by Ace
There are accusations that Fauci and the CDC have reduced quarantine periods from 10 days to 5 to accommodate industry and to keep entire companies from shutting down.
Almost as if what is claimed to be “The Science” is in fact a hodge-podge of political decisions being made by bureaucrats and their political counterparts, like Ron Klain.
But then, this has been going on since the start of the covid panic. Fauci lied about mask being ineffectual, because he didn’t want lowly civilians buying them up and shorting them for medical professionals. (Surprise! He had it right the first time — they are almost entirely ineffectual, but he didn’t know that when he claimed it.)
He then played game with what would constitute “herd immunity” — 70%? 75%? 85% 90% — and admitted he just made up numbers according to what he believed the public was “ready to hear” or what they would tolerate. When he felt they were “ready to hear” higher numbers, an would tolerate higher numbers, he shifted his target for herd immunity upward.
He admitted this — he admitted that what he claimed to be “The Science” was in fact just a grab-bag of psychological gambits and tactical deceptions intended for maximum manipulative impact on the public.
And yet when you pointed this out, he contacted his palz at the social media companies to censor you.
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“Experts” wonder why people don’t believe a ***-damn word coming from their lying mouths, and want to know why.
Why? Why won’t they believe us any longer?
Why do they believe that when we talk about “The Science,” we’re really just hustling them to get them to comply with our policy and political preferences by labeling it “The Science”?
Why do they not trust us about “The Science” any longer?
Well, maybe they should look at the huge repulsive mass of lies they’ve vomited at us for two years for a clue.
Starting with this one:
Democrats expect everyone to be as easily manipulated as their stupid followers. When told something totally unbelievable, we are expected to simply suspend disbelief and believe whatever they present.
We don’t. We’re smarter than that. It’s why we voted for Trump instead of this useless skin sack known as idiot Biden.
it was only a matter of time that pseudo med students became involves. their represent a microcosm of the cowardly, narcissistic, prideful, and nihilistic behavior. the caliber of med student graduating is so low is that they can not even examine a patient. their clinical skills are vacant as the mentality of deductive reasoning no longer exists. they no longer take the Hippocratic oath but the hypocoristic oath of lies, deceit, and nihilistic behavior. A great piece of advice: if sick, go to a doc in an age group of 50’s, . stay out of the er’s filled with students and residents that spend more time in their pads and phones socializing. Walkinh tough the halls of a hospital with every white coat on the phone or pad, not paying attention to their surroundings, patients or visitors has become the woke norm.
It’s simple. Anybody who uses the definite article with the word “science” is pulling a scam. Period.
Rioters and looters belong in Prison not roaming the Streets and those who support and finance them belong in prison as well
As absurd as this: