Walid Shoebat:
As Shoebat.com stated yesterday prior to media speculation, that the Tennessee shooter was Palestinian, now the government of Jordan confirms it as reported by CNN Arabic. Also, his real name is not Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. The shooter’s real name isMohammad Youssuf Saeed Al-Hajjaj born September 5th, 1990. His father had changed his last name to Abdulazeez for unknown reasons. It is common for many Palestinians who are doing nefarious activities to change names.
While the media speculated his background and motive, his features, family Facebook, and connections were easy for us to establish that what we have here is a Palestinian pro-Hamas terrorist who went to Jordan and most likely got involved with ISIS affiliates. Jordan epecially is infested with a huge number of ISIS supporters as Shoebat.com hasreported previously. All one has to do is to go to the southern city Ma’an and see demonstrations in full support of ISIS as you see in this photo.
In fact, the expert on jihadist movements Affairs Hassan Abu Haniya said that between Jordan and Iraq ISIS controls all border crossings.
The murderer’s father is EMPLOYEED by the City of Chattanooga as a Soil Engineer in the Stormwater DIV. of Public Works!