by Jeff Childers
While normal folks celebrated the most optimistic and relaxed Fourth of July in half a decade, corporate media continued its Hegelian plan, creating a sudden and unexpected crisis over Joe Biden’s diminished leadership. In a perfect summary of the coordinated pile-on, behold The Economist’s latest Biden cover. It was downright mean:

In the remarkable cover article, the Economist’s editors pressed the point, even invoking the nuclear codes, and upended the Democrats’ motto, accusing them of destroying democracy:

You’ll recall that two weeks ago, corporate media assured America that any criticism of Biden’s presidential bona fides was a “cheap fake.” Now, suddenly, you would be hard-pressed to find a dissenting media voice. The New York Times, for instance, closely followed the playbook, running a raft of sly, top-of-fold headlines like this one, defining the contours of the Democrats’ divided house:

Since they say money is the mother’s milk of politics, losing donors is an unforgivable mortal sin. The Times, covering its bases, also addressed voters. In a separate article, the Times suggested the formation of a new “Anybody But Biden” coalition:

Defecting Democrat voters don’t worry about Biden’s ability to perform the office of the Presidency. They lose no sleep wondering whether the ailing octegenarian can keep the country out of World War III. They unconcerned Biden can fix the economy, or even preserve the dollar as the world’s default currency. Nope. The reason they are mad and want Plan B is only because Biden might not be able to beat Donald J. Trump:

Beating Trump is literally the only thing they care about. Country be damned.
Governor DeSantis agrees with us. Biden’s crime was not pretending he was long past his expiration date or, science help us, having no idea what on Earth is going on. For disgruntled Democrat donors, Biden’s only crime is not being able to beat Trump.

CLIP: DeSantis Flays Media Over Biden’s Mental Fitness After ‘Painful’ Debate Performance (3:07).
Governor DeSantis explained it’s only about politics and not about what is best for the country:
Understand: they’re only saying that, not because they have any problem with having a president who has cognitive limitations and is in cognitive decline. They are perfectly willing to let the executive branch be run by a bunch of these left-wing staffers —who none of us elected— and they’re totally fine to have a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ presidency Part Two. They are totally fine with that.
The reason why they’re calling for a change is not because they think it’s important that a president can actually discharge the functions. No. They’re calling for change because that debate scene was so jarring that they understand he’s going to lose.
So they want to be able to get someone else in there who will carry out their agenda. But they really don’t care. If that debate had gone a different way, and somehow people thought that Biden could win, they would not say a word. Because ultimately, it’s all just about retaining power and having power consistent with their ideological agenda.
Tonight, Biden will be interviewed in a totally fair and not at all stage-managed interview with Washington termite George Stephanopoulos. The Wall Street Journal reported it this morning in its story aptly headlined, “Biden Sits for Interview to Try to Bounce Back From Debate Debacle.” The Journal gave Biden’s upcoming interview a single paragraph. The rest of the story consisted of Biden slams, like this one that reported how yesterday, Biden claimed to be the first black Vice-President:

Two weeks ago, the Journal would have buried that line or written it off as just Joe’s main points collapsing into the black hole of a well-meaning but incomprehensible stutter. But now, the “first black vice-president” remark anchored a full paragraph in a story about Joe’s comeback interview.
The Stephanopoulos interview airs tonight at 8pm EST. But it will be pre-recorded. So. I won’t even try to predict whether they will interview A.I. Joe or the real one.
Perhaps the day’s best Biden meltdown story, if you wanted just one, was the well-written (but no less deceptive) article run in elite New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, headlined, “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.” The story began with a long, brutally honest, detailed description of Biden’s odd decision to speak to a few top Democrat donors at an elite Hollywood home fundraiser for ten minutes using a teleprompter.
Then the reporter dropped the bomb: MAGA/QAnon people and elite Democrats who all recognize Joe’s mental problems finally agree on something. They now agree with each other that the deep state is running the government:

The reporter said she knows the Bidens well, and has regularly covered Joe since back in the Barack days. Her story ended by describing running into the first black Vice-President at the reception line. He didn’t remember her, and not in a snobby elite way, but in an uncomfortable, grandma-thinks-the-nurse-is-stealing-her-underwear-again way:
My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad in a way I can’t fully convey. I said “hello.” His sweet smile stayed frozen. He spoke very slowly and in a very soft voice. “And what’s your name?” he asked.
Like corporate media’s pandemic coverage, the Biden stories are all alike, varying only by degree. Read one, and you’ve read them all. Conspicuous by their a. were any stories yesterday defending Joe. The closest headline I could find to any sort of defense was this backhanded AP beauty:

In other words, we watch in real time a sitting president’s historic, synchronized demolition, just before an historic election. Joseph R. Biden, or Robert L. Peters, or whatever his name is, appears to be battling the entire deep-state media complex.
The back & forth, the “keep joe,” VS “dump joe,” is all from the Left.
All pre-planned including sending him out to an early debate to time it all for the most chaos and upset.
This is an early October Surprise.
joe was never going to be able to beat Trump, so it had to happen some way IF joe survived this long.
Kamala has plenty in her past that the puppet masters can blackmail her into compliance as replacement president and then NOT the candidate.
Whoever runs in joe’s place has to be in the puppet masters’ pockets as well as younger and more electable.
The Donkey is Chain Smoking all worried about what’s going to happen in November the Turkey can relax
You gotta love it. Everyone with a brain and eyes have been complaining about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s dementia and incompetence and the left has been denying it as if they actually believed the opposite was true. Now that it has been vividly exposed that the worst has been true all along, the Ministry of Propaganda pretends they’ve known it and covered it honestly.
The MEDIA is the enemy of the nation. A lying, incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden could never have survived in politics without the media’s protection.
Which makes me think… if Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden continues to refuse to let the DNC off the hook, will they drop the pedo-bomb?