The Missing Piece Of That Peaceful Transfer Of Power Question

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by Nina Bookout

There’s a missing piece to the “peaceful transfer of power” question that President Trump was asked yesterday. But you wouldn’t know that from the media and political pundit freakout. This from NBC News.

“President Donald Trump was asked Wednesday whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose this fall to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The president declined to do so.

“Well, we’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

Pressed further, Trump said: “We’ll want to have — get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very — we’ll have a very peaceful — there won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation.””

And their report devolved into an examination of the mail-in ballot issue, the push by Democrats to go 100% all in on mail-in voting whether states are ready or not, and President Trump’s push-back on the security and efficacy of mail-in voting. Search Trump and peaceful transfer and you will see headline after headline sounding the alarm! ‘He’ll lose but Trump doesn’t plan to concede!’ ‘He’ll lose, but Trump supporters will tear the country down!’ ‘It’s true! He’ll rig the votes!’ And on and on and on.

Pundits sprang for their fainting couches.

Honey, we live in a Republic.

As  Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Marco Rubio, and many others on all sides of the political spectrum. Hot Air’s Allahpundit gloomily writes that we as a Republic are done.

“That’s correct. My earnest advice to anyone who’s not bound to stay put here in the U.S. because of family or employment ties from which they simply can’t extricate themselves is to think seriously about leaving. And I don’t mean “think seriously of leaving if Trump wins.” I mean think seriously of leaving, period. Because even if he loses by 250 electoral votes, more than 60 million people will have watched him say stuff like this for months, insisting repeatedly that any defeat can only be explained by cheating, and will vote. for. him. anyway.

There’s no coming all the way back from that, even though Trump will eventually leave the political scene one way or another. Anyone who’s willing to look the other way at what he says here is willing to look the other way at much worse, and that’s an enormous population. That’s the reason to leave.”

Well then Allahpundit, I presume you will be exiting this country by the end of October. Right? Right??

Let’s take a step back here and think things through for a minute.

A. Hillary still continues to whine and bitch about the fact that she should’ve won.

B. The media has been working overtime 24/7 to undermine every aspect of the Trump Administration. And what they can’t undermine, they ignore or bury because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Exhibit 1 is their silence on Biden’s putting a lid on his campaign for the NINTH time this month. Exhibit 2 is their all-in deflection of the report regarding Hunter Biden’s bribery, human trafficking, and Ukraine issues. Exhibit 3 is their hard work at showing riots as mostly nearly 100% peaceful protests. 

Oh wait, you mean to tell me there was more to the question asked yesterday? Why yes, yes there was. Let’s roll tape starting at 30 minutes in shall we?

Wait a gosh darned minute! WHAT WAS THE QUESTION??!!

First all, the reporter asking that question is Brian Karem. You remember him, right? He’s the one who threw the screaming hissy fit in the Rose Garden and told everyone that conservatives are demon possessed. Nice guy he is.

But I digress. Look at the question again guys.

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Nine times in 24 days. This is troubling from the standpoint that if the democrat candidate is unable to campaign because of health, Americans need to know that. The vote for biden should not be a vote for his VP choice. If it is health related and it is unlikely he would be able to serve then theoretically votes cast for biden are harris votes. And, should the campaign be hiding that, they are deceiving the American voters and the people.

If, on the other hand this may be related to the recent revelations regarding bidens corruption as VP coming to light, he needs to be transparent and honest about that. Not holding my breath.

IMHO I think it may be a combination of both. The Senate investigation into hunter, Burisma, china and the Moscow mayors wife let alone the human trafficking is horrific. No critical thinking person would believe for a moment that sleepy joe knew nothing about the goings on. That is absurd on its face and should be insulting to the American people that this extremely flawed individual would expect people to turn and look the other way so that he can continue his career of corruption.

The real mystery yet to be known is will he show up for the September 29th debate?

One side cannot be responsible for peace.
It takes two to tango.
Ever since the 2016 election we’ve had violence due to the OTHER side’s refusal to accept a “peaceful transfer of power.”
Even as recently as after the Brionna Taylor Grand Jury decision antifa/blm made a public statement that their violence would last until the Trump Administration was gone.

Brian Karem, who asked the question (the gotcha question) is the same jerk who called the Rose Garden front row journalists all desiring demon possession.
After that he fought with Sabastian Gorka over seating.
But why should a Playboy writer get a great seat at a press conference?
Not since Nat Hentoff has one even been IN the White House press corps.
So, he lobs verbal bombs whenever he gets a chance.
A loaded question from him is to be expected.

First off, the concept that Trump would not concede defeat in the face of an actual defeat, real and substantiated, exists only in liberal minds. Once again, in reference to Hillary’s and other liberal’s remarks, the Democrats are accusing Trump of what THEY are engaged in.

But perhaps Democrats should look at it as they look at the political violence they employ; if you vote for them, they will make it stop. Well, if you don’t want the chaos of Trump not leaving office, vote for Trump and make sure he wins. Why not? They have been preaching to us to submit to threats of violence, so submit and vote for Trump.

What Democrats SHOULD be worrying about is that boob they have moved heaven and earth to make their candidate. He is about to have to face Trump and the public without being propped up with teleprompters, notes, earpieces or handlers. Their media allies are going to be put in the uncomfortable position of spinning and lying about Biden’s “performance” and telling their viewers to believe their lies, not their damned lying eyes and ears.

The idea Trump would refuse to leave office is absurd; almost as absurd as the idea of a Biden Presidency.

@Nan G:

Ever since the 2016 election we’ve had violence due to the OTHER side’s refusal to accept a “peaceful transfer of power.”

Let us not forget Ferguson Mo., Dallas, and Baltimore riots and Occupy Wall Street all before 2016 not on DT watch. BLM was birthed during the BHO presidency, the beer summit showed them do not cooperate with the police you get a rose garden appointment.
They never wanted solutions or compromise it was always play my my ever changing nonsense rules then we might behave til we find another way to torture sanity, 2015 ROTC cadets in high heels FFS.
They created the Trump phenom.

ever heard of psychopolitics?? No you have not. Lavrent Pavlovich Berie lectured on this subject-a Russian design strategy. “By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of hoas in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace in of offered Communist State, at last only communism can resolve the problems of the masses.” communism had already spread across 1/6 of the inhabited world. This is a key point in Deri’s lectures: ” the psychopolitcian has his reward in the nearly unlimited control of the populace, in the uninhibited exercise of passion and the glory of communist conquest ov the stupidity of he enemies of the People..”
The game is afoot and America better wake up because the democratic party is the Communist party in America.