Ian Tuttle:
The seventh Planned Parenthood video is a bombshell.
It features former StemExpress technician Holly O’Donnell, who has appeared in several of the other videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, describing an average day at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda Clinic in San Jose, Calif.:
“I want you to see something kinda cool. This is kinda neat,” [her coworker says.] So I’m over here, and . . . the moment I see it, I’m just flabbergasted. This is the most gestated fetus and the closest thing to a baby I’ve seen. And she is, like, “Okay, I want to show you something.” So she has one of her instruments, and she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here, and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.
It’s that same fetus, heart still aflutter, whose brain O’Donnell is then asked to harvest. “[The coworker] gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face,” she recalls. “I can’t even describe what that feels like.”
As my colleague David French notes, assuming O’Donnell’s account is accurate, Planned Parenthood unquestionably violated state and federal laws. And it would not be the first time. In a recorded conversation excerpted in the video, Dr. Ben Van Handel, executive director of Novogenix Laboratories, LLC, which partners with Planned Parenthood to procure fetal organs, admits: “There are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating.”
Debate, if you like, the moral status of the in utero “product of conception.” Wonder, if you want to, about the precise point of “viability” or “quickening.” No such arguments apply here. This was allegedly a living baby, exposed on a counter and murdered. This was not a “conceptus” or a “specimen.” This was a person, vested with a constitutional right to life and guaranteed the full protection of the United States government.
This should be different.
But it won’t be. As of Wednesday afternoon, major media outlets remained utterly silent about the latest video. There is no mention of it on the online front pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, or the Chicago Tribune; it is not on the homepages of CNN or the news arms of ABC, NBC, or CBS. These are the same august outlets from which you can currently learn about “the smells of summer” in New York City, a viral deleted scene from the sitcom Friends, or security camera footage of a Utah police officer dancingto the Silento song “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” at a 7-Eleven.
Added from Jay Nordlinger:
Earlier today, I jotted a tweet, which I’d like to publish here — which I’d like to retweet, so to speak: “I’ve done a fair amount of writing about organ-harvesting in China. In light of Planned Parenthood, maybe I should look homeward?”
If these videos don’t shock the conscience of the nation, nothing will. On this subject, anyway (abortion). If these videos don’t stir the sleep of this nation, nothing will.
In the early 1850s, Harriet Beecher Stowe shocked the conscience with a novel. Of course, a lot of people read it — millions. And many who did not read it, heard about it.
Will Americans see these videos? I have learned not to assume that what is familiar to us in RightWorld is familiar to Americans at large. If people do see these videos and yawn — we’re goners.
Any idea how many weeks that baby had to have been old?
The MSM will remain silent just like the German media was silent about what was going on in NAZI Germany and just like the Soviet media what was going on there. There is very little difference between the three.
And for that reason (that the technician didn’t work FOR Planned Parenthood) I have watched a Lefty guest on the news say all the videos with her are ”fakes.”
Not just ”fakes” but ”proven fakes.”
Other than this Lefty guest making that statement she had nothing.
When asked about Margaret Sanger and her Eugenics against blacks and other people of color all she could say was it would be a personal decision whether to accept an honor in Sanger’s name (like Hillary did) so she wouldn’t judge Hillary based on that.
So, there you have it.
One liberal lady weighed in and she had nothing so she blew smoke.
Wish there were an accompanying link but her appearance was so UN-News worthy why would anyone bother.
*Stem Express is NOT Planned Parenthood.
BUT, until August 15th 2015, Stem Express bought tissue samples from Planned Parenthood.
Stem Express had no way to know IF Planned Parenthood faked signatures permitting the taking of samples, so it quit buying them from PP. http://stemexpress.com/stemexpress-statement-regarding-termination-of-activities-with-planned-parenthood/