. It’s about the same number of illegal aliens that move into our country. Monthly.
I’m more concerned with America’s borders than Ukraine’s.
Those same lawmakers obsess over Putins totaliarian contol over ukraine shut the doors of small businesses for 2 years.
Tell me to buy an electric car powered by coal, why not tell the homeless to by a mansion?
Its both parties, mega bills with hidden rights stolen, and a 21% raise for themselves and a 14 billion dollar money laundering scheme, just like the covid relief scam.
They just confiscated 14 billion more of our tax dollars to give to a lost cause in Ukraine.
Not one penny went to protect our southern border from the relentless illegal aliens invading America
There needs to be much, much more legal disruption this coming election cycle, and in 2024.
The Colberts and Goldbergs must be mocked into the ground. The streets should be filled peacefully with actual Americans demanding democracy, and savvy people filming and thwarting the FBI as they try again to stage a false flag.
This country belongs to us, not our deep state goons, and not our representatives.
Time to remind them of that.
We need to demand a republican form of government like specified in the constitution. The democracy they are trying to maintain isnt working for the people.
They govern by our consent, tossing trillions around with no more thought as quarters lost in the couch must end.
Putin’s “denazification” of Ukraine explained, in 29 candid photos.
The woman we all remember from photo #16 has died, along with her unborn child.
Kyiv. A bus waiting by a sidewalk for passengers.
What Putin has done to Mariupol. Apartment buildings are primary targets.
Just keep in mind, without idiot Biden’s weakness and incompetence, NONE of this would have happened. As you pretend to care, keep all that in mind.
greg’s mandate is to keep saying over and over again how evil Putin is, and keep posting bodycounts and whatnot.
He’s not discussing the issue. He’s just a mindless troll.
The evil that Vladimir Putin is doing and will continue to do until he’s stopped IS the issue.
The evil that you greggie and the democrats are doing is very similar to what Putin is doing.
That’s a ridiculous statement. Putin has now transitioned from an autocrat into a full-blown tyrant. He’s deluding and repressing his own people at home while he invades and destroys a neighboring sovereign nation with murderous intent. He has sent millions of mothers fleeing with their children for their lives, while their men fight to save their homes and their nation.
That’s what Putin is doing, back here in reality.
Own the world you created.
Own it.
You and Putin are the same
I already do. But I had no part in the creation of Vladimir Putin.
Nor do I have any desire to see America create an autocrat of its very own. You’ve really only got to do that once, because once you have, that’s what you’ve got ever after.
You voted for it. You voted for the weakness and incompetence that greenlighted Putin’s aggression.
You voted for it and you support the fraud and corruption that put this incompetent, corrupt idiot puppet in office. You supported the insurrection and coup carried out against Trump for 4 years. You will be perfectly happy with a left wing socialist totalitarian police state. After all, you VOTED for it.
The Democrats have had EVERY part in creating the situation in Ukraine. Installing Biden as our first autocrat guaranteed that.
Own the world you created. Own it. And understand that freedom is a fragile thing, and now that America is no longer a democracy, the coming years will be normal people trying to extract parasitic Marxist pigs like you from our government. One last chance for us to get it back, maybe.
From there, we push you people out to be your own nation-state, and then we restore the United States of America.
That’s what idiot Biden is doing. The Democrats have been heading in that direction for over 5 years.
Yep. Idiot Biden again.
Here idiot Biden adds a new twist; he works with Mexico and Mexican drug cartels to invade and destroy our nation with disease, crime, fentanyl and illegal immigrants.
Idiot Biden uses the FBI against parents that don’t want the Democrat racist and degenerate indoctrination of their children to destroy their families and nation.
Idiot Biden and the Democrats may be a bit less harsh and more subtle than Putin, but make no mistake, the goal is the same: a totalitarian police state.
Don’t I recall that in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and other cities that criminals supported by democrats burned, raped and killed innocent people. That happens daily in Chicago. The democrat’s defunding results is very much like what Putin is doing, yet you greggie in your role as the village idiot supports that action and activity. The only different is the weapons are different. That is evil and you support it!
Maybe you should make a comparison of state homicide rates and such, before proclaiming who has the most murder and mayhem.
I can’t remember when I say your liberal media covering the 25 or 30 people killed every weekend in Baton Rouge, as we see on a regular basis in Chicago. What media outlet is reporting that? Or, is the liberal media, for some reason, suppressing that news? And using the CDC as a source nowadays… well, not exactly something to rely on.
He said, Chicago, which is not a state, Cletus.
Crime was down prior to Covid. The propaganda machine intentionally lied and misinformed people about police on black deaths.
It was never lower.
Now we’re back to the 1970s, and Black Americans are suffering the most…all after a very successful Trump finally gave them the things Democrats have falsely promised for years.
That is why the democrat party must die and those that run around the planet creating coups to further the Nazi World Order.
Interesting you chose the russian way to spell Kiev. Im smirking my ass off right now.
You like guts and gore?
Are you a replacement Kim or something? You didn’t used to be like this. There’s way more hostility now, and a lot more conspiracy theory.
As Biden drags us into a great depression and possibly a hot WW3, I have grandchildren, nieces nephews I dont want to see get killed in combat for a nation that leads the planet in corruption. It wont stay in Ukraine it will spread. Yes I am hostile to the ignorance, what conspiracy theory? I have posted known facts of history and the present.
BTW conspiracy theorists are 16 points up on the government MSM narrative.
look up pattent # 6017302A
I assume you are a replacement for “greg”.
I count about three separate people using this account of yours…from somewhere in Central Europe.
Since when have you given a shit about the life of an unborn child? Tell me how it is wrong for Russia to slaughter an unborn child but it’s OK for Planned Parenthood to slaughter thousands.
Hypocrisy seems to be your only talent, Comrade Greggie.
The left is joyous when it comes to killing babies vis a vie abortion. They cheerlead for those who perform the ritual they pay homage to.
like he really cares about collateral damage. Just another emotional guilt trip.
There is no vital National security interest in Ukraine. It is a territorial dispute between two nations.
out southern border is more important to a majority of Americans
I knew what you would say before you even said it.
So she wont be doing anymore youutube makeup videos?
What has your politics turned you into? Did you notice it happening?
Politics has nothing to do with it. This is good vs evil, the evil Nazis need to finally be defeated once and forever.
CIA Nazis, Nato Nazis, Greggie goose stepper Nazis, the 4th reich must be placed in the dustpan. Everyone of the most profitable evil corporations has either been taken over or has sprung from Nazis that should have been hung at the end of WW2. Funny how Germany is the center of the EU, strange place to continue the neo-nazi world order.
Just 2 days ago they announced her and the baby were doing well, someone is lying.
It is hard to believe anything concerning this conflict. Mis information flows from the Ukraine, Russia and the democrat media
Actually, any objective observer can figure out what’s going on with very little difficulty. There are many people who try to make understanding difficult, but it really isn’t.
A tyrant has invaded and is destroying a sovereign, democratic nation, with regard for nothing but his own objectives. The people of that nation are heroically resisting him, defending their nation, homes, and families.
“The Dark Lord Rides In Force Tonight
And Time Will Tell Us All
Oh Throw Down Your Plow And Hoe
Rest Not To Lock Your Homes
Side By Side We Wait The Might
Of The Darkest Of Them All”
Unrelenting Nato expansion, blood lust of IMF and WEF. But nice topic change to deflect from the fact that hillarys campaign was found guilty of spying using our tax dollars.
Democrats need to be disbanded.
The expansion of NATO has been an expansion of the protection of Western Civilization. That hasn’t happened by military conquest, but by the desire of each joining nation to remain free.
Of course Putin sees that as a threat. All tyrants see it as a threat. Putin is providing a clear demonstration of NATO’s utter necessity. The lesson certainly hasn’t been lost on NATO’s member nations.
You dont have clue 1 how it has been accomplished goose stepper. Now go finish your bowl of swastika shaped paint chips, magically delicious.
He gets paid by the word.
Many of the paid trolls they get are registered, ex-con pedophiles.
greg sounds like one.
Plenty of Ukraine threads he comes to this one to post about it, the evil that is systemic in the Democrat Party cant be exorcised, they love evil, roll in it like dogs in sh!t.
I wan Putin to get what he wants, people in Russia no longer stand in line for bread or shoes.
The expansion of NATO has been a growing globalist pawn for decades, no longer representing protection but rather the will of unelected globalists simply buying out nations and using their resources while maintaining the illusion that those nations are free.
Ukraine is a prime example.
Who and what do you serve?
Jesus Christ. Personal sovereignty as given by God.
And you, demon? It’s okay. Just tell us.
I’m a free and individual citizen.
You’re part of a paid propaganda organization, now outed so badly you can only project that other by accusing others of WHAT YOU ACTUALLY ARE.
The truth about the less-than-good intentions of Nato and those who pull the strings is what has the remaining trolls in a panic.
Americans on the Right have called for an end to Putin’s invasion from the beginning. In my church, we have missions in Ukraine and one of our orphanages is surrounded by Russian snipers who are shooting on sight.
We prayed, and pray, for the people of Ukraine. We pray an immediate end to the war, and we pray that Jesus Christ himself would speak to Putin and he’d stop…
That’s not something a Marxist, atheist troll could understand….other people doing more than they do to actually help and put their money where their mouth is.
Do you think there’s anything remotely Christian about what Vladimir Putin is doing? That’s he’s furthering Christian values, or even has worthy humanist objectives?
If Good and Evil were playing chess, Putin would be one of Evil’s knights.
That bit of propaganda posturing isn’t going to work, since I denounced Putin before you did. My church gives to Ukraine (have been for years before the current war), and we have people we know getting killed over there. We pray for them, and we pray that Jesus would speak directly to Putin..that he would stop this invasion, now.
That’s something you can’t understand, so a swine can’t preach to me about what is “Christian”.
Who’s your god, again? I’m curious.
I want Putin to pay for what he’s done, legally. I also want Biden and the West to pay for their role in this.
That’s what you fear, because you’re being paid to cover up for these epic failures by the global hegemony and Biden himself.
Americans deserve to know every politician who has interests and investments in Ukraine, for how long, how much money, who is paying.
The resulting bomb of Truth would leave us with many Senate and Congress seats to fill, hopefully with actual representation and not bought crooks.
Steve Harrigan Returns From Ukraine With a Somber Message About the Situation
The Left and their vast disinformation machine continue to spray unneeded, and quite frankly unintelligent, pleas for compassionate sentiment (but not action) by showing us the standard sights and scenes of a standard war.
The move by the Global Unelected and their puppet regimes in the US, Canada, and others to merely distract free citizens from asking questions.’
Biden’s spending on Ukraine is criminal, given the ISSUES AT HOME HE SOLELY CREATED and also because he helped to cause the invasion by Putin.
The efficacy of paid trolls has never been lower. People can look outside — at the gas price signs, at the busses full of trafficked illegals, and at their receipts from buying basic groceries, and see we are a world at war with a global and embedded system of oligarchs and tyrants who think they can decide how best we live our lives.
The desperation of Democrat and Leftist propaganda outlets to shift the blame away from Biden and just make Putin their new Trump is being laughed out of the room by just about every American voter.
The Democrats, and their paying parasites, are so f*cked.
The Democrat party needs to reform, not disappear. I trust the Republicans only a little bit more than Democrats without an opposition party. But, if the Democrats will not reform and expunge that element of the party that wants to drag it all to the far, far left, eliminate personal freedoms, impose their ideology, implement a totalitarian police state and leave the nation wide open to influence from foreign adversaries.
Radical gays are a threat to civil tranquility. Clearly, “gay marriage” wasn’t enough; they want to be a political influence, policy makers and impose their life style upon those aren’t so inclined.
It would be great to live in a world where worrying about the pronoun someone favors, excessive politeness and making sure no one offends anyone in any way at any time. But there are entire nations that want to overrun us and destroy the most productive way of life in human history. As soon as all our adversaries decide to be peaceful and gracious, THEN we can cater to the mental deficiencies that cause some people to wonder what sex they are supposed to be.
The left has long had the 2nd Amendment targeted for destruction. Puto O’Rook, running for Texas governor, once gleefully boasted he absolutely damn sure would take away guns from lawful owners. Now, since that just doesn’t fly in Texas, he has become a “defender” and “protector” of the 2nd Amendment. Lying is a mainstay for Democrats to try and take functioning states and turn them into the shitholes every Democrat dominated area has become. If you are unlucky enough to be lorded over by Democrats, nothing is more important than your right and ability to defend yourself as Democrats prove emphatically that THEY won’t do it.
The increased totalitarian behavior of Western Nations is unsettling. From Trudeau freezing bank accounts to Biden blaming Trump and Putin for things he factually did is more of a case that our institutions have been invaded by godless globalist tyrants bent on making the world a hell in their own image.
The Western Nations ARE NOT showing “totalitarian” behavior. If you want to know what totalitarian behavior is like, consider conditions inside any nations that oppose the West.
Saying it and proving it are two different things. The actions taken under Covid are extreme enough, and the current totalitarian actions by both Trudeau and Biden aren’t opinionated conjuring.
They are now historical fact.
The use of a social credit score for the West (using covid passports, no less) is real. It’s totalitarian. The Great Reset is real. It’s totalitarian.
The time when you could just post lies on the internet, over and over again, and have it be treated as fact is over, troll.
Try something new.
When you can ban the 45th President of the United States because he wasn’t in line to be installed, after four years of breaking constitutional laws to illegally impeach and charge nonexistent crimes… and no one gets in trouble…saying no one is acting “totalitarian”…you know you’re a foreign asset.
Maduro Regime Tells Beggar Joe Biden to Pound Sand – Psaki: Importing Venezuela Oil “Not an Active Conversation at This Time”
Iran shoots missles at our military base, will Jumble brain still make the deal, through Russia?
Putin has arrested around 14,000 Russians who dared to protest his invasion of Ukraine. Ask Aleksandra Kaluzhskikh what happens to them.
Ask Aleksandra Kaluzhskikh what happens to them.
Ask those idiot Biden threw in jail for “trespassing” or just discussing the obvious 2020 election fraud that are in solitary confinement, without bail, exculpatory evidence withheld from them and their “speedy trial” endlessly delayed. Ask General Flynn. Ask Trump. Ask those fired for not getting a vaccination that is not required of illegal immigrants.
I think that would be a false equivalence. The rights of Russians are nothing at all like those enjoyed by Americans. The rights of a Russian depend upon the whims of an autocrat. Sometimes Putin simply has people killed, with no repercussions.
We’ve been warning people like you about Putin for years. You don’t get to be outraged, hurt, upset, or anything other than the asshole in the corner with the mouth shut, as we say
“We told ya so.”
This has happened because of Obama’s policies, furthered by a puppet Biden and the shadow government he represents.
So what do you think of the millions of Ugyers being killed and put in cages?
Does that bother you?
Does Xi bother you, being a deranged genocidal dictator far exceedingly even Putin?
Yeah, you would. Because you approve of imprisoning political opponents when they oppose your party you can’t see the equivalence. But denying someone their rights and freedoms based on political desire is the same whether idiot Biden does it or Putin does.
Idiot Biden is the puppet of oligarchs and autocrats. Ashlee Babbitt was killed on a whim and there were no repercussions. Sure, Putin is better at being a despot, but idiot Biden and the Democrats are working hard at catching up.
It is a false equivalence. In Russia, you could not even speak as you are speaking here without having legitimate fear for your safety.
Ashlee Babbitt was not killed “on a whim”. She was killed as a violent mob attempted to break through the final door between themselves and the chamber where elected officials had taken refuge. What the mob was doing does not come under the heading of peaceful protest.
You feel it all slipping away, don’t you?
Knowing that Biden’s presence in the globalists tampering caused Putin’s invasion.
Knowing almost no American in their own right mind sees the capital event as anything other than what it is: a false flag.
What’s your plan for rounding up all the so-called dissidents like me?
I know English is a second language for you, but I’ll ask again:
Prove it.
That was the statement.
Prove it. You can’t.
The very fact that you can freely speak as you do is proof.
There are people that never entered the building or never went to DC that are under arrest.
Get your 4th booster yet goosestepper?
Deflection is an admission of surrender.
Prove it. Prove the Western nations mentioned are not using totalitarian tactics and behavior, and don’t use a logical fallacy this time.
You can’t.
Canada and the US, under Democrats, are. Most definitely.
Oh, and I don’t want the Democrat Party to die. It’s not the Party, so much as it’s the party has been infiltrated and transformed by ideas and a religion that is not compatible with American values, or a free society at large.
It should be illegal for a representative of any kind to take money from a company. Period. It’s too much of a conflict of interest, and leads to the kind of installed puppet tyranny we have today.
A few simple things would help the American People decide for themselves.
A complete breakdown of all campaign money given to Biden (about SIX BILLION) listed on the news would help to show just how “free and fair” our last election was.
That’s how it goes in places like Russia, and now here. Putin gets money to be installed, then jails his opposition.
Just like Biden and Trump.
Any Leftist suddenly taking umbrage at Putin’s invasion is complete propaganda and completely dismissed.
The Left was warned years ago (the 80s called….Obama infamously stuttered), The Left fomented wars and has counted Trump’s “no new wars” policy (the one Americans wanted) with global conflict and failed foreign policy.
“Putin is evil” can’t save Biden. This is on him.
3 Days After They Bombed US: Biden Admin Reportedly Gives Guarantees to Iran on Ability to Trade with Tehran
who in their right mind thinks this is good policy? Iran is the number one terrorist state in the world.
No doubt this brought a broad smile to Putin’s face. No doubt, that was idiot Biden’s goal.
I doubt if Putin appreciates the fact that the US is making conciliatory gestures to his girlfriend.