The Scalia – Sotomayor Thunderdome

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Jazz Shaw:

Ed already brought you up to date on the SCOTUS decision regarding the Michigan referendum that ended affirmative action in college admissions, so if you happened to miss the story, read that first. It was one of the more raucous decisions in a while, with plenty of twists and turns in terms of who went with the majority or the dissent and what they said. But the Washington Examiner dug a bit deeper later in the day, finding what amounted to a bit of a slug-fest in the footnotes between Sonia Sotomayor and Antonin Scalia.

The scuffle erupted over Sotomayor’s not so thinly veiled inference that the hateful majority of voters in Michigan must be a bunch of blazing cat fur racists. Going one step further, she even invoked Jim Crow laws in her comments. Scalia was not exactly charitable in his response.

“As Justice Harlan observed over a century ago, ‘[o]ur Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens,’” Scalia concluded, quoting the dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson. “The people of Michigan wish the same for their governing charter. It would be shameful for us to stand in their way.”

And then, the Parthian shot: “And doubly shameful to equate ‘the majority’ behind [the constitutional amendment] with ‘the majority’ responsible for Jim Crow,” he added in a final footnote, citing the first two pages of Sotomayor’s dissent.

I realize that such comments aren’t exactly on par with a WWE wrestler jumping out of the ring to grab a folding chair, but by the standards of Supreme Court written opinions, it’s not far off. Still, reading Sotomayor’s comments leaves us with some unsettling questions.

First of all, allow me to say that I’m as thrilled as the next guy to finally have a Wise Latinaon the court and all, but is this really the level of discourse we can expect to see enshrined in the official records of our nation’s highest court for the next several decades? Invoking Jim Crow here should be a serious red flag for any observer, and even one of the other liberal justices bailed out on her on that one. I assume Justice Sotomayor was actually present in the Court when the arguments were being made and was aware of the substance of the referendum in question. We’re not talking about voting rights for minorities here, nor freedom of speech or religion. This was about college admissions. (Which, to be brutally honest, isn’t a constitutionally assured right for anyone.)

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A whacked out liberal on SCOTUS. Perfect

It’s one thing when Obama call’s Americans racists: we can get rid of him in 3 years.
When Seantors and Congressmen do, they can be replaced also.
When media darlings do, we can quit reading that paper or turn the channel.
But a Supreme Court Justice is for LIFE.
Sonia’s words are so hurtful it isn’t even funny.
I was reminded of a black Californian who was on the state university’s Board of Regents and who opposed affirmative action on principle.
The Left started calling him ”partly black.”
And this was decades ago!
It is pretty obvious Sonia is ”on the reservation” for the Left.

She has Type 1 Diabetes and, because her parents marriage was so disfunctional, was sterilizing her own needles and syringes and giving herself her shots since the age of 7.
My only aunt had that kind of diabetes.
She died at age 54.
Sonia has the advantages of three major breakthroughs since the 1950’s:
Disposable syringes.
Blood testers.
Synthetic insulins.
I hope she understands that ObamaCare is killing the chances of other people with other diseases getting new, technological advances in the treatments of their problems.
I hope she thinks twice about cutting off certain medications from lists of approved meds for people over 64.
We’ll see.

The wise latina is on the Court for only one reason. Emperor Zero needed a certain vote for PPACA.
So Sotomayor got the job. She does not think; she does not need to think; her opinions are written for her by Gen. Holder and sent to her by special messenger.
She is a vital part of the campaign to start a race war, in order to win the Nov. elections.
She is truly a mind-numbed robot. And we are stuck with her.

The last two, racist judges, are and will continue to be incompetent to sit on the Bench. Both of the last two judges are the fool’s butt kissing appointments.
This country has a congress that has horse manure for brains and a SC that has two of the last appointed justices crap for brains.
Rome required 400 years to fall. This country is doing it in 8 years
Боже, благослови Америку

@MOS-8541: Well at least with Sotomeyer on the bench, we have a standard measure for incompetence.