In May, 2013, Keith Riler wrote the best article I had yet read about Obama’s presidency.
He used accounting as his comparison.
It is Obama’s Shrinking Unit of Account.
Obama starts claiming (falsely) that he learns of scandals in his own Administration from ”the news.”
But IRS, Benghazi, press wiretapping, and HHS private funds solicitation, and this VA backlog are all taking place INSIDE Obama’s own Administration!
His false claim of ignorance is a ”dog whistle” to those on the Left in media and elsewhere to circle the wagons and not let these scandals’ coverage continue.
And, boy!, do his dogs listen for that whistle!
Lately a few cracks are emerging.
A few reporters are looking at their careers past Obama’s tenure and asking semi-tough questions.
So, we’ll see it this is allowed to continue in media coverage.
I really appreciate Mr. Riler’s concluding point: Liberalism believes in the manageability of big government but Obama does not wish his big government watched over by anyone.
Therefore Obama is dooming himself to more of the same…..
Getting outed by one scandal of big government out of control and/or lazy after another.
In May, 2013, Keith Riler wrote the best article I had yet read about Obama’s presidency.
He used accounting as his comparison.
It is Obama’s Shrinking Unit of Account.
Obama starts claiming (falsely) that he learns of scandals in his own Administration from ”the news.”
But IRS, Benghazi, press wiretapping, and HHS private funds solicitation, and this VA backlog are all taking place INSIDE Obama’s own Administration!
His false claim of ignorance is a ”dog whistle” to those on the Left in media and elsewhere to circle the wagons and not let these scandals’ coverage continue.
And, boy!, do his dogs listen for that whistle!
Lately a few cracks are emerging.
A few reporters are looking at their careers past Obama’s tenure and asking semi-tough questions.
So, we’ll see it this is allowed to continue in media coverage.
I really appreciate Mr. Riler’s concluding point: Liberalism believes in the manageability of big government but Obama does not wish his big government watched over by anyone.
Therefore Obama is dooming himself to more of the same…..
Getting outed by one scandal of big government out of control and/or lazy after another.