The Obamacare Insurance Exchange Train Is Already Coming Off The Rails

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Sally Pipes @ Forbes:

Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) raised eyebrows across the country last month when he publicly fretted about an Obamacare “train wreck” as the Administration rushes to implement the many provisions of the law that take effect in 2014.

President Obama has attempted to assuage Sen. Baucus’s concerns, saying that his staff was “pushing very hard to make sure that we’re hitting all the deadlines.”

But an Obamacare train wreck isn’t a distant possibility. It’s actively happening. Delays, wasteful spending, and cost overruns have already popped up. And it’s becoming increasingly likely that the exchanges won’t be ready by October 1, when they’re supposed to open for enrollment. Mass confusion and excessive costs will result.

The federal government is set to operate exchanges in 27 states and to jointly run them with state officials in another seven. Seventeen states will create and administer exchanges on their own.

At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. Gary Cohen, who’s in charge of the implementation of Obamacare’s exchanges, said in March that the federal government will likely end up running some of the exchanges in the 17 states that elected to set them up on their own because they won’t be ready in time.

Even the states the administration has paraded around as “pioneers” are having trouble creating government-run insurance marketplaces out of whole cloth. Connecticut, the first state approved to set up an exchange, is now struggling to get it up and running. Colorado is “stripping its opening-day goals to a minimum.”

Federal officials have struggled to come up with a comprehensible application form. Their first effort reached 15 pages. After a round of criticism, they came back with a form that’s three pages for individuals — and seven pages for families.

Henry Chao, a senior federal official working on the information technology that will run the exchanges, said in March that he was “pretty nervous” about meeting the October 1 deadline and was reduced to hoping that the exchanges don’t end up being “a Third World experience.”

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When I first heard about the paring down of the application form from 15 pages to just three/7 for families I thought, well, good.
BUT, it turns out that you need to fill in all of the 15 pages worth of information on those three pages.
You simply have to supply your own blank sheets of paper to add most of the information!

And if you are a family?
The Corner at points out the dirty details:

The administration creatively took four pages from the 21-page draft and made them into “appendices.” Two separate pages requesting information about an applicant’s existing employer-provided insurance have been moved to Appendix A, so they are no longer included in the seven numbered pages.
And the first page of the application, which includes basic information and answers to frequently asked questions, now has no page number, taking another page off the official count without actually altering anything.

The family of six for whom the president said 21 pages was “too long,” then, would still have to fill out the seven pages included in the new application, plus two additional pages for each of four children, plus the five additional pages. That’s a total of 20 pages….

I really want this mess to collapse. I think we needed healthcare reform, but not this monster.

@Old Guy:
And depending how old you are the only care you will be getting is a pain pill to ease the pain while you sit in the corner waiting to die.