Kimberley A. Strassel @ The Wall Street Journal:
ulian Castro is no Barack Obama. And for that, Democrats have themselves to blame.
The focus of this week’s Democratic convention was President Obama. Lost in the adulation was the diminished state to which he has brought his broader party. Today’s Democrats are a shadow of 2008—struggling for re-election, isolated to a handful of states, lacking reform ideas, bereft of a future political bench. It has been a stunning slide.
The speech by Mr. Castro, the young and charismatic mayor of San Antonio, was the Democrats’ attempt to recapture the party optimism that then-Senate candidate Obama sparked at the 2004 convention. John Kerry didn’t win, but that year marked the start of an ambitious Democratic plan to revitalize the party.
In 2006, Nancy Pelosi muzzled her liberal inclinations to recruit and elect her “Majority Makers”—a crop of moderate and conservative Democrats who won Republican districts and delivered control of the House for the first time in 14 years.
Democrats in 2006 also claimed the Senate, with savvy victories in states like Montana and Virginia. The party thumped Republicans in gubernatorial races, winning in the South (Arkansas), the Mountain West (Colorado), and in Ohio (for the first time since 1991). A vibrant candidate Obama further boosted Democratic ranks in 2008.
By 2009, President Obama presided over what could fairly be called a big-tent coalition. The Blue Dog caucus had swelled to 51 members, representing plenty of conservative America. Democrats held the majority of governorships. Mr. Obama had won historic victories in Virginia and North Carolina. The prediction of liberal demographers John Judis and Ruy Teixeira’s 2004 book, “The Emerging Democratic Majority”—lasting progressive dominance via a coalition of minorities, women, suburbanites and professionals—attracted greater attention among political analysts.
It took Mr. Obama two years to destroy this potential, with an agenda that forced his party to field vote after debilitating vote—stimulus, ObamaCare, spending, climate change. The public backlash, combined with the president’s mismanagement of the economy, has reversed Democrats’ electoral gains and left a party smaller than at any time since the mid-1990s.
Of the 21 Blue Dogs elected since 2006, five remain in office. The caucus is on the verge of extinction, as members have retired, been defeated in primaries waged by liberal activists, or face impossible re-elections. The GOP is set to take Senate seats in North Dakota and Nebraska, and maybe to overturn Democratic toeholds in states from Montana to Virginia. There is today a GOP senator in Massachusetts. Republicans claim 29 governorships and may gain two to four more this year.
As for the presidential race, Republicans are in sight of taking back Virginia and North Carolina and are competitive in supposedly new Democratic strongholds like Colorado and New Mexico. The GOP is also making unexpected inroads in Wisconsin and Iowa. The real story of the Obama presidency is the degree to which he has pushed his party back toward its coastal and urban strongholds.
All this was vividly on display in Charlotte this week. While the party’s most vulnerable members aren’t in outright mutiny against Mr. Obama, more than two dozen didn’t risk attending the convention. In contrast to last week’s GOP celebration of reformist GOP governors, the Charlotte podium was largely dominated by activists (Sandra Fluke, Lilly Ledbetter), the liberal congressional faithful (Mrs. Pelosi, Harry Reid), and urban mayors from failing states (Los Angeles’s Antonio Villaraigosa, Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel).
While the GOP has feted its upcoming stars—including minority governors like New Mexico’s Susana Martinez and Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal—the president has done little to nurture his down-ballot partners. Where is the next generation of Democrats?
Republicans are apparently buying their Kool Aid mix in bulk quantities.
That point about the Blue Dog Democrats: Fiscal conservatives with liberal social leanings really hits home.
We, locally, used to have TEA Party gatherings where nearly 40% of all those signing up were self-identified as Democrats.
Another 20% were Indys and a bit over 40% were Republican.
So, where have all these Blue Dogs gone?
Some are switching over to the Republican Party.
I have seen this myself.
No one is doing the research to follow this constituency.
It would be an interesting study.
The Gay Patriot blog, if you follow them over time, show that many gay Dems who are fiscally conservative are switching to the Republican Party as well.
Obama has not gone out to campaign for very many Dems.
Obama even reuses to assist their campaigns financially!
And, in his 1st two years Obama threw many elected Dems under the bus to push through his own agenda.
Obama backed the Occupy movement….until he pretended he didn’t.
The Occupy movement is FAR to the Left of most Dems.
Obama may do more to wreak the Dem Party than Republicans ever could have done.
Mitt and Paul Two white men. That is the face of the Republican Party.Clamoring about who has greater Conservative credentials.
Demographics favor Dems now and in the future.The Repub.Party is aging and not attracting the fastest growing voting bloc—Latins. The young will continue to be solidly Dem. They are pro Gay marriage and see Repubs repressive on this issue. Women will continue to favor Dems, social issues being their major concern.
Repubs. best hope is many Dems, take a hiatus for Potus. in 2012. Like Mata on the right they may not vote for POTUS. Unlikely but possible.
Election decided in Fla.,Va. and Ohio. Dems lose net 3 seats in the Senate, 5-8 in The House. Today’s polls showing Obama getting expected 3-5% bump from Convention,
Ms. Bees Thanks for the thumbs down you leave on ALL my posts.I appreciate your taking the time.
Semper Fi