The Left’s Faux-Outrage Over the Ryan Plan

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Poor liberals. They were so desperate to see a “Widespread Public Outrage Over GOP Plan to Abolish Medicare” narrative emerge over the Easter recess — and I’m sure they genuinely thought it would happen on its own — but events on the ground simply haven’t lived up to expectations. And polls like this one must really make their heads explode.

Now they are trying to make hay out of a handful of YouTube clips that simply don’t measure up to the headlines they are posted under — for example: “Republicans Get Grilled at Town Hall Meetings…” or “GOP Congressmen Get Eaten Alive at Town Halls” — especially when you find out a few paragraphs into a story that Congressman X was “was interrupted at every turn by shouts from his critics, including members of progressive groups such as and Organize Now.”

Take this clip of freshman Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.), who easily makes the list of top five Democratic targets in 2012 — “Duffy Gets Grilled Over Data.” Perhaps I have a different idea of what constitutes a “grilling,” but I don’t think this quite measures up.

In fact, the highlight of clip is the part where the “griller” dismisses the Ryan budget on the grounds that “a Nobel Prize–winning economist labeled it ’a fraud.’”

“Who’s that?” Duffy asks.

“Paul Krugman.”

(Uproarious laughter ensues.)


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The value of a Nobel prize has been rapidly declining in recent decades. Witness the list of some of the most recent winners, and then ask yourself what, exactly, did they do to ‘earn’ the award.

Nobel Peace prize:
2009 – Barack Obama
2008 – Martti Ahtisaari
2007 – Al Gore
2006 – Muhammed Yunus
2002 – Jimmy Carter
2001 – Kofi Annan

Krugman’s category, the Nobel prize for economic sciences:
2008 – Krugman

I haven’t waded through the list of economic winners to find out how many of them lean towards liberalism, but my guess is that most of the recent winners do, as does most of the recent winners of the Peace prize. To me, they are nothing more than a glorified ‘lookatme’ award given to people who haven’t achieved anything.