From Mark Tapscott:
It’s been eclipsed somewhat in recent months by the continued stagnation of the economy and the increasingly loud Republican presidential nomination battle, but the energy crisis caused by President Obama’s Permatorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is just as serious as it ever was.
And it’s going to get worse if something isn’t done soon to lift the bureaucratic strangulation being applied to the oil and natural gas industries by Obama’s Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar.
But other than pointing to staggering unemployment figures and gas prices that remain nearly double what they were when the president took office in 2009, it’s difficult to convey the magnitude of the Obama energy crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of this crisis far exceed in terms of human and economic losses those occasioned by the Deepwater Horizon disaster that was used to justify the Permatorium in the first place.
So along comes the Offshore Marine Service Association – as the name implies, they keep the rigs in the Gulf supplied and running – with a unique video that lays it out about as starkly as can be done, and all by a talented artist whose hand moves with remarkable speed.
It would appear the Chinese and the Cubans never got the no drilling in the gulf memo.
The State Department has to approve the XL pipeline expansion by the first week of November or TransCanada pipelines is going to walk. That’s close to half a million high paying jobs totaled for both countries. Their contingency plan is a pipeline from Edmonton to Prince Rupert to supply the the million barrels per day to China and India. TCP is fed up with the EPA, Interior Department, State Department,etc. I heard all of this in the oilpatch grapevine at the Calgary Petroleum Club.
Obama: enemy of the US of A!