The left shoots itself in the foot over Elliot Rodger

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You have to hand it to the liberals: they never miss an opportunity to convert tragedy into political gain. In the wake of Elliot Rodger’s six murders–three with a knife and three with a gun, plus injuries inflicted with an automobile–they are calling, once again, for gun confiscation. I guess they are, anyway. As usual, they denounce conservatives and say things like “end the madness,” but confiscation seems to be the point of it all.

Once again, though, liberals are denied the holy grail of mass murderers–a conservative perpetrator, preferably a follower of the Tea Party. Rodger, like most of the others, was a devoted liberal. He followed the Young Turks on YouTube, a far-left group led by a goof named Cenk Uygur who once was an MSNBC host. So, foiled once again, liberals can make only their broader propaganda points.

Michael Moore deserves to be singled out for special condemnation. On Facebook, he purported to respond to requests for comment:

We are a people easily manipulated by fear which causes us to arm ourselves with a quarter BILLION guns in our homes that are often easily accessible to young people, burglars, the mentally ill and anyone who momentarily snaps.

So was Rodger was manipulated by a fear of conservative ascendancy propagated by the Young Turks? Apparently so.

While other countries have more violent pasts (Germany, Japan), more guns per capita in their homes (Canada [mostly hunting guns]), and the kids in most other countries watch the same violent movies and play the same violent video games that our kids play, no one even comes close to killing as many of its own citizens on a daily basis as we do — and yet we don’t seem to want to ask ourselves this simple question: “Why us? What is it about US?”

Heh. Moore hasn’t checked the numbers. There are many places with murder rates higher than ours. Pretty much all of sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, Russia, and others. Actually, the white murder rate in the U.S. is comparable to other Western countries.

Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males. None of them are committed by the majority gender, women. Hmmm, why is that?

I think testosterone has something to do with it. But wait! Elliot Rodger’s mother is Indonesian. Doesn’t that count for something? Apparently not, when liberal memes are at stake.

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Since you can’t get away from the reports, I heard his own neighbors say he was a ”buzz-kill” whenever he was around.
He had ”dead eyes,” and was anti-social.
But only once did police get a call from someone worried enough to see if he was a danger to himself or others.
He seemed OK to them at his door, although had they been invited in they would have seen his weaponry.
Now that he’s gone, problem solved.
I understand it was self-inflicted.
The idea of ”see something, say something,” almost worked in this case.
But he used guns, knives and an automobile.
This is proof that confiscating guns won’t save people from his ilk.
The Bible book of Job starts out with a conversation between God and the Devil.
The Devil derisively and wrongly claims that the only reason Job loves his God is that God has built a protective hedge all around Job so he can’t be hurt.
Liberals imagine they are trying to save mankind when they propose building safety hedges all around people so people can’t hurt themselves.
But it is not true.
No hedge is tall enough, strong enough, thick enough.
Liberals would smother those they purport to want to protect.
Take away all the guns.
Then it would be take away all the knives (UK tried to limit the length of knives outside of one’s home!)
Then will it be take away all autos?
Take away all baseball bats?
How about just neutering all males at birth?
None of this will work.
There are still going to be vases, lamps, poisons, trucks and everything one could grab that’s at hand.

@Nanny G: Liberals can take away all the guns, but they cannot eliminate the driving force that has been behind most of these mass killings and most of the crimes committed; perceived social and economic inequality. They cannot eliminate this cause because they THRIVE on keeping it stirred up.

Drudge and the rest of the internet have plastered his picture and manifesto on the public wall, he has achieved the fame (notoriety) and “popularity” he was probably hoping for…
His picture and name should have been restricted and his website taken down…a free but responsible press (what on earth is that?) would not have set up the next few copycats/losers to take up their guns, knives, and cars and go try to beat his record…

What’s wrong with “us” is that we keep “glamorizing” these cowards/losers/psychopaths…instead of burying them face down in a manure pile with a tombstone that says only “Coward and Loser” on it.


Rodger was a spoiled, whiny-assed, sexually frustrated, liberal brat who believed that because of his social status that women should automatically bestow him with their sexual favors. His father’s importance in the Hollywood “I got mine” crowd is what is driving MSM interest.

IMO he should be buried beneath one of California’s perpetual compost heaps.

Since he passed all the back-ground tests, and bought all his weapons in accordance with California’s far-leftist, gun control Inc regulation laws, none of the other gun control regulations would have mattered.

What needs to be done is to create a screening mechanism that prevents people with dangerous anti-social tendencies and/or serious mental disorders from easily acquiring or continuing to possess firearms.

This is not an unreasonable expectation. We don’t allow certain persons to legally operate motor vehicles for reasons of public safety. Why should firearms ownership be thought of any differently?

@Greg: After the abuses of this administration of the NSA, DOJ and the IRS, I doubt you will ever convince anyone concerned with their personal liberties with a government that changes every 4 years. So, whenever you see a killing that could have easily been avoided by identifying behavior, you can thank Mr. Obama and his disregard for the rule of law, Constitution and the rights of those who might disagree with his agenda.


Are you sure about that, cause here in GA we have tons of people driving cars and killing people with them that don’t have permits or insurance…

@MrBigW, #7:

Are there no legal consequences if they are caught doing so during routine stops when their behavior hasn’t yet resulted in vehicular homicide?

The point of such laws is that they provide a legal basis for intervention before somebody gets killed. Repeat offenders can be locked up. It’s far more difficult to commit vehicular homicide when you’re in prison. If someone is too dense to get the message, their successive stays should become longer and longer.

@Greg: a screening mechanism

this guy was in CA, Greg.
He had a lot of hoops to jump through.
If you’re a convicted felon federal law 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1) states it is illegal for felons to own firearms.
If you’ve ever been committed to a mental institution, you’ll have a difficult time passing your background checks.
Submit an optional Personal Firearms Eligibility Check (PFEC) application along with a copy of your California Driver’s License or ID Card and a check or money order for $20.
Get the application notarized and include an impression of your right thumbprint.
You should get the results back within 30 days, but it can take up to 120.
This process is separate from the background check and 10-day waiting period described in later steps.
Take the 30-question handgun safety test. It will cost some money, but it’s a requirement.
The cashier will need valid photo ID.
You will pay for the gun at this time (some gun stores will allow you put the gun on layaway or may only require you to pay part of the cost of the gun before you pick it up).
You will be required to sign some papers (ATF Form 4473, DROS), which will need to be filled out with place of residency and other information. It will also require your right thumb print.
The fee for this is $25.
Wait 10 days (240 hours to the minute on DROS form.)
During this time your DROS information is being sent to the CA DMV, CA DOJ, and then on to the FBI NICS.
At any time through the 10 days you can be denied.
Sometimes it will take a full 9 days for a denial.
After 10 day wait you’ll come in to pick up firearm and sign 4473 form again.
In California, you are only allowed to purchase one handgun within a 30-day period.
Required by law in California you must either own a California-approved gun safe or purchase a new gun lock for each firearm purchased.
Proof is required for each.
At the end of the 10 days, if you have purchased a pistol, you will need your handgun safety certificate and proof of residency (this can be a recent water or electric bill or even valid vehicle registration).
You will sign some papers, saying you are now in possession of the firearm.
You will be required to have (or purchase) a California-approved locking device or prove you own a safe.
They will also have you show you can handle the handgun safely by having you lock back the slide and releasing it.
Load a dummy round into the magazine, and loading the gun with it.
Ejecting the magazine and a question will be asked, “is the gun still loaded?”.
Ejecting the round, all while maintaining muzzle control, pointing the muzzle in a safe direction, and keeping your finger off the trigger.

Federal authorities hardly ever come and take people’s guns away after they develop/get diagnosed for a mental disorder. Obama only started to tighten up on this in Jan 2014!
State authorities can also do this, but they also have backlogs….a la the VA.

But you want potential actions predicted by the gov’t then prevented by keeping guns from certain folks.
But who can know the heart?
Who can read minds?
The ”profile” of most mass killers (white young men who play violent video games and own guns and have few friends) fits hundreds of thousands of other young men who like video games and guns and hang out alone much of the day.
So, what are you going to do?
Force lying behavior out of really crazy people who realize that, otherwise, they’d fit the ”profile?”
People can fake normal.
Even people on drugs can ”maintain.”
So, all you’re asking for is a throw the baby out to get rid of the bathwater solution.
How much better to simple have more ARMED members of the general public?
Here in Utah, one in every 8 adults had the right to concealed carry and all adults can open carry.
And people do.
The crime rate is pretty darn low as a result.

@MrBigW: Good point about unlicensed and uninsured drivers, MrBigW.
In CA the number is estimated at 25% of all cars on the roads are either not insured, not registered or driven by a person with no ID saying they can drive.
And, yes, they crash into people and things all the time.


What needs to be done is to create a screening mechanism that prevents people with dangerous anti-social tendencies

Well, we certainly can’t require a photo ID, that would be discrimination. Blacks can’t figure out how to get photo ID’s for voting, so they sure couldn’t figure out how to get one for buying a gun.


Let’s not also forget that this kid was not [entirely] white. He was a half Asian “spoiled, whiny-assed, sexually frustrated, liberal brat” of British parents who were “anti-gun”. He had also been treated for mental disorders since age 8, presumably by a Hollyweird shrink who saw dollar signs in this kid’s parents.

Did his posting nude photos of his step mother (taken by his father, no less) on the internet not ring any bells for this kids parents? I mean, how dysfunction was that family?

But the fact that this is not some white, Christian Southern kid, who decided that there were no explanations for the rejection he received from girls who were not impressed with his social status, will be ignored by the lame stream press. Nor will it be noted the violence involved in the movies directed by the shooter’s father. Nah, there’s no way all that Hollyweird violence influenced the shoot, right?

@Nanny G: As I recall, when I applied for my handgun permit in Kommieforina all I had to do was to show two forms of ID and a Utility bill, fill out the forms, pay the money, take the test and wait 10 days. After that it was show my card (these are for hand guns) refill the ATF form and wait my 10 days. In Kommieforina you can only purchase 1 hand gun in a 30 day period.


Nope the county justs lets them go after someone post a bond, The police officer who came to visit me in the hospital and bring me my stuff from my saddlebags told me… ” We didn’t bother fixing a court date on the ticket,His buddies will bail him out monday with all his stuff packed and we’ll never see him again..