I won’t pretend to know what is going to happen in this Presidential election. My head is spinning with the weirdness of the last month which has to be weirdest in US political history.
We saw our sitting President debate, periodically staring into space, mouth agape, saying stuff like “I beat Medicare!”; former President Trump experienced a near assassination attempt, popped up immediately after, fist in the air shouting “Fight, fight, fight!”; now former Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle said we didn’t put agents on the roof to protect Trump because the roof was sloped (huh??); Hulk Hogan ripped his shirt off at the RNC; AOC demanded Cheatle’s resignation (agreeing wholeheartedly with AOC was not on my election bingo card); Cheatle said no way I’m resigning then resigned a day later; Biden stood down from another term with a Tweet; the signature on the Twitter announcement — which was not on White House letterhead — did not match Biden’s actual signature (I’m not a conspiracy theorist but this is weird!); no one has seen Biden since the fateful Twitter announcement; BLM did not endorse Harris, instead demanded a snap primary (again, agreeing wholeheartedly with BLM was not on my election bingo card).
I mean, I could go on.
It’s like we’re living in some combination of the movie “Dave” starring Kevin Kline (Kline is recruited to impersonate the President — also played by Kline — ostensibly for security precautions), plus “The West Wing” (remember, President Jed Bartlett had M.S. and his team kept it from the American people?) except weirder and funnier and darker, all at the same time.
I can’t believe we live here.
I also can’t believe it is controversial to say women and men are different. And women deserve safety, privacy and fairness.
But here we are.
The Republican Party is certain to capitalize on the Democrats unwillingness to admit that they actually do know what a woman is for fear of angering the LGBTQ+ coalition of bullies.
And this I do know: Republicans leaning in to the protection of women’s sports and spaces is a sure fire winner. The latest Gallup poll shows that close to 70% of Americans agree on this one. Still, it seems most are afraid to say so out loud.
But last week at the Republican National Convention, Eric Trump said: “Male athletes, guys my height, 6’5, are swimming in women’s sports destroying the dreams of young girls who have trained every minute of their lives.”
And the crowd went wild.
President Trump followed it up with “We won’t have men playing in women’s sports.”
Again, the crowd went wild.
Rest assured, with chaos in the Democratic Party, and a newly anointed female candidate on the docket, the Dems will lean hard into women’s rights. They will focus that energy on abortion. As if women only care about abortion.
I’m a pro-choice (with restrictions) former Democrat. I care about a woman’s right to choose. But I don’t know how you can claim to be the protector of women’s rights if you think woman is a fungible term?
As a feminist, and someone who never thought I’d find myself agreeing with Eric Trump, I find it insulting that the Democratic Party seems to think the only right I care about is abortion. We are fully formed human beings. We are more than our ability to get pregnant. And we demand more than the right to terminate a pregnancy. Besides, how can Democrats protect our rights if they can’t define us as a class worthy of legal protections?
The April re-write of Title IX — the landmark civil rights legislation passed in 1972 to protect women’s equal opportunity within the education system — erases its original meaning entirely, expanding “sex” based rights to “gender identity” rights. But saying you are a woman doesn’t make it so. And if males are permitted to enter women’s locker rooms, shelters, sororities and compete in women’s sports, our privacy and safety and opportunity to compete on an evening field is obliterated.
The lies the Democrats have told in the past 5 years are egregious. They told us everyone was at equal risk of Covid, justifying keeping public schools closed in some states for 18 months. They told us the protests during the summer of 2020 were “mostly peaceful” when we saw with our own eyes, fires raging in the background, as buildings were burned to the ground. They told us the “lab leak” was a conspiracy theory and that anyone furthering it was a QANON lunatic, though it was always the simplest and most commonsensical explanation. They told us Biden was “the best Biden ever” and videos of him looking lost and frail were “cheapfakes.” And they persist in demanding that we parrot the talking point: Trans women ARE women. And that no one but a biologist can define what a woman is.
The reason people cheer when Trump says “We won’t have men playing in women’s sports” is because sensible people are tired of the lies. And they are really tired of being demonized for noticing things that are patently true.
The Democrat loyalists claim those who stand up for women’s sports are making mountains out of molehills. The ACLU writes:
Transgender people comprise 1.6% of the human population. Of that fraction, even less play sports. Only 34 trans athletes have openly competed in U.S. college sports to date and fewer make it to the professional level.
But there are more than 700 examples of males taking medals, trophies, team berths and scholarships from women in the past 5 years. And the number is only accelerating. Insisting trans identified males be allowed to compete in women’s sports impacts 50% of competitive athletes. Because yes, all female athletes are impacted.

Competitive sports is a zero-sum game. If a male competes against women, and wins or even places third, he displaces a worthy, hard-working female athlete.
Just this past weekend, every two-person team atop the podium in an elite women’s cycling race in Washington had a trans athlete as a member. This marked the first time that males racked up wins in first, second and third place in a women’s competition. But sure, it’s barely happening.
It is impossible to argue women’s rights and support men in women’s sports. If a guy actually thinks he’s a girl and wants to compete in sports, create a separate league. It is a non-argument. There is absolutely no excuse to find that acceptable.
Lib men can’t beat real conservative men so they become girls.