THREAD where I review the new insane 5,000 word article from The New York Times going over every Trump tweet, account he has retweeted, their entire accounts, and the accounts followed by everyone he follows. This is psychotic, stalker, rambling from a major news outlet.
— Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) November 2, 2019
Is the NYTimes thinking Schiff needs a bit of help?
And do they also think tweeting can get you impeached?
At his Tupelo, Mississippi event President Trump made the point that SARCASM and JOSHING get lost in transcripts.
He used the example of a man in court asking “I killed him?”
But it being read back by a court reporter to the jury during deliberations as a statement, “I killed him.”
He could have been convicted.
So, too with Candidate Trump’s sarcastic question in front of thousands: “Russia, if you’ve got the Hillary emails…..”
Tweets are not impeachable events.
They are an expression of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution: We have free speech and the right to express ourselves freely.
I know there has been a move afoot by college student liberals to severely LIMIT free speech, but, unless they control 2/3rds of the states and both houses of Congress, they can only wish.
Today President Trump trolled Nancy Pelosi by retweeting this:
Someone feeling a bit left out?
Nancy says:
I wasn’t briefed.
Conan says:
I was.
@Nan G:
That was actually a GREAT joke because, thanks to Hillary’s purposeful mishandling of classified materials, Russian probably HAD her emails; they and the Chinese the only possessors of the 33,000 emails Hillary obliterated.
Democrats are totally deranged, driven mad with desperation.
The New York Times article is a factual report. If there’s anything “insane” here, it’s not the reporter; it’s what he’s telling us about.
@Greg: The only thing insane are desperate, whiny, crybaby Democrats.
Now thats some funny sh!t NYT got a guy from mad magazine, Onion, Babylon Bee, Vox, Salon or some such satire publication.