The Reckoning of the FBI Has Begun

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Friday’s firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, based on a report from the Office of Professional Responsibility, is only the beginning of what is likely to be the most explosive series of revelations in American history.

Forget Watergate. It will be the distant past once the Inspector General’s reports—there apparently will be more than one—start to come out. This will be the “Gate of Gates.”

From the FBI and across the intelligence agencies an astonishing number of people are going to find themselves accused, one can safely predict at this point, of some atrocious behavior in a free republic. And it will not just be the small change of Peter Strzok (the dimwitted director of counter-intelligence) and his gal pal Lisa Page. It will include—on one level or another—James Comey, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Clapper, Susan Rice and, almost inevitably, Barack Obama, not to mention others known and unknown.

All these people’s reputations will be damaged forever for the pathetic purpose of getting Hillary Clinton elected president and later for their determination to manipulate the FBI and intelligence agencies to wound as severely as possible Trump’s presidency. That they didn’t stop to think that they might be wounding America at the same time is extraordinarily selfish and nauseating.

Further, that a Russia collusion investigation was employed by these people for their nefarious purposes is darkly ironic because their technique itself reeks of Stalin’s NKVD.

In the case of Mike Flynn particularly, they worked under the famous dictum of Comrade Beria: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

This is, however, a great day for our country since so many of our citizens have lost confidence in the FBI. This can be the beginning of a new and better FBI.

Democrats, who are all over Twitter at the moment defending McCabe, are making a huge mistake. They will be embarrassed when the details come out. The Office of Professional Responsibility is not a partisan adjunct of the Republican Party or anything close. Furthermore, it was the Democratic Party that called for the Inspector General to investigate. He was appointed by Obama. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

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That they didn’t stop to think that they might be wounding America at the same time is extraordinarily selfish and nauseating.

This assumes these people hold the same reverence for this great country as true patriots do. They don’t. To them, America is evil, oppressive and vile and should be castrated. No one supported Obama OR Hillary thinking they were making the nation more secure, safe and powerful. At best, they intended to make the US “nicer”. At worst, they intended to take the oppressive US down a notch or two.

Democrats, who are all over Twitter at the moment defending McCabe, are making a huge mistake. They will be embarrassed when the details come out.

No, they won’t. They are incapable of embarrassment. Just as they have done with the revelations of Obama’s corruption, Hillary’s crimes, Trump’s legal and proper victory and the absence of any evidence showing Trump colluded with anyone, they will simply deny reality.

The press, of all people, should want the government to be accountable to the citizenry. That’s supposedly their job.

The media is the worst offender of all. Without their complicity and turning a blind eye to obvious violations none of this would be possible.

@Deplorable Me: Hollywood has put out some very thought provoking films over the years although that was many years ago. Remember the “Bridge over the River Kwai”? The prison camp Commander was so self righteous by his total confidence in his being right that he “aided and abetted” the enemy. (For those lefties, aiding and abetting the enemy is treason!) Is this what the “progressives” think they are doing? Are they (Democrats, media, etc) so bent on destroying the country that they are unable to understand what they have become? Is Trump going to play the role of William Holden and save the day and our country? Will Trump be confronted with a situation similar to Lincoln’s challenges with reconstruction after the Civil War? How does one remove those traitorous swamp creatures and still have public support of our public institutions? If this was one of the countries that the left supports, there would be executions and life imprisonment. I am sure that these traitors will be glad they are not in one of those countries when the time to pay for their crimes arrives.

@Randy: The left is trying to turn our government into a Soviet-style tool of the Party, something that uses its vast power to destroy political opposition to the Democrats. If this kind of progress continues, that attempt has failed.