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The Hypocrisy Unveiled: Democrats’ Denunciation of ‘Fake Elections’

by Jeff Childers

Yesterday, CNN ran a totally unbiased headline, “Putin extends one man-rule in Russia after stage-managed election devoid of credible opposition.” I wonder what CNN really thought about it? Anyway, Putin won 88% of the popular vote in a same-day election yesterday. (No early or mail-in voting.) The vote predictably showed that Russians don’t want to change presidents in the middle of a war with NATO — whoops! sorry! — I meant in the middle of a war with Ukraine.

And it only took the Russians a few hours to count their ballots.

Laughably, every single Western leader criticized the Russian election. Most hilariously, that included Joseph Robinette Biden, who himself was “elected” in a drawn-out, slow-motion electoral disaster that was mangled, delayed, ballot-harvested, water-main-broked, mailed-in, extra-ballots-found, midnight-spiked, counting-room-windows blocked, election-observers rejected, and otherwise totally mucked up beyond any semblance of a believable election process.

Joe had the nerve to call Russia’s election fake. Once I stopped laughing about that, I started laughing all over again, because I realized that in other words, Joe Biden is now an election denier. So.

I have been informed by serious, fretful news commenters — many times — that “interfering” with an election — like by making Hillary Clinton memes — is a danger to our democracy. Interfering in any way is literally the worst possible thing a free citizen can do. Many good citizens, including veterans, first responders, and grandmas, are right now languishing in the shiv wings of many federal prisons, for interfering with the 2020 election by walking slowly through the Capitol rotunda taking selfies.

Even denying the validity of an election is grounds for Facebook termination with prejudice and for getting jammed on an FBI watchlist. But apparently, not if you’re denying Russia’s election. It hasn’t even been a full day yet, but somehow they already know Putin’s re-election was a fraud. Who needs evidence? It just was!

But it’s even funnier than that. Okay, it’s dark humor, since it includes a lot of newly-deceased Ukrainians. Over the weekend, right before Russia’s voting day, Ukraine — directed by NATO war planners — launched its biggest action since its failed Glorious 2023 Spring Counteroffensive. All along the border, Ukraine shot missiles, launched drones, and invaded with over 50 tanks, countless other vehicles, and over 5,000 men — attacking civilian targets related to the election, including polling places.

At first, Ukraine denied it had anything to do with the massive attack on Russia’s election infrastructure. Ukraine said hey, it wasn’t them, it was an organized resistance inside Russia who oppose Putin and the war. But then the Russians walloped the invading army, and pictures started popping up on social media showing wrecked, U.S.-made Bradley fighting vehicles, and Ukraine had to stop pretending it was a civil war.

Apparently the geniuses in NATO’s planning bunker thought it was a good idea to massacre thousands of Ukrainians and sacrifice massive amounts of material trying to manufacture a fake civil war on the border, a ‘civil war’ that nobody would have believed anyway. And then, predictably, sitting back in their safe base in Poland or wherever, NATO’s imbecilic generals just got everyone killed, and the Russians shot down all their missiles and drones and the whole thing backfired and just made Russian voters madder so they voted even more for Putin.

So I say, let’s get the January 6th prisoners out of jail to make room for the NATO generals who planned all this election interference. Which is apparently even worse than their war crimes of deliberately targeting civilian election infrastructure.

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