Now the GOP has to adhere to conservative principles. The time to work.out intraparty differences is now, with a focus on stopping and overturning as much of Obama’s failed policies as possible. They need to show the dems the exact same consideration as the minority party that Reid showed when the republicans were the minority party. If they give a in a millimeter to the bogus “bipartisanship” garbage, they will lose all these gains in 2016.
10 years ago
The GOP’s dilemma is that they’ll have to somehow hang onto moderate voters while appeasing the immoderate Ted Cruz faction. The next two years should be interesting.
That’s easy if Republicans concentrate on creating jobs, on reducing job killing regulations and take other measures (such as the Keystone Pipeline) to improve the economy. (And, no I’m not talking about jobs for illegal aliens to enrich Mexico’s economy.) Reign in high fuel and energy prices and it will help the economy to improve, although they are going to have to audit the Federal Reserve to fix that den of thieves. They can also work on fundamentally transforming our Federal tax system and abolish the corrupted IRS. For six years Obama’s been doing everything he can to keep Americans out of work and onto entitlement programs, while stealing money from their wallets by his keeping energy costs high.
10 years ago
I just saw a documentary on gangsters /drug lords-smugglers…going back to the 80’s. One of them struck kme…from Jamaica…his deeds made him RICH off the exploitation of the addicted (heroin/pot) -USA – he began using some of that illicit money gained to improve the lives (free stuff) of the rampant poverty stricken areas of Jamaica..soon he had more influence over people/ especially influence over ELECTED OFFICIALS – Jamaica… I thought I even saw Hillary in the documentary…
..DESPOTISM was rampant….the Jamaican people (the peasants) were STILL POOR and POVERTY STRICKEN even with the FREE STUFF…all the while the despots lived in MANSIONS on the JAMAICAN Hillside…
There is more to the story but my point is I couldn’t help while watching it thinking about Obama (the despot) living high on the Hog off the taxpayers through deception/ lies and payoffs all the while exploiting hard working Americans and stealing their money…
There are many parallels here…
Obama wants to be an over lord…not a leader…
He has been an ‘oppressor’ here in America… he keeps loyalty for his party (and himself) by handing out free stuff to the peasants (minorities) by stealing from the (made up/false oppressors – Conservatives)…
10 years ago
I wonder how long it will take for Keystone XL to hit the senate floor for a vote? North Dakota needs to tame the frothy oil with Oil Sands crude for a safer transmission. The Precedent will have to crap or get off the “throne”.
Wonderful vote results.
Now the GOP has to adhere to conservative principles. The time to work.out intraparty differences is now, with a focus on stopping and overturning as much of Obama’s failed policies as possible. They need to show the dems the exact same consideration as the minority party that Reid showed when the republicans were the minority party. If they give a in a millimeter to the bogus “bipartisanship” garbage, they will lose all these gains in 2016.
The GOP’s dilemma is that they’ll have to somehow hang onto moderate voters while appeasing the immoderate Ted Cruz faction. The next two years should be interesting.
That’s easy if Republicans concentrate on creating jobs, on reducing job killing regulations and take other measures (such as the Keystone Pipeline) to improve the economy. (And, no I’m not talking about jobs for illegal aliens to enrich Mexico’s economy.) Reign in high fuel and energy prices and it will help the economy to improve, although they are going to have to audit the Federal Reserve to fix that den of thieves. They can also work on fundamentally transforming our Federal tax system and abolish the corrupted IRS. For six years Obama’s been doing everything he can to keep Americans out of work and onto entitlement programs, while stealing money from their wallets by his keeping energy costs high.
I just saw a documentary on gangsters /drug lords-smugglers…going back to the 80’s. One of them struck kme…from Jamaica…his deeds made him RICH off the exploitation of the addicted (heroin/pot) -USA – he began using some of that illicit money gained to improve the lives (free stuff) of the rampant poverty stricken areas of Jamaica..soon he had more influence over people/ especially influence over ELECTED OFFICIALS – Jamaica… I thought I even saw Hillary in the documentary…
..DESPOTISM was rampant….the Jamaican people (the peasants) were STILL POOR and POVERTY STRICKEN even with the FREE STUFF…all the while the despots lived in MANSIONS on the JAMAICAN Hillside…
There is more to the story but my point is I couldn’t help while watching it thinking about Obama (the despot) living high on the Hog off the taxpayers through deception/ lies and payoffs all the while exploiting hard working Americans and stealing their money…
There are many parallels here…
Obama wants to be an over lord…not a leader…
He has been an ‘oppressor’ here in America… he keeps loyalty for his party (and himself) by handing out free stuff to the peasants (minorities) by stealing from the (made up/false oppressors – Conservatives)…
I wonder how long it will take for Keystone XL to hit the senate floor for a vote? North Dakota needs to tame the frothy oil with Oil Sands crude for a safer transmission. The Precedent will have to crap or get off the “throne”.