The Intercontinental Railroad

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Did you know that we even had one?

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad,” Barack Obama.

That’s what the president of the United States flat-out said Thursday during what was supposed to be a photo op to sell his jobs plan next to an allegedly deteriorating highway bridge.

A railroad between continents? A railroad from, say, New York City all the way across the Atlantic to France? Now, THAT would be a bridge!

It’s yet another humorous gaffe by the Harvard graduate, overlooked by most media for whatever reason. Like Obama saying Abraham-Come-Lately Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party. Or Navy corpseman. Or the Austrian language. Fifty-seven states. The president of Canada. Etc.

If you talk as much as this guy likes to talk instead of governing, if you believe you are a Real Good Talker as much as this guy does, you’re gonna blow a few lines. But this many?

No doubt, we’ll see a collection of Obama’s Best Bombs on ‘Saturday Night Live’ this weekend, one right after the other. No doubt.

Read it all here

That Obama sure is a genius.

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The way Revisionist History has taken over the public schools, it will more likely be that they teach this in a few years rather than Obama correct his gaffe.
How many jobs could Obama save or create by trying to build such a thing?
Or will the Chinese beat us to it?

BTW, this is NOT the 1st time Obama has gotten this one wrong!
Feb 2011:

Wasn’t that the one built by the Army ‘Corpse’ of Engineers??

easy gaffe for a crowded mind needing to go for par at all hazards, “intercontinental” is a chain of hotels not a railroad. i say the same things whenever i miss a four foot putt.

He must be thinking of the Russia. Where it was possible to build a railroad between Europe and Asia.

Now was it TOTUS or Obama? has these:
February 10, 2009:
We always had the best infrastructure. We were always willing to invest in the future. You know, somebody — Governor Crist mentioned Abraham Lincoln. In the middle of the Civil War, in the midst of all this danger and peril, what did he do? He helped move the Intercontinental Railroad. He helped to start land grant colleges. He understood that even when you’re in the middle of crisis you’ve got to keep your eye on the future. (Applause.)

January 22, 2010:
When we passed the Recovery Act, these aren’t all a bunch of government jobs. These are jobs that private contractors contract with the state or the city or the county to build roads and highways, the same way that we built the Interstate Highway System and the Intercontinental Railroad System.

May 1, 2010:
It was the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, who said the role of government is to do for the people what they cannot do better for themselves. He would go on to begin that first intercontinental railroad and set up the first land-grant colleges.

March 4, 2011:
I mean, think about it. My favorite Republican, Abraham Lincoln — happens to be from my home state, but he was a pretty good President, last I checked. (Applause.) He was a guy who invested in the interstate — in the intercontinental railroad, and in land grant colleges, and in the National Academy of Sciences — in the middle of the Civil War.

September 22, 2011:
We used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station. So how can we now sit back and let China build the best railroads?

Here’s one of Obama’s main men (David Axelrod) calling it the “Intercontinental Railroad,” too. (July 2011)

So, who taught whom the wrong ”fact of history?”

There is some talk about doing a railroad bridge-tunnel across the Bering Straits… Not only an Intercontinental Railroad, but a time traveling one as well… crossing the International Date Line. 😉

Screwing it up once is forgivable. Making the same mistake five times simply displays historical ignorance or laziness to get the facts right, and may also indicate his staff is too cowardly to tell their boss of his mistakes. With the way the left have in the past unrelentingly hammered Republicans for a single verbal mistake (and even some where the Republican had it right and the press got it wrong,) their overlooking Obama’s errors are more proof of media bias.