The Moral Status of the Unborn

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Daniel Foster @ NRO:

The estimable Michael Brendan Dougherty ably debates ThinkProgress’s Zach Beauchamp on the moral philosophy of abortion:

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Personhood and science: If a fetus isn’t even aware of its own existence, what’s the problem with abortion? It really becomes a religious argument. Why should an individual be governed by a religious belief in which they may not even believe?

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

If a fetus isn’t even aware of its own existence, what’s the problem with abortion?

Newborns are not “aware of [their] own existence” either. You okay with killing them after they are born?

How about people with brain injuries? Some of them are not “aware of [their] own existence.” You okay with putting a pillow over their face? You okay with depriving them of fluids and nourishment? You okay with giving them an injection?

It’s called the right to life and it’s inalienable.

Dougherty shouldn’t be so pessimistic–I’d say his point of view is more prevalent than not, and will probably be heard in November’s election.