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Today from the execrable Chuck Todd:

Chuck Todd: “Shadow Of Bush And Katrina” Hangs Over GOP Convention

NBC’s Chuck Todd tries to tie Hurricane Katrina and former President George W. Bush to the GOP convention in Tampa. From Sunday’s edition of NBC’s Nightly News: “There are folks with the Romney campaign who think, ‘Boy, Romney can’t catch a break ever since he named Paul Ryan. He got a little momentum after the Ryan pick and then he’s disrupted by two storms. One, a political storm in Todd Akin which we just brought up. But now an actual storm, and when you think when this storm moves to and closer to Louisiana, the specter, the sort of shadow of Bush and Katrina does hang over this convention. It is something organizers are concerned about and don’t be surprised if Tuesday gets changed again.”

And over at Politico- another Obama media outlet:

GOP fears ghost of Katrina at RNC 2012

TAMPA, Fla. — The official message couldn’t be clearer: the Republican National Convention will proceed Tuesday morning, period.

More quietly, Republicans have begun to whisper a grim word that sums up all their fears about the 2012 party gathering: Katrina.

No longer is GOP fretting focused on the prospect of Tropical Storm Isaac striking Tampa and blowing up party’s plans to crown Mitt Romney as its nominee. There’s still the possibility of logistical disruptions, but an epic meteorological mess doesn’t appear to be in the offing here.

Instead, party officials and convention planners are increasingly anxious about a different and possibly more damaging scenario: a split-screen broadcast of Republicans partying in Tampa alongside images of serious storm damage in states such as Louisiana and Mississippi.

Some Republicans here worry the juxtaposition of events could revive memories of the disastrous 2005 storms — Hurricanes Katrina and Rita — and the government’s terrible handling of them.

It doesn’t really get any more obvious.

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Obama is ”hard at work,” by contrast…..

Monday, August 27 2012
No public schedule.

Tuesday, August 28 2012
No public schedule.

Wednesday, August 29 2012
No public schedule.

Thursday, August 30 2012
No public schedule.

No adjustments were made to Obama’s campaign schedule for Tuesday; stops in Ames, Iowa, and Fort Collins, Colo., remain set.

Charlottesville Prepares for Obama Visit Wednesday.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the MSM secretly resurrected Journolist. The media elites still want to wield their influence over the “unwashed masses”

I don’t think that the Republicans have much to fear. With Katrina, we saw a dysfunctional state government in action (inaction?) during a major disaster.
With this storm, we will see a dysfunctional federal government in action during a major disaster.
The Obama team is woefully unprepared. No need to be, in their eyes.
The Democrats don’t expect God to allow a crisis in the USA while His son is in the White House.


From the Rush Limbaugh radio broadcast on August 13:

Now we have an inane media mantra. We have a montage here from Saturday and Sunday, a bunch of mainstream media people describing the race. And they’re all saying the same thing, by the way. It’s now a “choice.” You see, it’s not a referendum. It was gonna be a referendum on Obama. Romney had said that. But now he’s put Paul Ryan on the ticket, and it’s no longer a referendum on Obama, ’cause now that Ryan’s on the ticket. It’s now a “choice.”

Here. Listen and see if this makes any sense to you…

MARK MURRAY: They wanted to make this a referendum on Obama; now it’s a choice.

JOHN KING: Romney has tried to make it a referendum; now you have a choice.

CANDY CROWLEY: What Barack Obama wants to do is make this a the choice. Mitt Romney wanted to make this a referendum.

PERRY BACON: Is was going to be a referendum. (gasp) Now it becomes much more of a choice.

F. CHUCK TODD: This is not a referendum election; this is a choice election.

RICHARD LUI: No longer a referendum on the president. They now had to move into a choice election.

ROGER SIMON: (whispering) It makes the election not a referendum on Barack Obama.

DAVID KERLEY: This changes the storyline from a “referendum” on the president to a “choice” election.

GAVIN NEWSOM: We have a choice, and it’s no longer referendum.

RON BROWNSTEIN: … shift the election more toward the choice and away from the referendum.

RUSH: Isn’t this amazing how they all get the same fax? They get the same talking points, every one of these people. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten people in our montage. Remember when Bush put Cheney on the ticket, “It brings gravitas.” Now it’s a choice election, not a referendum election. What changed? Somebody smarter than I am is gonna have to explain this to me. Would somebody explain to me how in the world this all of a sudden did not become a referendum on Obama? Are they thinking that the previous Romney campaign was just to run out there, be a decent guy, nice guy, and talk about what a reprobate and a louse Obama is, how bad the economy is. But now that we got Ryan on the ticket, well, we’ve put an arch-conservative up there, and now that there’s a conservative on the ticket, oh, no, oh, no, the American people hate conservatives as much as we hate conservatives. And so now this is a choice between Obama and a mainstream racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe conservative who, by the way, wants to cut your Medicare.