I think Kavanaugh could have have had a more buttoned-up answer on his adolescent drinking, and he clearly tried to minimize it and change the subject when it came up (understandably, given the inquisitorial atmosphere). But he didn’t deny drinking or even drinking to excess. A New York Times story from over the weekend perfectly illustrated how the media and the Left are distorting what he said. Here is the passage in the Times story:
During Thursday’s hearing, he spoke of enjoying beer but said he did not drink to excess. “I drank beer with my friends,” he said. “Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out,” he said.
Here you have an assertion in a news report that is directly contradicted by the quote following. The Times says he denied drinking to excess, then quotes him saying, “Sometimes I had too many beers.” The suggestion that he was deceptive is just flat-out wrong and blatantly so, but such is the magnetic pull of the idea that he lied that the Times bows to it even when directly contradicted a few sentences later.
Thats what I heard but I didnt bother with the transcript he likes his beer and has at times been drunk, drunk does not mean blackouts. His parents were sitting there maybe he did not want to recount in front of them barfing after a few too many. Now the newest one says he tossed a perfectly good beer in a persons face thats alcohol abuse. He may not have picked the fight but he threw a beer in a persons face and one of his drinking buddies went to jail, well the police did not arrest Kav so those questioned obviously pointed out the guy that needed to be hauled to the hoosegow.
Unable to ever accept responsibility for themselves or their friends makes it Kavs fault?
If liberals didn’t lie or mislead, what would they have to say?
A receipt for the bar tab for a flight for Nancy Pelosi and a few other congress critters.
My, looks like they love free booze.
It cost us – over two years –$101,429.14 just for food and alcohol on flights Nancy took.
Is she lucid?
Is she clearly expressing herself?
Is she fit for office?
Look here:
Beer at a baseball game?
Beer on the weekends?
Seems fine in comparison.
Boy just imagine if he were a member of the choom gang.