Xitter post by Cynical Publius
Since the Presidential debate, our Democrat friends seem to have descended deeper and deeper into utter madness. I have honestly and sincerely been trying to make sense of it. I believe every human being tends to act rationally within the scope of his or her beliefs, so if a person appears to be consistently acting irrationally, it becomes imperative to understand the beliefs that drive them in that direction. Thus, to understand why and how Democrats have gone even deeper down the path of cuckoo clock bonkersosity, I have really and truly been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what they believe at a deep level. (You can consider me the Jane Goodall of Democrat cultural research—somebody has to do it.)
Why do they want a government of unelected “experts” that is genuinely fascistic? Why do they trust the media? Why do they cling ferociously to obvious hoax stories like “Trump/Russia Collusion,” Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” and Trump is a “dictator”? Why did they succumb so easily to the rule of COVID Nazis?
After considering many alternative answers, I have arrived at the only answer that makes sense. I know this is completely unoriginal to say, but the truth usually is unoriginal. Here it is:
Being a Democrat is their religion.
Now I know many, many, many, MANY people have postulated this before. However, since I take great offense when I hear Dems offhandedly say MAGA is a “cult,” and because our nation is at such a perilous crossroads, I wanted to take the time and effort to do a deep dive and explain why this statement about Democrats is 100% true and is the only rational explanation for their behavior. To do so, I will compare four truths about faith and religion, and align those truths with the modern Democrat:
1. Religion is Instinctive. Human history tells us that since the dawn of time, across each and every culture, humans have formed religions and developed faith in a God or gods. This is uniform across history and cultures—there are virtually no exceptions. This fact strongly suggests that all humans and all human societies have a deep-seated, instinctive need to stand for something bigger than themselves and to give meaning to a usually chaotic and brutal existence. Moreover, religion and faith unify societies and provide a baseline understanding of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
But. . . Democrats are areligious as a rule. Oh sure many of them say they are “Catholic” or “Jewish” or some other denomination, but at the end of the day that is a cultural thing for them and not a faith (insert Unitarian joke). They don’t go to church/synagogue/mosque, and they certainly do not practice those faiths. So if all humans and human societies have a deep-seated need for the deeper meaning of faith, how do Democrats meet that requirement?
Answer: the Democrat Party and politics. To be a Democrat means to join (in their minds) a group of people with a higher calling, a purpose of “bending the arc of history toward justice.” Democrats think they are smarter than you and me, more moral than you and me, more virtuous than you and me, and better equipped to rule than you and me. Democrats are the Holy Roman Empire of the modern world—in their minds they are just, they are fair, and together they give each other meaning. Politics is how they practice their faith, and voting is their sacrament. In a group of areligious Democrats who see God at best as some amorphous supernatural version of Willy Wonka, the Democrat Party is their faith and their religion, and they worship it.
2. Faith Provides Guidance and Comfort as to How to Live. Another uniform component of human religion is that it sets a standard for how each of us should and should not live our lives. Again, I believe this is an instinctive component of humanity. Each and every one of us needs a code of behavior, and for most of us it is our religious faith. But what sets Democrats apart is that they lack the formal religion necessary to meet this need. Consider conservative Americans of all genuine religious faiths. Most despise the intrusive nature of the modern bureaucratic state. They don’t need the state telling them how to live, they already have a loving God telling them how to live. But not Democrats, they have no God—government is their god. This explains why Democrats eagerly seek the rule of unelected, unaccountable “experts” to order their lives and tell them how to live. Democrats NEED the Code of Federal Regulations as a guidepost for life. It is quite literally their Bible, their Torah, their Koran—it is power on high telling them how to live and what to obey. This is why Chevron being overturned was such an affront to them—it was an overturning of the wisdom of “experts” that they use to guide their lives in place of the wisdom of God.
3. Religions have High Priests and Prophets. All religions have high priests and prophets. In the Democrat Religion, the high priests are the aforementioned “experts,” and the prophets are CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NPR/NY Times/WaPo/etc. Prophets are infallible, and their preachings must be accepted as the true word of faith else one is banished from the religion. If you wonder why Democrats worship the media, wonder no more—true religious prophets are infallible.
4. “Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped for, the Evidence of Things Not Seen.” For the Christians in my audience, you may recognize this as Hebrews 11:1. Faith means believing even when there is no evidence or even when there is contrary evidence. Consider Young Earth Creationists. These are people who believe the creation story of Genesis is literally true, that God took six 24-hour periods to create the Earth and then took a bonus day to relax. Look, I do NOT want to get into a debate over epistemological apologetics here, but suffice it to say that there is a LOT of scientific evidence contradicting Young Earth Creationism, and I don’t mean “cloth masks stop COVID” science, I mean actual science. Despite the entire fields of geology, archeology and paleontology, Young Earth Creationists cling to their belief with fervor. That’s how faith works.
Guess what? I just explained why Democrats cling to their nonsense. They have FAITH that Trump is a dictator. No amount of objective facts can dissuade them. They have FAITH that Trump is Putin’s puppet. No amount of objective facts can dissuade them. They have FAITH that Hunter’s laptop is a hoax. No amount of objective facts can dissuade them. They have FAITH that SCOTUS says Trump is immune from prosecution if he blows up Massachusetts with a nuke. No amount of objective facts can dissuade them. They have FAITH that the Nazi COVID lockdowns were absolutely necessary. No amount of objective facts can dissuade them. FAITH is a powerful thing. So the next time a Democrat clings to an outrageous hoax that has been thoroughly debunked, understand that they are simply putting their faith in the Democrat Religion first, and to deny these things would mean to deny their religion. And who among us can deny our religion and our faith?
So there it is. Lots of smart people have already asserted that to Democrats, politics is their religion, and I hope I have put some meat on the bones of that obviously true statement. Consider what would happen to faithful Jews if the Wailing Wall were hit with chemical weapons, or Roman Catholics if the Vatican was atomized by a nuke, or Muslims if the Kaaba was leveled by bulldozers. Most of the faithful in those religions would be so badly hurt, devastated and aggrieved that they would start acting irrationally and without reason—their pain would be that bad. Now realize that Biden’s performance at the debate, the overturning of Chevron, the SCOTUS immunity case, and all of the other slings and arrows of the past week are to Democrats a form of leveling their holiest shrines. In this context, their shrill irrationality starts to make sense. I think we should pity them, but never give in to them—their Democrat Religion is objectively evil, and they just do not realize it. But we do. Vote accordingly.
This explains pretty clearly why Democrats hate the Ten Commandments displayed. They will NOT accept any rules handed down by anyone but a Democrat god. Sure, we shouldn’t murder… but some people, those who don’t support socialism and fascism, SHOULD be murdered. So should female eggs that have the gall to form into human lives after intercourse, if they will cause an inconvenience to the Bacchus life. Bearing false witness is bad… when someone else does it. But, to promote the “religion”, no problem. So on and so forth.
In other words, they are insane and demented.