Daniel Greenfield:
The President of the United States announced that refugees fleeing persecution by a totalitarian regime would be deported. It did not matter that they had risked their lives to come here.
They would be sent back.
No leftist lawyers crammed airports. No protesters chanted at terminals. No celebrities offered sanctimonious lectures about “who we are”. No one dared to call the lying thug behind it un-American.
Because his last name was Obama and the refugees were Cubans fleeing socialism.
Their arrival irritated the leftists gleefully going on tours of Havana while worrying that capitalism would ruin all the poverty, misery and oppression they were showing off on their Instagram pages.
The same leftists howling over Trump’s refugee pause from Muslim countries cheered loudly for Obama’s Cuban refugee ban. A majority of Cuban Americans had voted for Trump.
So the left wanted to keep them out of America.
The media outlets selling sniveling sob stories of Muslim families cheered when President Clinton sent in an anti-terrorist unit brandishing submachine guns to abduct a little Cuban boy at gunpoint from his family. “We literally wanted these people frozen with fear,” a BORTAC commander boasted.
That is how the left treats actual refugees.
When they lecture us on “who we are,” remember that this is who they are.
While Obama and the left have been lecturing us on the poor Syrian refugees, they have done everything possible to keep real Syrian refugees, Christians and Yazidis, out of America.
Christians made up 10% of the population of Syria. Two thirds of Syrian Christians were displaced by the ongoing Muslim religious war. But only 1% of the Syrian refugees admitted by Obama were Christian.
98.8% were Muslim.
Of the hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrian Christians, Obama took in 125 in his final year.
While real refugees were kept out, Obama threw open the doors to Sunni Muslim migrants: many of whom sympathize with their Sunni Islamic terrorist side from Al Qaeda to ISIS. Obama had armed and aided the Sunni Islamic “freedom fighters” in Syria who were oppressing and displacing Christians.
These are the fake refugees on whose behalf the left is protesting at airports.
President Trump has pledged to overturn Obama’s covert ban on Christian refugees. The leftist protesters aren’t there to support refugees, but to oppose his plan to help Christian refugees.
These aren’t pro-refugee protests. They’re pro-migrant and anti-refugee tantrums. Their real message is to keep Obama’s ban on Syrian Christian refugees while importing more migrant Muslim terror.
The left does not support actual refugees because the majority of those are fleeing either leftist or Islamist regimes. And the left is the unofficial lobby for the former and supports the latter.
Joe Biden, Jerry Brown and other leftists fought tooth and nail against bringing Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees to America. George McGovern insisted that they “would be better off going back to their own land.”
Amnesty International, which beats the Muslim refugee drum louder than anyone else, joined in the effort to cover up Communist genocide in Cambodia. “Allegations made by refugees must be examined with care in view of their possible partiality,” the left-wing organization warned. It claimed that it did not want to “embarrass” the Communist mass murderers by exposing their misdeeds in public.
Cambodian genocide denial lived on until the bodies could no longer be covered up.
The left has shamelessly invoked the plight of Jewish refugees from the USSR and Nazi Germany.
Time to send back all those illegal aliens including the Obama family and perhaps many many others