“The fix is in”: Media annoyed that Trump is only calling on conservative outlets lately at pressers

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The guy to read on this is Rory Cooper, who’s honoring the occasion of today’s guild shrieking by recalling some of the media’s greatest press-conference hits during the Obama era.

Read his Twitter timeline for more examples. The difference between Trump calling exclusively on ideologically sympathetic outlets at his pressers and the average Obama press conference is … what? That Obama occasionally allowed a question from Fox News?

Watch Jim Acosta declare that the fix is in, a sentiment echoed across big-name platforms this afternoon:

Townhall is our sister site, of course, represented at today’s presser by Katie Pavlich. To read the criticism, you’d think Pavlich had asked Trump what kind of tree he wishes he could be or which of his children is his favorite. (Which would actually be a tough question for any politician except him. It’s Ivanka, of course.) Instead see for yourself what she asked. It was a two-parter: One, she wanted to know from Trump exactly which compromises he expected Israel and the Palestinians to make as part of a peace deal, a fair topic for a president who famously eschews specifics. And two, she asked Netanyahu what he expects from Trump specifically in rolling back the Iran deal, which is bound to be a key subject for U.S.-Israeli cooperation in the near term. Trump’s answer, in fact, produced what one NBC staffer called a “remarkable” statement about the degree to which Palestinians are culturally conditioned to hate Israel.

There’s no “fix,” especially when you remember that Pavlich contributed to National Review’s “Against Trump” issue last year. She’s not in the tank for the White House, which is the crux of the “Trump’s only calling on conservatives!” accusation. She proved it again yesterday when she asked Sean Spicer about the touchiest subject in the White House right now, the resignation of Mike Flynn, wondering if Trump is worried that Flynn might have “inadvertently” misled him on other matters besides the call with the Russian ambassador. Intriguingly, Spicer wouldn’t flatly deny it. (“Regardless of whether it is or isn’t a single situation…”) No “fix” in that question either. Stephen Miller has a healthy perspective on today’s reaction, as usual:

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Actions have consequences.

Curt, you seem to sound a lot like Dr John, any and all shortcomings or flaws of the self admitting sexual assaulting, serial lying, and likely treasonist con man is fine and should be accepted because, because, well, Obama.

Aside from the fact that Obama is gone my friend, the level of lying and manipulating information has been taken to an entirely new level under the present administration. Your cherry picked pieces of glimmer don’t even compare.

But I suspect you and DJ will continue to grasp.

@Ajay42302: Again Curt did not write this article, you are cross-eyed and foaming at the mouth. Curt posted this article which is interesting and timely. No questions on Russia, really? Who is standing at the other podium, Putin?
Try to keep up thats yesterdays “news”, his meeting with Netanyahu was the current subject.
And tomorrow it will be something else, but just keep trying to beat your legless Russian Nag out of the starting gate.
Its a fast pace, so much happening but there are people that want comment on current events.
They want information on the Flynn subject hunt down the VP ask how he was “misled”. A time a place a proper venue for certain questions.

The smell of left wing propagandist sweating out their crumbling influence is in the air…..