The Real Culprits Behind America’s Decline: Teachers Like Tim Walz

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by Cynical Publius

If you follow me on X, you know how much disgust I have for the cowardice and stolen valor of Tim Walz.

I must say, however, that the one thing about this despicable man that disgusts me even more than his soiled military record is the fact that his life’s primary profession has been the one that is most responsible for destroying our national unity, our commitment to liberty and freedom, and the lives and minds of generations of Americans.

What profession is that you say? I’m talking about:


Look, I know there are plenty of good teachers, many of whom are true Patriots, but I think if you were to ask even those good ones just how destructive their overall profession has been over the past 30 years, they would have to admit “Pretty damned destructive…”

If you forced me to pick the single profession most responsible for America’s sad decline, I would choose “teachers,” even over lawyers, politicians, actors and journalists. Teachers have had the hearts and minds of our children in their hands, and over the past thirty years they have twisted so many of those minds and broken so many of those hearts, callously and without regard for the sacred duties they owed the parents of those children and to the children themselves.

Don’t agree?

It is TEACHERS who brought Marxism approvingly into the classroom.

It is TEACHERS who taught our children a perverse, America-hating, Howard Zinn view of our nation and our Constitution.

It is TEACHERS who emasculated little boys and turned them into sunken-chested men who cannot change a tire.

It is TEACHERS who butchified little girls and turned them into man-hating drunk winebox cat ladies.

It is TEACHERS who encouraged and enforced the prescription of mood-altering, mind-numbing legal drugs to active little children, creating crippling addictions and dependencies that still carry through to their adult lives.

It is TEACHERS who deprived children the necessary tools of free play and self-regulation over their playground disputes, creating mindless adults dependent on the government for their sustenance and their hope.

It is TEACHERS who terrified and mentally damaged the impressionable minds of children over a particularly nasty flu season—creating fears and insecurities that will plague those children their whole lives.

It is TEACHERS who fostered and encouraged the current transgender fad, leading to hundreds of thousands of children suffering lifelong mutilation and degradation, often behind the backs of their parents.

It is TEACHERS who created “everyone is a winner” culture, meaning that those children become losers as adults, unable to strive for or attain greatness.

It is TEACHERS who deprived a generation of Americans of curiosity, self-awareness, critical thinking skills and individuality, all in favor of rote indoctrination and absolute fealty to whatever the “authorities” instruct them to believe.

It is TEACHERS who taught children to hate God and disrespect those who believe in Him.

It is TEACHERS who created entire generations of America-hating fascist humorless automatons, lacking in mind, spirit, confidence and hope.


Now some of you will say this is not fair. Not all teachers are bad, many are great. Not all kids turn out messed up, many are instead vibrant, effective, free thinking, cheerful adults. I agree. I am generalizing to a certain degree, perhaps unfairly to those loving teachers and parents fighting against the tyranny of the teaching profession. But I still stand by this: if all of our teachers over the past 30 years had been patriotic, Constitution-loving role models who taught our kids principles of intellectual curiosity, self-reliance and Godliness, would our nation currently be sitting on the precipice of failure?

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Wallface don’t need anything but a retirement to the Nuthouse for a lifetime stay

How did we go from teaching Latin in HS to remedial reading in College? Give control to the government, zero competition, one carriculum and lowered standards so everyone gets a diploma even if they cant read to grade level. Yes if Jethro is 30 still trying to graduate the 6th grade so be it, merit is not obsolete.

When Walz taught he became obsessed with starting a gay club on campus and would try to get straight male students to join it.

When kamala finished high school she was so stupid that she had to take a semester at a remedial “college,” to teach her how to write a paper, do research, spell, etc.

Two mental midgets running for head of the Executive Branch.