The Presidential Divider – Obama’s Toxic Speech

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Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama’s extraordinary response to Paul Ryan’s budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama’s fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign.

The immediate political goal was to inoculate the White House from criticism that it is not serious about the fiscal crisis, after ignoring its own deficit commission last year and tossing off a $3.73 trillion budget in February that increased spending amid a record deficit of $1.65 trillion. Mr. Obama was chased to George Washington University yesterday because Mr. Ryan and the Republicans outflanked him on fiscal discipline and are now setting the national political agenda.

Mr. Obama did not deign to propose an alternative to rival Mr. Ryan’s plan, even as he categorically rejected all its reform ideas, repeatedly vilifying them as essentially un-American. “Their vision is less about reducing the deficit than it is about changing the basic social compact in America,” he said, supposedly pitting “children with autism or Down’s syndrome” against “every millionaire and billionaire in our society.” The President was not attempting to join the debate Mr. Ryan has started, but to close it off just as it begins and banish House GOP ideas to political Siberia.

Mr. Obama then packaged his poison in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which “starts,” he said, “by being honest about what’s causing our deficit.” The speech he chose to deliver was dishonest even by modern political standards.

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Mr. Obama then packaged his poison in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which “starts,” he said, “by being honest about what’s causing our deficit.” The speech he chose to deliver was dishonest even by modern political standards.

*Disingenuous as Hell
*Denigrating to Anyone more Economically Literate than a crowbar.

At this point Bi-Partisanship is the equivalent of being an accomplice to the Crime.

There are waay too many ‘Crowbars’ in America!
[I keep hoping someone will ‘pinch’ me and this nightmare will only be a bad dream]

Are you guys saying that you have to be an idiot to believe anything Obama says? 😉


Ever read history and not the internet? Take a moment a look up pictures and old film clips of Mussolini as he gave speeches to the masses. Than look at pictures of Hitler.. Then look at opie.. he assumes the same pose in speech giving as did these two dictators..Funny how they all look the same..Better yet, with a little computer imaging..the same overlap in head tilt and face presentation..Wake Up..IMPEACHMENT time.

That speech was the openning broadside at the republican party’s amoral hidden agenda. They’re finally revealing it for what it actually is. All Obama has to do is clearly describe it, and every democrat in the country will help him roll the big guns out.

@ Greg, Obama Lied and You endorse it. Typical response from You.

Communists always preach class warfare.lotus obama is one to the core!

Obama’s Deceit

The President claimed that we didn’t “pay for” the tax cuts. Excuse me Mr. President, when someone takes a pay cut, do they have to “pay for it?” A tax cut means the government simply takes less of YOUR money, what is there to pay for? This, seemingly innocuous, difference comes from the President’s view that government has a right to your money. To Obama, it is not your income, but governments’, and government not taking all of your money is an act of compassion. Obama believes that by leaving more of your money in your pocket, it is the equivalent of government sending you a check! If government sends you a check, that means government must “pay for” the tax cut. Unbelievable!

(Here is a link to his budget proposal: select table 1.1

@Old Trooper 2, #9:

The President claimed that we didn’t “pay for” the tax cuts. Excuse me Mr. President, when someone takes a pay cut, do they have to “pay for it?”

Yes. A pay cut is paid for with a measurable decrease in that person’s economic power. The one who takes the pay cut can no longer afford so much as they were able to afford before. They may no longer be able to afford to buy what they might otherwise have bought; they may no longer be able to afford to save so much as they were previously saving against future needs.

To the extent that we haven’t given up something of like value to pay for tax cuts, we’ve increased the burden of our accumulated debt. You have to either pay for tax cuts by giving up what the revenue was paying for as you go, or deal with even worse consequences later. (Worse, because there’s an ungoing cost for carrying a debt balance.)

It’s very odd that republicans don’t seem to understand that tax cuts have a cost in the context of a balanced budget. At the same time, they’re telling us what the costs are ultimately going to be: Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, public education, an infrastructure adequate to the needs of a modern industrial nation, etc.

Tax Day Is Upon Us…It’s Christmas For Democrats!

Psst Greg…I am NOT Party Affiliated so save your Propaganda.

I posted this before, but some just don’t get it.

If Peter pays $100 in taxes and Paul gets a $20 gov’t check…….
THEN the gov’t decides to CUT Peter’s taxes to only $50 AND Paul’s benefit to only $10…..
The gov’t is STILL redistributing wealth…..just not quite so much wealth.

One day people (like Greg) are going to wake up and see that the gov’t eats up the other $80 or $30 in taxes without anyone benefiting other than gov’t employees.

In the meantime, Obama has no real plan.
He wants to set up another, soon-to-be-ignored-also, debt commission.
He has ”framed” the issue as well as he framed himself as a candidate.
People who supported him filled in the blanks then, but got Obama.
IF they still support Obama they will fill in this frame with what they want to see, but they will also just get Obama, again.

Charles Krauthammer’s reaction:

“I thought it was a disgrace,” he said. “I rarely heard a speech by a president so shallow, so hyper-partisan and so intellectually dishonest, outside the last couple of weeks of a presidential election where you are allowed to call your opponent anything short of a traitor. But, we’re a year-and-a-half away from Election Day and it was supposed to be a speech about policy. He didn’t even get to his own alternative until more than halfway through the speech. And when he did, he threw out numbers suspended in mid-air with nothing under them with all kinds of goals and guidelines and triggers that mean nothing. The speech was really about and entirely an attack on the [Rep. Paul] Ryan plan.”

@Greg comments:

To OT’s linked article text: The President claimed that we didn’t “pay for” the tax cuts. Excuse me Mr. President, when someone takes a pay cut, do they have to “pay for it?”

Yes. A pay cut is paid for with a measurable decrease in that person’s economic power. The one who takes the pay cut can no longer afford so much as they were able to afford before.

Well… you’re almost getting there Mr. I Hate Anyone Successful. Might be inconvenient to point out that the person you are going to the mat to defend is the worthless and inefficient federal goverment here. It is they who “..can no longer afford so much as they were able to afford before” … and all on the backs of working citizens. I’d like to say give us a break with your “I hate the rich” and “the gap” regular diatribes, but that ain’t gonna happen.

My suggestion to you is, be wildly successful, start your own charity and make a difference. Stop demanding the rest of the working nation support what you think is a worthy “charity”.


@Nan G: In the meantime, Obama has no real plan.

I beg to differ. Of course he has a plan. It’s using free broadcast time in non prime time slots for campaign purposes. Apparently, the only way that Obama knows how to “save money” is always at the taxpayer’s, or others, expense.


@DrJohn, self promotion is not attractive…. unless, of course, you want to go the way of disgruntled bloggers, demanding pay for airing their opinions – whether valuable or not.

Personally, I don’t know why you keep mentioning your reader post with just about every ensuing comment or post. I disagreed with it then, and I disagree with it now. Not only that, I find the title inordinately offensive.

I fully believe Obama on many things he has said, and accomplished, and I assure you.. I am not “an idiot”.

He wanted a step to single payer healthcare… he got it.

He wanted more control over the financial world… he got it.

He promised to effect climate change via regulation, since Congress wouldn’t get to it… he’s doing it.

In every instance, he told us what he wanted, and he set out to get it.

If no one “believes” what Obama is saying and… in your opinion… is an “idiot”, then I suggest they only understand a foreign language, and not English.

Maybe it’s because I actually *hear* what he is saying, and not some watered down, glorified media rewrite version. Or it’s that I just simply ignore his PR releases that try to distance himself from the repercussions of what he said and accomplished.

But I assure you, I’ve heard Obama, I believed what he said as a euro-socialist/socialist, and I am no “idiot”.

On one hand, you have to admit that he is one of the most “accomplished” POTUS in history, thanks largely to a hefty single party control over government.

On the other, history will question whether that change in the nation’s direction as a profitable republic was actually an improvement.

Obama isn’t a centrist, isn’t moving to the center, never portrayed himself as a centrist from the moment he hit the political scene, and does exactly what he says he’s going to accomplish. I believe his words at every turn, believe his political leanings are overt and genuine. What we see is what we’re getting.

The problem has never been Obama, per se. Anyone who listens, or views his past, know what we are getting. The real problem is twofold… a media that repackages Obama as something consumable, palatable/attractive, and economically sound (like euro-socialism or socialism is ever economically sound…). The second is that he appeals to an increasingly large entitlement mentality constitutent who wants everything for free.

The problem is never that we need to disbelieve him. Indeed, he’s quite direct with that. The problem is that what he offers is fantasy, and historically a failure…. a fact that the media doesn’t bring up when they are busy, wrapping him in Greek columns and accolades. They make the unpalatable, palatable. That is not Obama’s fault.

I am not “an idiot” because I believe what he tells us is exactly how he thinks and behaves. Would so appreciate if you stopped calling me one at every opportunity.


INRE the original topic… I like to believe I have never been so embarrassed at such a self serving POTUS, overtly using free airtime for campaign purposes. Then again, it doesn’t surprise me that a community organizer, who specializes in dividing for a political agenda, does the only thing he knows how to do…. rile up the citizens, and on someone else’s dime.

The big question is, how many people are going to buy the media spin on all this? Obama speaks quite clearly. There’s no “moving to the center” going on, but if the citizens listen to the media rehash, and not the mouthpiece itself… or worse yet, like Greg, buy into the nirvana socialist world… we will still get nowhere.

This is off the web and a re-post but is worth reading again, nonetheless:

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten
comes to $100.

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something
like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
total equals $100.00

So, that’s what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day
and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw
them a curve.

‘Since you are all such good customers, he said, I’m going to reduce the
cost of your daily beer by $20.

Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the
first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what
about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they divide the
$20 windfall so that everyone would get his ‘fair share?’

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that
from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end
up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would
be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he
proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.!

And so:

The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

‘I only got a dollar out of the $20, ‘declared the sixth man. He pointed to
the tenth man, ‘but he got $10!’

‘Yeah, that’s right,’ exclaimed the fifth man. ‘I only saved a dollar, too.
It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!’

‘That’s true!!’ shouted the seventh man. ‘Why should he get $10 back when I
got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!’*

‘Wait a minute,’ yelled the first four men in unison. ‘We didn’t get
anything at all. The system exploits the poor!’

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat
down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill,
they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between
all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our
tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit
from a tax reduction. Tax them too much , attack them for being wealthy, and
they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking
overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics, University of Georgia

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible


For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible

Unfortunately, people like Greg will never understand, even after it’s too late. He’s like the eighth guy, who still pays for his drinks, yet bitches because someone else gets a bigger break on the bill. He’s participating in the beating of the 10th guy, and when that guy doesn’t show up, instead of realizing his error, will just bitch about the 10th guy leaving the other 9 to pay their own way. The 9th guy, then, takes on the role of the “rich”, and eventually will get beaten up by the others and not return. Then it will be Greg’s turn to be the “rich” guy.

And the funny thing is, that he will probably still be bitching about the fact that the 9th and 10th guys don’t show up anymore, all the while the other 7 are beating him up. He will place the blame for his beating on the shoulders of the 9th and 10th guys.


And the funny thing is, that he will probably still be bitching about the fact that the 9th and 10th guys don’t show up anymore, all the while the other 7 are beating him up. He will place the blame for his beating on the shoulders of the 9th and 10th guys.

That’s already reality.

(how does this blockquote work?)


Highlight what you want blockquoted and then click the box that says b-quote….located in the line of icons under…..comment…. located above the box you type in your comment.

….and, welcome to FA!


Thanks, Missy! I’m actually Steve R, been here a few times. Hope all is well.


Then welcome and it’s nice to have you back!

@Greg: You sir have a very strong stomach.
My wife really gets disgusted at me screaming the “F-words” and ‘flipping off’ the radio whist my dogs hide quivering under the couch. This sort of anxiety is triggered any time I hear his voice. I am not allowed to watch bloviations by B.O. bama.

Whoops! Another quote from one of those old White Guys…

To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” –Thomas Jefferson

Rude Crude and Socially Unacceptable, ouf that take time to type, hi,
you know, you don’t need medicine for that, but OBAMA need it,
I bet he take a double dose, every time he speak, because it doesn’t make sense,
and he is being told enough, but it doesn’t sink, he is a lost cause,

Take a moment and ponder the concept the this Nation is in a post cold war status, similar to the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.. Within six months or less, a major economic crisis will be created. Geithner is a true socialist and sworn Communist, he is very dangerous and monitoring him is of the utmost importance. opie is just plain stupid..In six months or less watch Geithner and his idiot cohorts create and economic collapse. Oh! why aren’t any of the CEO’s who were involved in the wall street schandel in ’08 arrested. Because opie pust a mussle on useless Holter and stopped all investigtions..Billions stolen from our future childrens life..But do you think for one second any of the crooks will starve of go homeless. No. the MB limo’s will be waiting at the door to pick them up and carrage them to the “whipe house” for anther party or another round of golf

Excellent points altogether, you just received a new reader. What might you recommend about your post that you made a few days in the past? Any certain?