THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD – Top Dem Lawyer Marc Elias Boasts That Trump Can’t Get Fair Trial in D.C.

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by The National Post

Marc E. Elias, a prominent Democratic election attorney, raised concerns about the potential impartiality of a Washington, D.C. trial for former President Donald Trump in the wake of his primary defeat to Nimarata ‘Nikki’ Haley.

Elias, founder of the “Democracy Docket,” often represents Democrats in cases related to election disputes. He played a significant role in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, advocating for changes to voting laws that proved to be crucial for Democratic turnouts in critical states.

Former President Trump is facing criminal charges led by Special Counsel Jack Smith in the District of Columbia in connection to his efforts to contest the 2020 election outcome. Although generally involved in voting issues, Elias played a pivotal role in pushing the “Russia collusion” hoax.


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This is the Democrat’s version of “fair”. If their cases are so solid, why do they always keep them in leftist areas where they can guarantee a biased jury, court and judge?

I wonder how far and Liberal Democrat Jackass would fly if given a good hard kick in the rear like football and that Extra Point/Field Goal

Elias has provided a keyy argument for Trump to provide an alterbnate venue in any future cases. But I’d argue why does DC have a special venue? Its a city, smaller than many that do not have their own courts. Disband this jurisdiction.

Democrats will NEVER allow a change of venue. They have to always control all the angles or else their stupid, transparent lawfare gambits. Only in Democrat districts can the properly assure a biased leftist judge and jury and, thus, the high probability of conviction.

Trump is a crook.

9-0, greg

Suck on that.

Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

The more you whiny, crybaby, sore loser leftists try to make that case, the more it is obvious it is DEMOCRATS that are the corrupt fascists. So, keep up the good work.

Everybody KNOWS he’s a crook but his cultists.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

9-0, greg

Only those that don’t believe in proof, evidence, facts and the law believe he is a crook.

The DC case may be moot given the schedule of the USSC. Also, it is likely the Court will decide in favor of Fisher v United States. That will eliminate 2 of the four phony indictments. The other two will wither on the vine.