The Latest (Retracted) Details on Harry Reid’s Source

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Daniel Foster @ The Corner:

Too much fun. Here’s Harry Reid aide Jose Parra giving some juicy details about Romney tax Deep Throat to a Los Angeles radio station:

“This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody … who has been dealing with Romney’s company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge on this,” Parra said.

But quicker than you can say “I heard Harry Reid has a birthmark in the shape of Wayne Newton on his rear end, and there’s an easy way for him to clear the matter up” Parra took just about everything back, after his interview started drawing apparently unwanted media attention. Said Parra in a statement to HuffPo:

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“Maybe my source was a comment on the Democrat rest room wall!” Harry Reid

I don’t know how ultra-conservative read, but this statement by Parra doesn’t represent him “taking just about everything back”.

“I do not know the party affiliation of the source, how long he invested with Bain, or his relationship to Romney beyond the fact that he was an investor with Bain Capital, as Senator Reid has previously stated….”

All he was saying was that he wasn’t sure of the most intimate details of Reid’s assertion.