The growing support for Trump from the black community cannot be ignored

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Some idiots will say “So, they’re just rappers”…. they really have no idea how huge this phenomenon is.

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Well, send out the dogs and get those slaves back on the plantation, DNC.

They refuse to be the Tools of Jackson, Sharpton and the DNC

They had 4 years under Trump but failed to put 2 & 2 together as to how they benefited.
Now, after less than 4 years of under dem rule, they see the contrast clearly and want Trump back.
The dnc has no idea how to relate to them…..always presuming to speak for how dependent and ignorant they are.
There needs to be a new word for white liberals explaining to blacks how they should think… mansplaining, but ….

The left couldn’t take the risk of giving Trump the credit for a secure border, energy independence, a booming economy, good jobs, support for law enforcement. Even though Democrats are incapable of achieving such goals while pursuing their far leftist agenda (since the two conflict with each other) they would rather the nation flounder than give Trump credit and enable Republican victories.

Crotch-grabbing gang-bangers waving around stacks of cash while rapping about support for Trump? Yeah, that’ll sell.

I can smell the weed just by looking at his eyes.

Dear Eco-Freaks Trump never authorized any Wind Turbines off the coasts however Biden Has and their Hazard to Sea and Shorebirds as w ell as Whales So I guess your stuck in you silly Utopia


I suppose he might have a seasonal pollen allergies rather than classic stoner’s squint and be wearing rosary beads rather than a roach clip necklace, but he does look pretty much baked to me. No judgement here! I’m a legalization advocate and he’s not sitting in the driver’s seat. If he were driving a Chicago cab, I’d opt for the next one.

But, if he WAS a drug addict, wouldn’t he be more likely to support Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, since he raised his kids to be drug addicts and allows coke to be distributed throughout the White House?

Humor. A self-proclaimed “People’s Pundit” and assorted white boys holding out gangster rappers and black stoners as evidence of a political sea change among the black community is hilarious. So is “The Teflon Don”, a reference John Gotti, who spent his final ten years in federal prisons.

So what was the purpose of your comment then in the first place?

Yeah, when they decide to clean up, they just dump their dope at the White House.

Your own stereotypes might be showing. The most popular musical genre with black Americans is actually R&B, which has three times as many followers as rap. Gospel and Hip-Hop both come in ahead of rap.

Over 70% of rap listeners are young white people.

Technically most rap isn’t even music. It’s rhythmic spoken poetry, lacking melody and harmony.

A black person weighs in on rap:

…I strongly dislike (ok basically hate) rap songs with the type of themes and/or lyrical content that speak to the following:



Glorification of crime and/or high crime cities or areas (There’s a difference between telling a story about where one is from as opposed to bragging about the drugs, thugs and murders that take place there.)

Misogyny (I can do without all the reference to bitches and ho’s etc.)

N-word in damn near every verse or lyric which is just plain ignorant as far as I’m concerned…

That could be my own list. I would only add Blasting it out of open car windows to inflict it on anyone within 200-foot radius, which sometimes makes me wish I had a handy RPG launcher.

More often than not the “music” fans in question are young white person who will develop early-onset hearing loss.

With all that antisocial composition, why doesn’t the left ban or censor it? Oh… that’s right. They only ban or censor speech that shows what a pathetic disaster their ideology is.

It isn’t the left that bans textbooks they don’t like from schools and petitions to have books removed from the shelves of public libraries.

America, Right-Wing Censors and the ‘Battle for the Next Century’

What textbooks have been banned? The only thing removed from school libraries is the gay porn and racist propaganda the left wants put there. While Democrats push leftist indoctrination, students fail to learn to read.

To your mind, anything related to the reality of differing gender orientations or racism IS porn or propaganda. The same is true of science that you deny and truthful history that makes you uncomfortable. From Pen America:

  • During the first half of the 2022-23 school year PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans lists 1,477 instances of individual books banned, affecting 874 unique titles, an increase of 28 percent compared to the prior six months, January – June 2022. That is more instances of book banning than recorded in either the first or second half of the 2021-22 school year. Over this six-month timeline, the total instances of book bans affected over 800 titles; this equates to over 100 titles removed from student access each month.


  • This school year, instances of book bans are most prevalent in Texas, Florida, Missouri, Utah, and South Carolina. These bans are driven by a confluence of local actors and state-level policy. The implications of bans in these five states are far-reaching, as policies and practices are modeled and replicated across the country.
  • Overwhelmingly, book banners continue to target stories by and about people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. In this six-month period, 30% of the unique titles banned are books about race, racism, or feature characters of color. Meanwhile, 26% of unique titles banned have LGBTQ+ characters or themes.
  • Due to cases where long lists of books are removed for further investigation, bans this school year are increasingly affecting a wider swath of titles, including those that portray violence and abuse (44%), discuss topics of health and wellbeing (38%), and cover death and grief (30%). This illuminates how censorship impacts a wide array of books, particularly as school districts respond to vague legislation by removing large numbers of books prior to any formal review.

To your mind, anything related to the reality of differing gender orientations or racism IS porn or propaganda. 

It’s BULLSHIT. It is anti-science. There ARE no “differing gender orientations”; there is mental illness and it should be treated as such, not used as a recruitment tool for sex partners.

Promoting sexual orientation and gender dysphoria in SCHOOL is totally inappropriate. It has NO PLACE in schools, particularly when kids are failing basic math and reading skills. But, the dumber they are, the easier it is to recruit them into the leftist ideology, isn’t it?

There is no “solid majority of us” supporting Trump. The statement is ludicrous. Trump fomented 4 years of widespread civil unrest.

Is the alleged 20% of blacks that support Trump “a solid majority of us”?

I might buy the 20%, because at least 20% of any racial group are effin’ stupid. That 20% is a solid majority is a harder sell.

So… blacks are stupid?

Do you not understand the meaning of the phrase, “20% of any racial group”?

So… blacks are stupid?

A solid majority of Trump supporters fall into one of two categories: gullible people, and opportunists who exploit their gullibility.

That’s not a “NO”.

Top, top level.

Trump fomented 4 years of widespread civil unrest.

And how did he do that? The LEFT fomented the unrest because they were guaranteed Hillary would be Criminal in Chief. There was no provocation for the left’s riots, violence, looting and political terrorism except that they don’t respect elections or our Constitution. Then, they committed election fraud.

Welcome back down to Earth and the Real World of Joe Biden

Once again you prove your a total Idiot with this load of your typical Ignorance