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Then they accuse Republicans of not being sympathetic to the civil rights cause. Everything the left does is for political effect; was it ever mentioned this weekend which party was suppressing black civil rights in the ’60’s? I doubt it.


Mitt Romney’s father George Romney was in Selma in 1965. Where was Obama’s father?

Porking stupid white chicks in HI

This might be faux outrage. I’m not so sure that the photo was cropped (ok, maybe editorial choice to go with a photographer’s picture that doesn’t have a wider shot). Nor do I think it that unreasonable to focus on those at the center of the photo.

Maybe leaving Bush out of the shot was deliberate and intentional; maybe it wasn’t.

This is slightly off topic, but I believe you will forgive me this time. I came here this morning to distract myself for a bit with the news and commentary. You see, my 19 year old son died Sunday after his lifelong battle with CF. I can honestly say that my aching heart takes solace in knowing that my son is free now from the muck of this kind of political chicanery.

I will miss discussing politics with him, though.

@Pete: We here can only feel a tiny piece of your pain. I only hope that you were able to steel yourself for this eventual loss. I know that those who populate this forum will keep you in their hearts today.

I don’t think Bush was necessarily “cropped out”; it could have been any Republican. However, the obvious primary focus was to be Barack Obama, front and center. For those with the wrist bands with “WWBOD?” on them, the only thing that matters is the Obama context. This could have been a story of “Democrats and Republicans Commemorate Selma March Together”, but that would have been counter-productive, liberal-wise. No, instead the story HAS to be “Look, he’s Obama walking across a bridge! Swoon!!”.

One day, liberals will wake up and realize that they have sacrificed every bit of dignity they ever had and be just as disgusted with themselves as we are with them now. A life-long “walk of shame”.

@Pete: Very sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


Please accept our most profound sympathies Pete.