The media hits ANOTHER new low in covering the Trump assassination attempt

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The images and sounds are stunning:



Eight shots ring out. Thousands of people dive and scatter. On the podium before them, a presidential candidate drops to the ground and the Secret Service mobs him.

And here’s what CNN tells its viewers:

Yes, CNN eventually changed its headline.

But how could anyone with eyes and ears have had “falls at rally” as a first reaction to the video from Saturday night? How could anyone not immediately have assumed that the most likely scenario was a shooter was targeting Trump?

We all know the answer.

The elite media hates Donald Trump.

And questions about President Joe Biden’s physical and mental fitness for a second term have badly damaged Biden’s candidacy. “Falls at rally” was CNN’s hope Trump would soon face the same question, wishcasting at its purest:

The act of interpreting information or a situation in a way that casts it as favorable or desired, despite the fact that there is no evidence for such a conclusion; a wishful forecast.

As Saturday night progressed, the bizarre headlines kept piling up, driven by the media’s apparent reluctance to acknowledge the increasingly obvious truth that what we had just seen was an assassination attempt on Trump.

For hours, CNN insisted on calling what had happened an incident:

Then the “incident” then turned into a shooting.

So it remains even now, almost 48 hours later, on the Washington Post’s front Web page, which refers to a “Trump Rally Shooting.”

Why the vagueness of “shooting” instead of the precision and accuracy of “assassination attempt”?

Again, the reasons are obvious: “shooting” both gives the elite media a chance to reprise its obsession with gun violence and focuses the reader/viewer on the means of the attack – a secondary issue – rather than the more important fact that it targeted the man who is currently favorited to be our next President.

As bad and deceptive as the reporting around the attack itself has been, the media’s unwillingness to acknowledge that Democrats (and reporters) have spent the last year demonizing Trump is worse.

Yes, Trump has also used problematic language.

The media has overstated some of it (his “bloodbath” reference referred to the auto industry) but not all. He called his opponents “vermin,” and he did say he would be a dictator during his first day in office.

Yes, he was probably joking. No, that’s not a good joke.

But it is Democrats and the media who have compared Trump to Hitler.

(Actually it’s not okay)


It’s Democrats– and the media – who, over and over, have called Trump an “existential threat” to democracy and the United States.

And those Democrats include the President of the United States:


Worse, on July 8, in an effort to move the media from covering the Democratic (yes, Democratic) debate over whether he is fit to be President and should run for another term, Biden said that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

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Obviously, Biden did not want anyone to shoot Trump.


The Ministry of Propaganda, working hand in hand with the DNC, will try to downplay the attempt to assassinate Trump, downplay his survival and even try to turn it upon Trump himself. Yeah, Trump has inflammatory statements… those the left take totally out of all context and/or even make up out of thin air. Trump’s “bloodbath” remark is so obviously referring to economic issues that to take that out of context shows a commitment to lying and inciting hatred and, hopefully, violence. The left would only be remorseful of Trump being severely wounded or killed if it cost them some votes out of sympathy. Otherwise, they are happen when one of their demented, foaming-at-the-mouth lemmings goes off the rails and commits violence in their name.

Sound hyperbolic? Well, consider this: on the left we have BLM, ANTIFA and now, supporters of Hamas. These are all radical, far left groups that will resort to violence at the drop of a mask. Yet, even during the worst violent pogrom we have ever seen, no one on the left bothered to denounce the violence of 2020 or, worse, to take measures to end the violence and destruction. In fact, the current Vice President promoted a bail fund for the rioters intended to keep them out of jail and “on the job”. To date, few if any of these terrorists have had to face punishment. Now, why would that be?

Democrats don’t want anything to discourage their terrorist mobs from carrying out their mission of intimidating any opposition. While anyone that protested on January 6th are susceptible to long term imprisonment no matter how far from the violence they may have been, those who assault cops, burn police cars, attack federal court houses and even take possession of major downtown areas have no fear of serious consequences.

Clearly, if there is any calming of leftist rhetoric, it will be short lived and insincere. It is the nature of this Democrat party to be vindictive, cut throat and violent. The CAN reform, but they have to actually realize their dementia first. We haven’t reached that point yet.

The M.S. Media Bottom Feeders/Gutter Dwellers the Crumby News Network and Washington Compost can Lie all they want most al Americans no longer trusts the lowlife Rats and Serpents