The one chart liberals hate

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(chart from James Pethokoukis)

It’s the chart that makes liberals cry.

They say it is unfair.

They say it proves nothing.

They say it is racist, sexist and taken out of context.

But mostly, they cry because they made the chart up and the chart is being used against them. Conservatives are making them eat the chart of “Unemployment Rate With and Without the Recovery Plan,” which Barack Obama used to sell the $787 billion stimulus — the largest gamble ever made in the history of the world.

This was their chart.

They could say that unemployment could rise 10%, 11%, or even 12% if we do nothing and that by doing something we would keep it below that.

Liberals chose that if we do nothing it would hit 9% and if we do something it will never to 8%.

That was their rules.

More at Don Surber

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This chart and Obama’s record of gambling green with taxpayers’ dollars ought to be used extensively against him when he tries to say he opposes stock market speculation.
He doesn’t.
He just opposes him not getting his cut.

EVERY point on that chart is the result of Obama or his own Dept of Labor’s numbers.
There is not one bit of spin on that chart, lman.

“The U.S. economy hasn’t been below 8% unemployment since Obama took office in January 2009. And back in May 2007, unemployment was just 4.4%.” -James Pethokoukis-

Funny, in 2007 – 2008 [Bush years] even though the economy was on shaky ground – I [still] had a job and I [still] had a good deal in my 401k hmmm….

Then all of a sudden 2009 came and POOF! The ground below me just gave way… and I am STILL trying to recover….

Unemployment is STILL in the TANK…our ECONOMY is STILL in the TANK…Everything is RISING except for our Income….and our Investments…. and our Home Values….

What’s even more interesting about this “chart” is the line that states “Without Recovery Plan”… statistics we could not possibly know… made even worse by adding trillions of dollars to the deficit… I mean seriously…HTF do you get out of debt by key word(s) here: $spending$ – $more$ $money$???

I have debt, I need to get out of, can anyone explain how I can get out of my debt by spending more money??? Can any who supports this accounting practice tell me that since some of you [who come here] seem to agree with this ‘solution’ I would truly like to know….

This truly escapes me…. what all this spending more money boils down to is nothing more than a GAMBLE – not a PLAN nor a SOLUTION…. and that is fact!

Funny, I always seem to do so much better – financially – when LIBERALS AREN’T running things…

@liberalmann: Reality is that 0-bama lied to America and then wasted $780 billion dollars with little or NO impact on the unemployment rate. How dare you try to blame Bush for 0-bama’s lie!!

As far as the deficit spending goes, it increased significantly after Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2007.

Deficit spending then increased astronomically when a Democratic president was added to the mix in 2009.

If you have deficit spending, it means something was “unfunded”.

Under Bush, there was about $5 trillion in “unfunded” spending over 8 years.

Under Obama, there has been over $5 trillion “unfunded” spending in a little over 3 years.

No wonder the Democrats would rather talk about anything other than the economy.


As far as the deficit spending goes, it increased significantly after Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2007.

Deficit spending then increased astronomically when a Democratic president was added to the mix in 2009.

Under Bush, there was about $5 trillion in “unfunded” spending over 8 years.

Under Obama, there has been over $5 trillion “unfunded” spending in a little over 3 years.

No wonder the Democrats would rather talk about anything other than the economy.

Almost anything else, Southern Roots.
They don’t want to talk unemployment.
They don’t want to talk higher food prices.
They certainly don’t want to talk higher energy prices.
They don’t want to talk tuition debt skyrocketing.

But they do want to talk about their choice of diversions:
“Those nasty Republicans want to prevent you females from sharing your girl-y parts for free.”

@Nan G: To be charitable, the story I heard Ms. Fluke give was that the economy is so bad that 40% of the women enrolled at Georgetown can’t afford their contraceptives. I also heard that programs and policies of the government have driven the cost of living up to where even married women in a household of two incomes can’t afford their contraception.

On top of that, the escalating tuition costs are driving more and more women to have to make the hard choice between a quality education and their contraceptive needs.

So, the extremely poor economy, with its high prices and lack of jobs, coupled with out of control tuition increases is what is at the root of this problem, yet the solution from the Democrats isn’t to do things to improve the economy, but to force insurance companies to give the contraceptive away for free.

The women can use their free contraceptives and remain pregnancy free, but in the morning, the country will still have high unemployment, high gas prices, high heating oil prices, and an astronomially high deficit.

Thank-you Democrats.


Thanks for the clarification, SR.
Fluke used Obama’s numbers for how many Americans are ”poor and near-poor.”
Obama jiggered the numbers to get them to 48% of all Americans.
Here is an article about how he did that and when he intends to correct those false numbers so as to LOOK LIKE he has miraculously lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.
Fluke is Obama’s diversion.
No surprise she is using his versions of reality.

It is true that more Americans are suffering economically under Obama than before him.
But his playing games with those numbers will not fix a bit of it.
Fluke might even be bright enough to know this, but she is bought and sold to him.


Contrary to the right, we hate lies like this chart.

Hmmm. Just so we are clear here. You hate lies like this chart. The chart comes from the economic team of Obama’s, including Christina Romer and Larry Summers. The point added is from Obama’s own WH team on the then current unemployment rate(8.3% unemployment in Feb 2012).

So, what you are saying, then, is that you hate lies like Obama and his team of economic advisors and WH staffing put out, contrary to our opinion that you liberals on the left support everything and anything Obama? It’s good to know that we have common ground, then, as we on the “right” also hate Obama’s lies.

Nan G. You being a squawk box fan, I wonder if you would be kind enough to post charts showing the performance of the 3 major stock indiciis since BHO took office. THANKS

@Richard Wheeler:
We have an aging population RW.
The banks are not worth putting cash into.
The US’s credit rating has been dropped.
State bonds are proving to be a poor choice.
Owning property is not a sound investment unless and until Obama allows the bottom to be reached (and he keeps preventing that).
So, baby boomers and older Americans just younger than them have a lifetime of savings to try to preserve.
Stocks are proving to be one risk-filled safe haven.
We have been careful to use so-called paycheck type accounts for a big (low risk) portion of our life savings.
Cash is another large portion of our savings (gold).
To us our condo and 2nd home are NOT investments, just places to live both fully paid for.
Obama is funneling investors into NON-Capital Gains stocks.
Why has Obama painted those living off of interest, dividends and capital gains as ”bad guys” who DESERVE to be murdered, beaten, robbed, and penalized by tax law?
Unless (or until) Obama begins means-testing for Social Security I will collect everything I was promised.
Hubby, too.

Here’s 10 years of the S&P

This is the Nasdaq:

The NYSE comp.

Notice that in the market’s fall from May-July 2008 each index behaved slightly differently from the other, this in relation to respective March 2008 lows.
NASDAQ’s relatively better performance as NASDAQ recovered a good portion of its losses from May-July 2008, whereas the NYSE Composite barely budged.
(BTW, the NASDAQ includes far riskier investments….Obama don’t like that.)

The DOW?

You might give SquawkBox a chance.
You’d be surprised how quickly you might prefer it over the social-news-y stuff on most AM news channels.

Thanks Nan I do enjoy squackbox but I miss Mark and Erin I’ve always liked Joe Keenan(sic).

Couple of things “Obama funneling investors into non-capital gains stocks” pls. explain
“Gold same as cash”??
Stocks “risk filled safe haven” oxymoron??
You are fortunate to have your homes paid for and not see or need them as an investment. Most are not so fortunate and would prefer not to see their values decline.I don’t see the govt. wanting to help families stay in their homes as a negative.
“murdered and beaten by tax laws”. A little strong? Pls explain
Has anyone suggested those entitled should not collect Social Security?
Your thoughts on why 3 major stock market indiciis and gold up over 50% under current administration.

Thanks Nan Good health to you and yours

Thanks Nan

@Richard Wheeler:

Sorry, for the delay….I thought I had already answered your Q’s on this thread.
New q’s.

There are two main reasons why stocks and gold are up.
One is real inflation.
There is a whole lot of money being printed.
It ends up in stocks and gold because, despite some hiring and paying down business debt, there is too much uncertainty on the tax front for many business people are well-to-do retired people to do anything else with their cash.
Thus we hear about a lot of ”cash on the sidelines.”

The other reason is demographic: we are an older country.
Our median age is 36.9 years…..1/2 of us older, 1/2 of us younger.
Scan down a list of all nation’s median age and you’ll see we are old-ish as a nation.
That means the wealth of a lifetime of MORE of us is being collected right now and more of us are trying to save that wealth for our older years.
More of us are in our golden-salary years than ever before.
So….where do you put that?
Stocks and bonds, notes and treasuries, precious metals and things like those.

Nan G. Thanks for answering why you believe the stock market,bond market and gold have performed so well over the past 3 years.I’d add extremely low interest rates have pushed investors into riskier investments.
There were a few other questions asked,when you get a chance. Thanks and enjoy this beautiful S.C. day