The Primary Can End Next Week if MAGA Does Its Thing

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The Iowa Caucuses ended exactly how most predicted: With a resounding win for Donald Trump. The gap was so wide with wins in 98 out of 99 counties that corporate media abandoned their planned narrative that the weather pushed him over the top.

Now, the powers-that-be who are trying to stop him are deciding how to proceed. Vivek Ramaswamy dropping out will almost certainly help Trump going into next week’s New Hampshire primary. Nikki Haley, who is polling in second place in the state, could only manage a third place finish in Iowa. Had she outperformed Ron DeSantis, the path forward for NeverTrumpers would be more clear since she’s projected to beat him next week. Losing to him in Iowa was a blow.

Corporate media is doing their part despite claims by the DeSantis team that they favor Trump. This notion is ludicrous considering how much they attack Trump, but it’s the storyline Team DeSantis has chosen so they’re sticking with it.

Of course, there’s this note from Michael Shellenberger that debunks those claims by Team DeSantis:

Both CNN and MSNBC carried the entirety of the speech by DeSantis, after openly refusing to carry the speech by Trump, even though Trump won a landslide with 51% against DeSantis’ 21%.

It’s madness. CNN and MSNBC are flagrantly embracing their role as propagandists.

Between the blowout in Iowa and the likelihood that neither DeSantis nor Haley will drop out before New Hampshire, it seems the best bad choice for NeverTrumpers is to try to manufacture a win for Haley. In other words, they’re going to cheat.

By the technical sense of the word, they don’t necessarily have to “cheat” by breaking the law (though that’s not out of the question). New Hampshire has an open primary which means Democrats can vote in it… and they will. Efforts have already been underway to get out the Democrat vote for Haley.

That’s how much they fear Trump. RINOs and Democrats are working together to generate a massive upset. But will it be enough? That depends on MAGA.

If Trump supporters come out like they did in Iowa, there aren’t enough Democrats who would be willing to counter the vote. Most recent polls show Trump up by double-digits over Haley, and that’s before his huge Iowa victory as well as her third place finish. It’s incumbent on MAGA to not only get the vote out to counter Haley’s Democrats but also to get the word out about Haley herself. She is a NeoCon to the highest degree. One can argue based on her actions and promises that she puts the Cheneys and Bushes to shame.

The only other play the NeverTrumpers can make is to get DeSantis to drop out. Don’t count that possibility out despite his promise to remain in the race even if he finished third in Iowa. Remember back to 2020 when both Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar were pressured into dropping out ahead of Super Tuesday. Had they stayed in the race, Bernie Sanders would have almost certainly won the Democrat nomination. Neither Buttigieg nor Klobuchar had a reason to drop out other than the pressure they received. That’s the influence of the powers-that-be and DeSantis is not immune to it.

If DeSantis stays in the race as he has promised, then Haley’s only hope is to cheat. This is why it’s imperative that Trump supporters remain diligent and push for the kill. A double-digit victory in New Hampshire could effectively end the nomination process.

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Does Trump know his AI generated voice is being used by Teddy Daniels to induce fear and sell survival products? This ad came up twice tonight when I clicked on two totally unrelated YouTube videos. Somebody else did a screen capture and posted it as a separate video, so here it is, for your consideration:

It’s not really Trump’s voice, but it comes close. Given the message, it might be close enough to cause panic among the credulous.

AI can already do MUCH better than this, and there are no effective guardrails in place to prevent serious misuse. With the coming of AI we’re pretty much back at the point we were at in 1938, when Orson Wells triggered widespread panic with his radio broadcast of War of the Worlds.

An advertisement might cause panic among the type of idiots you know, but not among conservatives. People of your ilk drink aquarium cleaner, not us.

Your desperation to try to present SOMETHING that reflects poorly on Trump is truly pathetic.

Right. Given the public’s unfailing ability to distinguish between truth and lies, using AI for deception is no cause for concern.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg
Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

biden cannot win against President Trump.

MAGA has become a cult.

You should heed the words of Jamie Dimon gullible greg.

I’m surprised you’re impressed with someone who had such close ties to the Obama White House, and who prefers Haley over Trump.

Never said I was impressed, stop projecting gullible greg.

You must know by now President Trump will be taking the oath of office on January 20, 2025 at high noon. biden is so far behind the 8 ball it is impossible for him to have any chance against President Trump in the general.

Trump’s meager lead in the polls is tiny. It will collapse after the republican primaries.

In Georgia, Trump opens up 8 pt lead over Biden, 45-37 in new AJC poll.
You know AJC hated publishing this.

Trump is throwing tantrums in a courtroom again today to impress his reality TV supporters.

Does not matter, biden cannot defeat President Trump and you know it gullible greg.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the lying, corrupt, treasonous pedophile has a 33% approval rating. Lying about the American people isn’t going to improve that.

How so his “cult” is 72 million and being fertilized by Bidenomics and invasion.?

It isn’t even a fair battle between President Trump and biden. Perhaps President Trump should employ the mercy rule and spot biden some votes so the loss will not be as humiliating as it is otherwise expected to be.

Jamie Dimon has some advice for the biden campaign.

Jamie Dimon Warns Dems to Go Easy On Trump: ‘Negative Talk About MAGA’ Will Hurt Biden

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has a message for President Joe Biden’s campaign: don’t talk down to supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Dimon was the guest for a segment on CNBC’s Squawk Box on Wednesday, which was on location in Davos for the World Economic Forum, and turned to politics during a conversation on the U.S. economy. Co-host Andrew Ross Sorkin brought up the fact that it was an election year, and asked Dimon for his insight on how economic progress would play into that. Dimon’s response detailed a lot of outside forces such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel:

So you have all these very powerful forces that are going to be affecting us in ’24 and ’25. So if I was the government I would be preparing for what I’m going to do about that assuming things aren’t good.

And then he turned to politics:

Dimon: I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA. You know, and if you travel this country. The country’s unbelievable. … People are growing. They’re hungry to grow. They’re innovating. It’s everywhere. It’s not just Silicon Valley. So we’ve got this great hand.

But when people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump, and they think they’re voting, and they’re basically scapegoating them, that you are like him. But I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values. If you just take a step back, be honest. He’s kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Tax reform worked. He was right about some of China. I don’t like what he did–

Sorkin: I know he said “China virus.”

Dimon: Yeah, I understand. And I don’t like how he said things about Mexico. But he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues, and that’s why they’re voting for him. And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens. And when you guys have people up here– You should always ask the “Why.” Not like it’s a binary thing, “You’re supporting Trump, you’re not supporting Trump.” Why are you supporting Trump?

Dimon went on to say the polarization on the part of Democrats would “hurt” Biden’s reelection chances:

The Democrats have done a pretty good job with the “deplorables,” hugging onto their Bibles and their beer and their guns. I mean, really like, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up, and treat other people with respect to listen to a little bit? And I do think the economy will affect I think there’s this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.

We recognize we are in at war, our representatives in DC are America Last and milking this country dry to hand it over to communist dictators that want to silence the people and jail all opposition. Just highly concerned citizens looking to someone that is listening to the people.
Repeating the CIA voiced cult mantra only makes you sound like a useful idiot.

greg is a useless useful idiot. He is what the democrat party wants. Someone who will take whatever they say and parrot it like a fool. He is gullible and stupid.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

They demonize as dangerous the ones that didnt burn down Black neighborhoods in 2020 summer of “love” Crackheads Matter riots.
Greg said he filled his car for 2.90 a gallon while chering for Zero carbon, that where there is zero petrol to fill er’ up. See whats happening with his electric future cars in these temperatures? Wonder if the useful idiot can walk everywhere in -30 windchill to get food. Which will be super rationed in WW3. Will he be able to heat his garage so his POS battery car takes a charge with his solar panels covered in snow?

MAGA has become a cult.

Building your entire belief system around a lie is going to be the downfall of the left. It’s why they have to rely so heavily on lies, lawfare and election fraud.

What can biden point to on his record that would make anyone want to vote for the senile old codger?

Right. Given the public’s unfailing ability to distinguish between truth and lies, using AI for deception is no cause for concern.

The left certainly doesn’t distinguish. In fact, they PREFER lies because the truth is unbearable.

The Bidenomics ads are already out there.

Shouldn’t you complain to You Tube or to one of those “fact checking” websites, greg?
I don’t use You Tube so I never see such garbage.
Living in Utah, I’m surrounded by preppers.
Prepper foods and equipment are sold in every supermarket here.