The Taliban Announces There Will be “No Extensions” to August 31st Evacuation Date, Then Announces… No Further Afghans Will Be Allowed to Leave the Country

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by Ace

Norms restored.
Honor reclaimed.


Hey NeverTrump — how’s Taliban ass taste?
More: Biden just asked the head of the Taliban to meet with the head of the CIA. The head of the CIA flew to Kabul to plead with the Taliban for an extension.

The leader of the most powerful country in the world just sent the head of the most powerful intelligence agency in the world to plead with barbarians to allow Americans to leave safely.You’re watching America lose its status in real time. Top dog doesn’t ask. Top dog TELLS.

And the answer? No. Eat a bag of dicks.
Not only did we plead to have the meeting, but they told us to go hang, and then they added additional salt to the wound by saying they would not allow us to evacuate out any other Afghans.

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Taliban says that going beyond the 31st would be a “violation”. Them being in Kabul surrounding the airport, killing people in the streets, with our own weapons is a “violation”. And these impotent pussies just sat their and nodded their heads, bowed and slinked out of the room backwards.

It is embarrassing enough having this embarrassment in the White House. It is embarrassing to have the lie that he was legitimately elected promoted as fact; it is now less embarrassing that our election process was abrogated by fraud now. It is embarrassing to have others believe there are enough stupid people to lawfully elect this embarrassment.

Now the embarrassment embarrasses the country.

EXCLUSIVE: Internal Numbers Show White House Poised To Leave Several Thousand