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The Great Brain Drain

As longtime readers will have noticed, I’m increasingly bored by the daily soap opera of politics, mainly because professional politicians rarely have anything to say about anything that matters. The left nominally addresses the Great Remaking of the World – from mass immigration to transgender bathrooms – by confining itself to a few bogus sentimentalist bromides (“We’ve always been a nation of immigrants”, “Love wins”) designed to assure everyone that a) “diversity lotteries” and chain migration are a good thing; and, if you’re minded to bring up problematic details, b) it’s inevitable, so don’t bother trying to resist. The right, on the other hand, is terrified of being demonized as racist, homophobic and whatever’snextophobic, and so finds it safer to talk about corporate tax rates.

For my own part, I’m inclined to agree with Ann Coulter:

Everyone who screwed the pooch on this one better realize fast: All that matters is immigration

Republicans who treat immigration as a backburner issue should be required to run on the issues they consider more important — in California. See how your arguments fare in a state that’s already been transformed by immigration. That’s your new country.

How stupid do you have to be to carry on about taxes, defense spending, ISIS, abortion or the Ten Commandments while intentionally losing on the one issue that will determine the outcome of all these other issues? Too stupid to be of any real help.

As I said to Tucker Carlson the other night, the demographic transformation of the western world is “the biggest story of our time“, and it will indeed determine all the others:

~Taxes? Big Government welfare programs depend on a high degree of social solidarity between givers and takers. If you think in France or Germany that young Mohammed and Ahmed will be willing to pay higher and higher taxes so that Jean-Pierre and Fritz can continue enjoying their present thirty-year retirements, you’re deluded.

~Defense spending and ISIS? More UK and Canadian Muslims have volunteered for the Islamic State than serve as soldiers of the Queen. As you can tell from their kid-glove treatment of returning jihadists, it’s unlikely that these countries will still be willing to follow America into the sands of Araby as Islam becomes a bigger and bigger domestic and electoral consideration. As for the broader international order, two of the Big Five at the UN will be semi-Islamized (and, indeed, semi-Islamic nuclear powers).

~Abortion? Hispanics, we’re told by Charles Krauthammer et al, are “natural conservatives”, so in theory Latin-American immigration ought to be good for the pro-life lobby: After all, South America has some of the toughest anti-abortion regimes on the planet. Then again, once they get to the United States, Hispanics account for about a quarter of all abortions. So who knows?

To reprise an old line of mine from America Alone, the future belongs to those who show up for it. And, if those showing up in America, Britain, Sweden, Austria are dramatically different from the entire history of those polities, then the future will be something of a crap shoot. For example, this story from my old friends at The Spectator – “Is IQ Falling Across the West?

According to Flynn’s latest findings, the Nordic nations are projected to see national intelligence scores drop by a total of seven points by 2025.

You don’t say. How’d that come about? After all, not so long ago everyone was gung-ho about 20th century upswings in IQ. Alas, Professor Timothy Bates is mystified:

What becomes of this optimism if it turns out that IQs are now falling across the developed world..? Something has happened in the last decade or so that has put progress into reverse in some countries and failed gifted children in others. We need to find out why and what to do to make sure its upward trajectory is restored.

“Something” has “happened”, eh? In 1900 Sweden’s foreign-born population was 0.07 per cent – or 35, 627, of whom all but 300 were from Europe or North America. By 2010 Sweden’s foreign-born population was just under 15 per cent – or 1.33 million, of whom two-thirds were born outside the EU. In 2015, they admitted so many Muslim “refugees” that in the space of a single year they overtook China’s “one child”-policy sex imbalance (119 boys for every 100 girls) and in their late-teen cohort now have 123 boys for every 100 girls. In the space of a century, from 1950 to 2050, Sweden will have gone from an homogeneous ethnic state with barely any visible minority population to a land in which ethnic Swedes will themselves be the minority.

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