As a gesture of civility and tolerance from left, the band “Detente” has written a new song called “Kill Rush”
But a song that openly calls for the killing of Rush Limbaugh apparently doesn’t offend YouTube or Facebook, in the least.
Disgusted by Rush Limbaugh’s recent antics? Blast our song, ‘KILL RUSH’
Just don’t call anyone a “slut.”
Oh Joy! More tolerance from the Left…
Funny years ago when a girl “put out” she was labeled a “Slut”…. So, let’s see, now it’s the girl/woman who wants to be provided with the “free condoms” for a romp …. why does she need the condoms… ? The guy can’t provide the condoms? Oh, is it ‘just in case’…? What is the deal with this?
I am not trying to come off like a Polly Anna here, however I do have self-respect…
I know morals and values in our nation have drastically changed. I am not in a 2012, 16-35 year old guy’s or girl/woman’s mind. Do guys no longer ” label” girls/women? Especially those who “put out” AND provide their own condoms to boot? Or is it still a ‘booty call’ for all? With neither having any self respect?
Without getting too raunchy here ….this has seriously peaked my curiosity.
And once again….
No, Detente did not just write a new song in response to Sandra Fluke. The song was released in 2010. Get the facts straight.