The Fall of the Deep State: America’s Berlin Wall Moment

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X post by Cynical Publius

I have a history lesson for Inauguration Day.

It’s very relevant to today, so bear with me.

Starting with the launch of Sputnik in 1957, all through the 1960s and 1970s, and deep into the 1980s, the Soviet Union seemed indestructible and dominant. Worse, its domination over the Warsaw Pact countries (the Eastern European nations that the Soviet Union ruled as Communist satellite states starting right after WWII) seemed permanent, and the idea that East Germany and West Germany could one day reunite seemed as likely as Whoopi Goldberg marrying Donald Trump.

Worse, the dominant nature of the Soviet Union was woven deep into the psyches of average Americans. Threats of nuclear war, learning how to hide under your desk in grammar school as a child, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Space Race, Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table, the loss of China to Communism, the “Missile Gap,” the massive Soviet armies that dwarfed our own in size, Marxist infiltration into Western institutions, our own stalemate in Korea and our loss in Vietnam all contributed to a sense that if America was not losing to the Soviets, it was not winning either.

In the minds of average Americans, the Soviet Union was a perpetual enemy whose overwhelming strength appeared capable of one day overcoming our own. Deep insecurity in American institutions and capabilities accompanied this psychic damage, leading to the “Malaise” era of Jimmy Carter.

The idea that we could ever truly win over the Soviet Union seemed improbable, and the demise of the Soviet Union was inconceivable.

Then the inconceivable started to happen in 1989. Seemingly overnight, the Berlin Wall fell, the Warsaw Pact countries morphed into free, democratic, capitalist states, Germany reunited, and by 1991 the Soviet Union was no more.

*POOF*. The boogeyman was gone, overnight.

The CIA and all Western intelligence agencies utterly failed to foresee this turn of events.

What no one in the West knew was that the entire Communist edifice that held the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact together was a morally and physically bankrupt canard, devoid of substance and one held together only because the citizens of those nations believed all of their neighbors believed what they secretly did not believe. Suddenly and all at once, those citizens saw the emperor’s new clothes, they suddenly and collectively realized that they ALL knew they were living a lie, and in the words of Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds, a “preference cascade” occurred—first a little, then all at once.

So why the history lesson?

Because America has just lived—and is living now—an analogous preference cascade.

We conservatives have long been like the average American of 1970. We clung to our values, but we felt our way of life slipping away in the face of an all-powerful coalition of evil. The Democrat/Media Complex, the tech giants, the Marxist universities, the unaccountable federal bureaucracy—all of these implacable institutions seemed inevitable and impossible to defeat. Then when Donald Trump arrived on the scene, that monolithic “Deep State” recognized him as an existential threat like a white blood cell views bacteria, and it started launching the equivalent of all the nuclear missiles in its arsenal—the impeachments, the lawfare, the abusive prosecutions of no substance, the transgender mania, the hatred of God, the social media censorship, the vote manipulation and election theft, the constant and pervasive media propaganda—the Deep State let loose every weapon in its arsenal.

And in 2020 it won. Or so we thought.

But like the Soviet Union bankrupted itself trying to keep up with Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative, the Deep State was now an empty shell, teetering on the edge of viability, having expended every ounce of strength it had left, its continued existence based solely on the belief by most Americans that the Deep State still possessed the power it no longer had.

Then 2024 happened and America’s Berlin Wall fell. The preference cascade occurred seemingly overnight as tens of millions of Americans realized they were living an illusion where their deep-seated moral beliefs were not in the minority, but were actually in the great majority. Donald Trump won. The spell of media illusion crumbled. The CNNs and MSNBCs and New York Times of the world suddenly had all the relevance of a Teletubbies VHS tape from 1997. The tech giants suddenly swore to restore objectivity and fairness. Free speech won. It became OK to say that if a man wears a dress and takes hormones that he is still a man. Faith won. It was suddenly OK to say that DEI is nothing more than abject racism and sexism. Mar-a-Lago became a place of public penance where all of the purveyors of the worst oppression of American values crawled on their knees and begged forgiveness.

All at once, like a dam breaking, we won.

Unexpectedly and suddenly, we won.

Now I know so many of you are vastly more pessimistic than me and can’t imagine that all of this is real. It is. Consider the demise of the Soviet Union, it is a precise analogy.

I know there is much to be done. We have not yet purged the Leviathan that is the Administrative State. We have not yet expunged the pernicious influence of Marxism from our universities. There is much to do.

But remember one more thing—the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and it took two more years before the flag of the Russian Federation replaced the hammer and sickle over the Kremlin.

Give it time, we’re winning, it’s inevitable.

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 We have not yet purged the Leviathan that is the Administrative State. We have not yet expunged the pernicious influence of Marxism from our universities. There is much to do.

But remember one more thing—the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and it took two more years before the flag of the Russian Federation replaced the hammer and sickle over the Kremlin.

If I recall correctly the Soviet Parliament had to burn down before the USSR was replaced by the Russian Federation.
I hope we can clean house without that much drama.

GOOD LUCK! “Bush Republican” are there in force; have been for decades!

DISCLAIMER: Voted Ronny 9 times; NEVER VOTED FOR W! I love America and am very biased!

The Citadel has been well built. Fortifications reinforced by “w”s men: Brennan 8/04, has had 20 years to enhance the ramparts; Clapper 9/01′ 24 years to set booby traps!
If these “Bush Republicans” you think are not enough; I can name many more!
To turn back the Commie advance of 24 years will require bloodshed; of which I have painful knowledge.
My guess is we’ll withdraw from the battlefield and claim “Peace with Honor”!

Show me Saigon on a current map.

To falsely claim victory has happened more than once in my life time!

Painful but true!

The deep state is deep and wide. Trump is putting the kind of administration in place that can combat its effects, but I think it will take more than 4 years to kill it off. I hope Republicans are already working to make 2026 and 2028 elections fraud-free, because we can’t be complacent and rest. The Republicans have a deep bench and the only threat to their return is fraud.

Its not over till the lords of DEI are banished and prosecuted for the bigots and racists they are.

Last minute pardons: Bidens family, Fauchi, J6 committee, Gen Miley.
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Tear Down the Border Bridges and Build a Wall cut off all funding to Planed Parenthood defund the Climate Change and end the Globalists Plans for a One World Government under the UN