The ‘no evidence’ claim about Biden corruption is looking increasingly ridiculous

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By David Harsanyi

Joe Biden’s defenders have been on a wild ride this past year.

It began with them arguing that the president knew absolutely nothing about his family’s influence-peddling business to arguing that it’s no big deal that ChiCom wire payoffs happen to have Biden’s home address listed on them.

The quality of the excuses, unsurprisingly, has been deteriorating rapidly.

They largely entail repeating the words “no” and “evidence” in a perpetual loop.

But this week, when James Comer released financial records of Hunter Biden receiving two wire transfers totaling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with the president’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address, the White House jumped into action.

“Imagine them arguing that, if someone stayed at their parents’ house during the pandemic, listed it as their permanent address for work, and got a paycheck, the parents somehow also worked for the employer,” wrote White House spokesman Ian Sams. “It’s bananas. Yet this is what extreme House Republicans have sunken to.”

Speaking of bananas, the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States wasn’t reported until January 2020, and shutdowns were still a year away when Hunter Biden used his dad’s house as a beneficiary address on a wire payment.

According to Hunter’s memoir, he was living in Los Angeles with his new wife at the time.

Of course, even if the pandemic had been raging by summer 2019, Hunter Biden wasn’t a college student visiting home; he was a 49-year-old who had the wherewithal to craft numerous international million-dollar deals — not to mention allegedly evade taxes, buy firearms illegally and score crack and prostitutes.

Why would Hunter need to stay at Daddy’s house?

Why do they keep talking about this grown man as if he’s a toddler?

For God’s sake, this is an accomplished artist whose work goes for upwards of a million dollars.

And it wasn’t a “paycheck,” but a wire transfer from a ChiCom investment firm that his father repeatedly lied about to the American people.

In an October 2019 presidential debate, Joe Biden incredulously claimed that Hunter never benefited from Chinese interests — “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.”

It was weird, even then, that Biden could make such an assertion with confidence, considering that not long before he had claimed to “never” have spoken to Hunter about his “overseas business dealings.”

Perhaps one day the president will be asked by the political media why he made this claim, and whether he knew his address was being used on Biden Inc. paperwork at the time.

And while they’re at it, they could ask him whether he was at his Wilmington house in 2017 when his son threatened his Chinese partner, Henry Zhao, with the words, “I am sitting here with my father.”

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There are volumes of evidence about the corruption of the biden crime family. Democrats who parrot the talking points that there is no evidence have been knowingly ass raped.

They simply accept corruption of their own because THEY want the opportunity to be corrupt. And most are.

“Imagine them arguing that, if someone stayed at their parents’ house during the pandemic, listed it as their permanent address for work, and got a paycheck, the parents somehow also worked for the employer,” wrote White House spokesman Ian Sams. 

OR… imagine that the money is actually Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s and Hunter just put his name on it to shield Pop.

The two would talk again on the phone — probably just some “casual conversations” or “niceties about the weather.”

Yeah, such as, “When is it f**king going to start raining dollars on me?”

I hear a father in denial about the actions of his drug-addicted adult son. That doesn’t make the father complicit in the crime. Republicans have no evidence that he was. If they had any, they’d show it.

 “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden enabled all of Hunter’s addictions. No doubt he even participated in some of his whore-parties. Like scumbag father, like scumbag son. Hunter even used Pop’s credit card (which he funded, with his influence peddling) when his own was maxed out by whores and drugs. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is complicit with Hunter in violating the Mann act. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden could not care less that Hunter was destroying his life, as long as he got his 50%. Like with his first wife and daughters, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden could already see the sympathy points in polls if Hunter killed himself with drugs and he exploited the death.

The evidence is clear and abundant. You can ignore it at your own peril. We’ve already seen enough to impeach, certainly 1,000,000,000 times the “evidence” Democrats presented against Trump (difficult to quantify since they had ZERO) and more is being found every day. One must simply WANT to support a corrupt, treasonous pedophile to continue to support Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

You constantly make slanderous claims for which there is no evidence whatsoever, just like your lying cult leader.

 No doubt he even participated in some of his whore-parties.

Hunter and Ashley verify it all. You’ve lied about Trump ever since he first announced he’s running, but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a VERIFIED corrupt, treasonous pedophile. All PROVEN, all DOCUMENTED.