The Persecution of Donald Trump – The leader who refuses to surrender to constant torment

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by Steve Cortes

Donald Trump is, by far, the most persecuted public figure in all of American history.

That statement is not some grandiose exaggeration, but rather a reflection of the real record — as revealed by the continual unjust harassment and oppression that Trump has endured since entering politics.

Consider the ignoble litany of unmerited, and often ludicrous, attacks upon Trump:

-the Russian Collusion Myth

-the Charlottesville “Very Fine People” Hoax

-two sham Impeachments

-illogical and absurd Civil Litigation Harassment

-corrupt, politicized Criminal Prosecutions in four jurisdictions, two directly from Biden’s own Department of Justice

-and now, the violent Assassination Attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, PA

Of course, this latest near-death indignity represents the worst in this long line of injustices inflicted upon Trump. But the awful events that unfolded at the Trump rally are hardly isolated. Instead, this violence flows directly from the incendiary demonization of Trump and his movement by the Ruling Class and their dutiful Democrat powerbrokers.

Moreover, this dreadful, failed assassination attempt represents the despicable culmination (for now) of a years-long pattern of undeserved abuse directed at Donald J. Trump. Why has he been subjected to such inordinate mistreatment? In reality, Trump’s “crime” has merely been opposing the ongoing oppression of regular Americans by a polluted power structure in America.

That rigged system has been constructed by the most powerful interests in America, including Big Tech, the Intelligence Community, Corporate Media, and DC Think Tanks. They all revile Trump personally and, more importantly, correctly fear the power of the popular movement he leads.

In fact, because of Trump’s great success at awakening and channeling that populist political revolt, the potentates of the ruling class have used every political and public relations weapon possible to hunt Donald Trump. For example, even as Biden’s own executive branch tries to jail his chief political opponent, Biden declared just days ago that “we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

For those who would give Biden the benefit of the doubt, and pretend that such incredibly heated rhetoric is merely symbolic, consider Biden’s own incendiary words from his prior address in Philadelphia in 2022, a screed that I dubbed his “red sermon” before a blood-red backdrop of doom.

Biden screamed  that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic.”  Similarly, Biden’s second in command, Vice President Kamala Harris told MSNBC that Trump is “rightly” compared to Adolf Hitler.

To make it clear that this administration intends to demonize both Trump the leader and tens of millions of patriotic citizen supporters, Biden also posted this social media attack upon the masses of regular Americans: “MAGA Republicans have made their choice: to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate, and division.”

Such menacing attacks seek to dishearten the spirit of a free people, and to create a climate of intimidation and fear for those who dare to oppose the prevailing order of corruption in a country that increasingly descends into oligarchy with the moguls of big business working in a direct alliance with the leftist permanent political class of Washington DC.

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That picture should be used for his reelection Bid