The Liberal Gun Control Agenda – 10 Hard, Cold Truths

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Following last week’s shooting at a high school in south Florida, the requisite liberal responses, were rubber stamped and ready to go.

We’ve heard all of this politically correct, politically expedient nonsense before.

Liberals always seize on such horrific events to make their abject hatred of our 2nd Amendment rights heard, never letting a crisis go to waste. First and foremost, liberals, in their never-ending quest to eliminate our rights, blame the gun, tell us we must do something to “solve the gun problem” and then proceed to place the blame on anything, or anyone other than the slime that pulled the trigger.

People are dying every day at the hands of those who shouldn’t have guns on the streets of some of our nation’s most well-known cities…

And if liberal policies are what’s going to save us all, why are our most dangerous, and deadly cities all being run by liberals, and the very policies they claim are our salvation?

It’s all a bunch of crap, and they know it, but that doesn’t stop them from issuing their inane talking points.

Let’s start with this one…

“It’s time to have a meaningful conversation” about the gun problem in this country.

Right off the bat, I’ll call BULLCRAP on that talking point, because what it IS time for, are some hard, cold truths.

Hard, cold truth number one…there can be NO “meaningful conversation” regarding events like the one last week in south Florida until liberals admit that “gun-free zones” are, in fact, target-rich environments.

Most of the mass murders in this country, over the past few decades, have occurred in the “gun-free zones” liberals both set in place, and are so damned proud of. Why? Because those hell-bent on pulling the trigger, and murdering as many people as possible in as short a period of time as possible, know damned well that in a “gun-free zone,” they won’t be challenged with deadly resistance.

“Meaningful conversation” my ass. What do these namby-pamby liberals think a “meaningful conversation” will do…talk the next such occurrence out of existence?

The next liberal talking point always involves “allocating resources” to pay for this, that and the other thing.

Hard, cold truth number two…you can’t fix this by throwing either money, or government at it…I don’t give a damn how much money or government you want to throw.

Furthermore, liberals are always wanting to throw more government, and more money at the issue toward the absolute wrong things, as in, using taxpayer money and more government to relieve us of our rights, and not one single liberal has ever been able to explain how relieving good people of their rights is going to stop bad people from doing bad things.

Always involved in the mess of liberal talking points after a situation like this, is the blather regarding the “need for more first responders.”

From liberals, this is entirely disingenuous, as liberals have shown a complete lack of respect for, and total lack of support for police officers, but that’s not the only problem I have with their call for “more first responders.”

Hard, cold truth number three…if more first responders is our answer regarding a situation such as the one experienced in south Florida last week…you’re too damned late. First responders…respond…after something has happened…and more of them will not prevent anything from happening.

What is needed is first preventers…not first responders, and if you want to know how to properly “allocate more resources” and properly provide first preventers, just read my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOT partner Diane Sori’s Op-Ed from this morning…her solution is good, blunt spot-on common sense.

Next up in the liberal spewage of sewage…grief counselors.

Every time there’s a horrible event at a school, or damn near anywhere else, liberals always make a big deal out of providing “grief counselors” to work with those who were affected by the event.

Hard, cold truth number four…I understand how kids are going to be shook by such a terrible event…but group therapy sessions with an anonymous “grief counselor” is nothing more than a “village raising a child.”

While we didn’t have these sorts of things, shootings like the one in south Florida back when I was an impressionable kid…from time to time, bad things happened, and we did, indeed, have grief counselors.

We called them by their given titles…mom and dad.

If our precious feeling were hurt, if we were confused by something, and if we were distraught over something…we went to mom and dad, one on one, and we got through it pretty damned well. A big part of the reason we’re seeing more tragedies now than we did back then, is because we’ve allowed a village of idiots raise our children, rather than, as parents, accepting that responsibility ourselves.

Another thing liberals always bring up at times like this, is the old, “if you see something, say something” line of crap.

Hard, cold truth number five…“See something, say something,” only works if the entity you say something to…does something…and apparently the FBI was too damn busy chasing down pretend Russian interference in our elections to do anything about a punk that was on the verge of shooting up a school and murdering 17 people.

“If you see something, say something,” is nothing more than liberals trying to implement a system by which people will constantly spy on, and report their neighbors. Don’t think so? Well, just a day after the mass murder at the high school in south Florida last week, the Broward County Sheriff brought it up in a press conference and used this example…if you’re used to seeing a certain routine from your neighbor, where they come home every Friday with bags of groceries, with bread sticking up out of the bag…but one Friday they come home with bullets instead of bread in their bag…call the police, call the Sheriff, or call the FBI.

How in the hell are you supposed to know there are bullets in the grocery bag rather than bread? Are we now supposed to run to our neighbor’s driveway, wrest the grocery bag from them and dump the contents onto their driveway so as to see what in the hell they came home with, and then call the FBI if there’s a box of ammo?

And what good would it do? The punk that murdered 17 people last week was a time bomb ready to explode, and someone did see something, a posted comment on a YouTube video, and that person did, in fact, alert the FBI.

At that same press conference, when asked about it, the FBI agent in charge admitted that his agency had received the “see something, say something” alert, but were unable to discern who made the comment.

Hard, cold truth number six…You’re better off defending yourself than waiting for the FBI to do it for you.

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“meaningful conversation”

That’s what CNN likes to have; when they can write the questions and the answers.

Next up in the liberal spewage of sewage…grief counselors.

AKA “drama coaches”.

apparently the FBI was too damn busy chasing down pretend Russian interference in our elections to do anything about a punk that was on the verge of shooting up a school and murdering 17 people.

More specifically, trying to prove Republicans were responsible for the collusion the Democrats actually did.

“we must take steps to make sure this never happens again.”

One positive thing the people of influence; those who actually DO influence some of these criminals to do the things they do, would be to denounce those activities, by acting them or singing them, instead of making excuses for bad behavior and blaming others. Rap “artists” could denounce the killing, pimping and raping they sing about and explain that anyone that actually commits those activities are cowardly punks. Movie makers could explain that while all this looks cool on the screen, one would be an idiot if they actually tried to emulate those acts. But, they don’t. They blame the NRA. Cowardly liars.

Liberals always seize on such horrific events to make their abject hatred of our 2nd Amendment rights heard, never letting a crisis go to waste.

The topic comes up every time there’s another mass murder of innocents perpetrated by an unbalanced individual with a firearm he shouldn’t have had.

Should you have somehow failed to notice, the rising anger that this is allowed to continue isn’t confined to liberals. No one has been asking about the political orientation of children or their parents before methodically mowing them down.

The degree to which it’s a Democratic Party or liberal issue is only the degree to which Republicans are failing to effectively respond. That their own choice to make.


The topic comes up every time there’s another mass murder of innocents perpetrated by an unbalanced individual with a firearm he shouldn’t have had.

He also was ignored by the police, the school and ultimately the FBI. But, banning a weapon, for which a substitute could be easily found, is all liberals want to concentrate on.

Should you have somehow failed to notice, the rising anger that this is allowed to continue isn’t confined to liberals. No one has been asking about the political orientation of children or their parents before methodically mowing them down.

Yet, the fact that the leftist media filters out all voices but anti-gun voices is significant. The President’s forum included all sides, but then again, he’s not part of the liberal agenda. The “con man” is the only one listening to all sides. That, too, is significant for a number of reasons.


The degree to which it’s a Democratic Party or liberal issue is only the degree to which Republicans are failing to effectively respond. That their own choice to make.

Wow the republicans, it was a republican Pal operator? All the cops there that came to the little demons house 29 times were republicans, the school officials that didn’t press for charges were republicans, yet the children the MSM are exploiting are not hmmmmmmmmmm. Oh no one of them cried, lets tear up the constitution.
That fails logic.
Everything was in place to stop the lil devil. They all failed to follow through, no finger pointing I dont know who they voted for the chain broke and failed.
Domestic abuse would disqualify him from ever buying a gun, that happened to be one of the police calls. Having him put away for animal abuse, posted on his media, making a threat against a school illegal but ignored.

@Greg: You need to actually read the article you’re posting to. It handily destroys the non-argument you are making.

It’s not the government’s place to “respond”, you idiot. Gun grabbing will do nothing, and you have no logical argument against this.

Guns have been readily available for decades. Why so many shootings now? That’s the real question. Political agenda would be the only reason to blame the party you didn’t vote for and their lack of “response”.

You can’t prevent bad people from wanting to, and actually doing, bad things. Get that into our young and ignorant mind.

If someone wants to kill a lot of the people, they will try to do…guns or no guns. You have no argument to make against that, beyond weak political exploitation of dead kids.

Conservatives have won this argument decisively, again and again. Libs don’t want a solution, they want blood…non-liberal blood. If they could just get those stone-aged, backward “conservative” out of the power and culturally ostracized, then a utopia would follow.

Concerning a solution? First, the problem:
Disturbed people in the country see the media coverage of mass killings, and see it as a good way to get attention. The fake “march” they used those kids for is most probably empowering a few psychos out there to carry out their plans with less doubt. Watch and see. 2018 will be the worst, and mostly because of the media.

Schools are easy targets for someone to kill a lot of people.


Make schools not an option for the mass killer. Taking away legal gun-owners guns does nothing, moron.

Reports are now that in addition to Scott Peterson standing outside (what was he doing outside?) doing nothing while Cruz was inside killing, 3 more Broward Co. officers arrived on the scene and they too simply stood outside fanning their nuts.

Apparently Sheriff Israel teaches his officers cowardice.

Also, in 2016 a report was called in that Cruz wanted to shoot up the school. The report was forwarded to… wait for it… Officer Scott Peterson. As appears to be his first response in all situations, he did nothing.

I’m growing a bit suspicious. Sheriff Israel is a Hillary supporter. The police in Broward County had received numerous complaints about Cruz and had been called to his residences 35 times. He was known to have guns and was reported, repeatedly, to have a desire to shoot up a school. When the shooting started, resource officer Scott Peterson, who had received the “Resource Officer of the Year Award” was outside. Three more Broward Co. officers were called in and THEY all stayed outside, waiting for Coral City PD to show up. That’s an awful lot of incompetence.

Keeping in mind that we have “the means justifies the ends, never let a crisis go to waste” liberals trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment, is it beyond comprehension that, knowing Cruz was an armed ticking time bomb, maybe Sheriff Israel simply let this happen?

No one worry if you like your guns you can keep your guns, no one will be forced to register or give up their fire arms.
After 8 years of the most blatant lies, why dont you believe the nice progressive liberals?
Utoh my 89 year old mother has 3 pressure cookers, maybe I should say something.

Some liberals are calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment but they did that after Sandy Hook what we realy need is for America to pull out of the Useless Nations who have failed to bring about World Peace maybe ots becuase Peace is not their real goal