Andrew C. McCarthy:
Fraud can be so brazen it takes people’s breath away. But for a prosecutor tasked with proving a swindle — or what federal law describes as a “scheme to defraud” — the crucial thing is not so much thefraud. It is the scheme.
To be sure, it is the fraud — the individual false statements, sneaky omissions, and deceptive practices — that grabs our attention. As I’ve recounted in this space, President Obama repeatedly and emphatically vowed, “If you like your health-insurance plan, you can keep your health-insurance plan, period.” The incontrovertible record — disclosures by the Obama administration in the Federal Register, representations by the Obama Justice Department in federal court — proves that Obama’s promises were systematically deceitful. The president’s audacity is bracing, and not just because he lies so casually while looking us in the eye. Obama also insults our intelligence. It is one thing to tuck evidence of falsehood into a few paragraphs on page 34,552 of a dusty governmental journal no one may ever look at. It is quite something else to announce it in a legal brief publicly filed in a case of intense interest to millions of Americans aggrieved by Obamacare’s religious-liberty violations. To be so bold is to say, in effect, “The public is too ignorant and disengaged to catch me, and the press is too deep in my pocket to raise alarms.”
Still, to show that politicians lie is like pointing out that it gets dark at night. The lie, the fraud, does not tell us whythey lied in this instance. The fraud does not tell us what the stakes are. To know that, we must understand the scheme — the design.
The point of showing that Obama is carrying out a massive scheme to defraud — one that certainly would be prosecuted if committed in the private sector — is not to agitate for a prosecution that is never going to happen. It is to demonstrate that there is logic to the lies. There is an objective that the fraud aims to achieve. The scheme is the framework within which the myriad deceptions are peddled. Once you understand the scheme, once you can put the lies in a rational context, you understand why fraud was the president’s only option — and why “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” barely scratches the surface of Obamacare’s deceit.
In 2003, when he was an ambitious Illinois state senator from a hyper-statist district, Obama declared:
I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health-care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its gross national product on health care, cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. . . . Everybody in, nobody out. A single-payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. That’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately.
That is the Obamacare scheme.
It is a Fabian plan to move an unwilling nation, rooted in free enterprise, into Washington-controlled, fully socialized medicine. As its tentacles spread over time, the scheme (a) pushes all Americans into government markets (a metastasizing blend of Medicare, Medicaid, and “exchanges” run by state and federal agencies); (b) dictates the content of the “private” insurance product; (c) sets the price; (d) micromanages the patient access, business practices, and fees of doctors; and (e) rations medical care. Concurrently, the scheme purposely sows a financing crisis into the system, designed to explode after Leviathan has so enveloped health care, and so decimated the private medical sector, that a British- or Canadian-style “free” system — formerly unthinkable for the United States — becomes the inexorable solution.
McCarthy did a great job putting all this together….old quotes included.
I wonder if anyone on the Left would attempt to refute it.
Probably just hope some storm or disaster, terror attack or disease outbreak takes attention away from it.
Spot on. This is what anyone with any personal integrity would see immediately upon the review of the statements of the left. The left wants to control medical care in this country, as a means of controlling the people. You will see more and more news stories painting doctors as being greedy, uncaring monsters as they push to enslave physicians under obamacare, making it a requirement for doctors to accept obamacare patients regardless of how poor the socialist payment rates are set. You will see doctors get hit with IRS harassment (look what they did to Dr. Ben Carson) for speaking out against obamacare.
What you won’t see, of course, is any effort at genuine tort reform – which Obama promised to physicians’ groups to get them to support obamacare, but which is nowhere included in the law.
And how blatant was the move to delay the employer mandate enrollment until after the 2014 elections? By one month? Really? Again I ask the obamacare supporters out there: If obamacare is going to be so damned good for the economy, then why do the dems keep delaying the implementation of their socialist law until after the 2014 elections? If, as you all have been trumpeting about obamacare, it will have a positive effect on businesses thereby stimulating the economy, then doesn’t delaying the employer mandate harm the economy? Wouldn’t that be a tremendously stupid thing for dems to do before the election? I mean, if the economy got better from the effects of obamacare, wouldn’t that lead to democrat electoral victories? So how do we explain the dems screaming for further delays in obamacare…especially when these same dems were condemning Cruz, Lee and Rand for trying to stop obamacare with the filibuster back in October?
There is no honor in the democrat party. There is only the naked pursuit of personal political and financial gain, with absolutely no concern for the actual good of the nation. The callous disregard for the millions who have already lost the insurance they previously had demonstrates this clearly. The laughable claim that obamacare policies are ‘better’ than the previous insurance coverage plans is another outright lie. How does doubling/tripling the price of a middle aged man’s or a post-menopausal woman’s insurance premium (not to mention increasing the annual deductible by 3-5 times the previous annual deductible) by making them pay for maternity, birth control and pediatric dental and vision coverage which they will never need in any way make the obamacare policy better?
Leftists are untrustworthy, by definition. They are dishonest by nature. They must be stopped.
It is not obama care, it is not the affordable care act, it is obama scam.