The ‘new Trump’ is a no-show

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His true supporters may like it; but not the hold-their-nose supporters falling in line to be good GOP foot soldiers. What you see is what you get:

What is important is that we can now dismiss the notion that Trump will adjust his rhetoric or his positions on issues to accommodate the general electorate. That idea is totally and completely false. There is no Trump 2.0, no reinvention of Trump as more inclusive or less combative waiting just on the horizon. This is it.

Trump has said as much.

“You think I’m going to change?” he asked rhetorically during a combative news conference Tuesday at Trump Tower. “I’m not changing.”

He has said some version of “Trump gonna Trump” for weeks, even while occasionally promising to maybe be a little bit nicer and amid promises from chief campaign strategist Paul Manafort that the “new” Trump was coming soon.

A placid debate here. A nice comment about a former rival there. Republicans desperate for some sign that they had not picked the least-predictable nominee in modern history have tried to interpret it all as evidence that Trump could and would be managed. That he “got” it and knew he could not keep acting the way he acted to win the Republican primary contest.

But then, inevitably, comes a comment like the one about Curiel. Or Trump’s shot at New Mexico’s popular Republican governor, Susana Martinez, whom he accused of doing a bad job. Or whatever offensive thing he will say this week.

Being who he is got him to where he is. So why should he change? Why should he stop behaving childishly, threatening to sue everyone, and name-calling?

I no longer recognize my country or my (conservative) countrymen who have enamored themselves around this hope-and-change snake-oil salesman of a dictator-wannabe conservative charlatan.

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Trump says something about someone that may be true and the world blows up?
Listen to the President describe this country? Black Livers Matter, NAACP, LBGTQ, NOW, ACLU, ABC, CBS, NC, CNN , MSNBC, and the DNC.
All things bad in America according to the above mentioned is because “America was founded by racist white men who owned slaves. Well, someone tell us what law was broken then and when will those affected by slavery please stand up and say thank you to the 650K dead that freed them? This idea that White people owe anyone anything is BS. Last week a report came out that 60 plus million people are enslaved, where is the out cry?
Go Trump GO!!


I’ve been waiting to hear your opinion of Trump–crystal cl

@ltcbob: That has to be of the worst apples to oranges arguments I’ve heard in awhile.

It does certainly look like the invincible Donald is starting to crash and burn. When you have Newt, McConnell, and even Ryan ducking for cover, even after their nose holding half baked endorsements, it’s only a sign of things to come.

The more uncontrollable the loose cannon Donald becomes, the less of a campaign he has, the more damage he does, the more he exposes himself as a fraud, the less party unity he has, the more ammo he hands to Hillary, and the more down ticket seats he takes out with him.

If you compare Donald Trump with New Mexico governor Susana Martinez on the issues (scan to bottom for graphic)
you see that Trump is the more conservative.
Susana Martinez is quite the moderate
almost in the very center of politics, where Dems and Republicans meet!

So, for a ”conservative” to scream, ”foul!” at Trump telling Susana Martinez that she could do a better job (he was specifically talking two things:
about how most other states were cutting new Food Stamp recipients while she was adding many new enrollees
about how she was welcoming – so far 10 – Syrians un-vetted by Obama into New Mexico.) is nutty and cognitively dissonant.

He should be agreed with …..if you really are a conservative and not merely a ”Never Trumper,” with a strange bedfellow.

@Nanny G:

Your argument assumes that a candidate can win by bending only to the far right. It isn’t uncommon for D legislators in red states or R in blue to appease their constituents in order to keep their seats. It’s that concept of conceding battles in order to win wars.

What Trump is attempting to win in his bigoted and insulting rants is unclear.

@Nanny G: You are assuming Trump was aware of these things you list, I say you should quickly apply to his staff as you are picking up the piles of dogshit left behind him as all his campaign staff has to do.
He has no campaign just googly eyed followers that wish they could be as crude as him and get away with it.

@kitt: “googly eyed followers that wish they could be as crude as him and get away with it.”
EXACTLY—We got a few right here.

dictator-wannabe conservative charlatan.

I read this post thinking you were talking Trump, then right there at the end we discover it was Obama.

@Richard Wheeler:


Hopey Changey, sounds a lot like Obozo.

I meant ‘it it it it it if if if if if if if if it it it it” sounded like Obozo.

@Redteam: IMO Conservative Wordsmith is the conscience of FA and the main reason I’ve hung around here.
He calls Trump a snake oil salesman and you’re buying the oil, You’ve got company with Trumpists like Bill and Petercat.
Seems the gals like 05 and Kitt don’t buy what Trump’s been selling—smarter than you RT.

@Richard Wheeler:

Wordsmith is the conscience of FA

And you figure that how? From what I have seen through the years, Wordsmith is an author and moderator. That’s it. He does not tell us what to think nor how we should think, he simply gives his opinion and we are all free to accept or reject it. The same goes for the rest of us. Wordsmith does not sit on any of our shoulders and whisper in our ears.

Nor do I think he is moved by your brown-nosing.

@Ditto: brown-nosing lol I haven’t heard that used since I was in junior high some 55 years ago.
I do have great admiration for Word and have learned much from his astute postings over the years.
You go right on and support the bigot DT-You are known by the company you keep–or support
Suggest you read Word’s postings—might provide a different perspective for you.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’ve read Wordsmith’s posting for years. Just another person’s opinions as far as I’m concerned. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t. His being a moderator doesn’t sway my opinion. I don’t give anyone’s opinion more importance simply because they are a blog administrator. I’ve been there, I’ve done that. It’s a thankless job. I understand what they go through, but as far as influencing what I think, their decision to take on such a duty is laudable, but that has no bearing to me on their opinions. So what? That and $10 will buy you breakfast. You simply like Wordsmith because he mercifully puts up with you and the other leftist trolls. That’s my perspective.

@Richard Wheeler:

You go right on and support the bigot DTHillary-You are known by the company you keep–or support……

Gandhi used to run “a gas station down in St. Louis.”
Or, how about that ”colored people time” gag?

You go right on and support the bigot DTBiden-You are known by the company you keep–or support……

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

You go right on and support the bigot DTReid-You are known by the company you keep–or support……

Harry Reid:
Reid told the Asian Chamber of Commerce, “I don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are.”
“One problem that I’ve had today is keeping my Wongs straight.”

Even Bill Clinton:
Bill suggested that, Obama “would have been getting us coffee”.

Lefty memories sure are short when it comes to Democrat racial and ethnic stereotypes. Not to mention slurs.
Memory hole, much?

More like that Overton Window of Political Correctness is open more for the Left than it is for the right.

@Nanny G:

So you’re trying to justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior?

Got it!