William Teach @ The Pirates Cove:
The climateweenies at Slate wonder if we would give up burgers to stop “climate change”. Hey, considering how cold this spring is….can we call it spring? In all my years in NC I have never had to turn the heat on in May…perhaps we need to eat more burgers. Though it has been kinda chilly to have a cook out (via Tom Nelson)
In case you missed the news, humanity spent the Earth Day week reaching another sad milestone in the history of catastrophic climate change: For the first time, measurements of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere surpassed 400 parts per million, aka way above what our current ecosystem can handle.
That’s weird: I can’t find any scientific stories saying it crossed that line. Lots which say we’re close to doing that, none that say we have.
Actually, you probably did miss the news because most major media outlets didn’t cover it in a serious way, if at all. Instead, they and their audiences evidently view such information as far less news-, buzz- and tweet-worthy than (among other things) the opening of George W. Bush’s library and President Obama’s jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Oh, there you go,is it’s a conspiracy. Got ya. Except, the Slate article is from the 2nd. The French Tribune published a story on the 5th stating that the world is on the verge of crossing 400 ppm.
Myself, I don’t believe we’ve crossed some mythical line, “aka way above what our current ecosystem can handle”: presumably meaning that they believe that the ecosystem is irrevocably damaged, whatever that means. When you think about it, almost all human activity makes changes to the planet that cannot be undone. What they seem to make you want to believe that these changes are major instead of minor as most are.
If we are to take the eco-alarmists at their word, then we have already passed some tipping point, and thus cannot undo the damage that excess carbon dioxide has caused. If that is the case, then we don’t need to spend trillions of dollars preventing this tripping point from being reached. The whole point of the Anthropomorphic Climate Change scare mongering is based on the belief that we will have runaway warming when the CO2 reaches a certain level. We should therefore save our money and spend it on mitigating this supposed warming if and when it happens instead of trying to prevent something happening that has already happened.
The only way that we can have a “eco-sustainable” human population if we revert to an agrarian subsistence economy of less than a billion people, thus requiring the deaths of most of the world’s population to achieve. This makes Pol Pot’s Year Zero look like a rank amateur effort.
yes, I was thinking,
wait till OBAMA LEGALIZE the 11 millions as AMNYSTY,
EVEN AMERICA IS FULL, and should shot the BORDERS,
in the MUSLIM COUNTRIES they make a CLEAN UP when the number get so high that
they feel they have to revolt to eliminate humans ,
and they always have the suicide bombers, they pick on the disable and mentally impair,
so another branch eliminated under the banner of contributing to their war,
but here we must realize when there is too many disturbing and commiting crimes,
and refuse their entry to this COUNTRY already having no jobs for the one searching.
AMERICA must look at herself first priority before sending billions abroad,
it is the logic solution, how come the LEADER doesn’t think,
it’s so simple, how can the leader pretend to be able to fix other problems
prior to the need of AMERICANS, it look very self motivate to do otherwise,
and show a fail leadership,or a wishfull inclined leader, who doesn’t give a damn for the people he is paid to serve,
there is more people who work for GOVERNMENT paid by the people than the one working,
and now the business have cut the work time and benefices, unable to match the payroll of GOVERNMENT EMPlOYES,
the WORLD upside down, lack of logic, lack of forsight, danger for the future, big time,
any family know that a budget is nessessary, and know when to cut the charity
when they run out of goods for themselves first.
LEADER who don’t have that foundamental first rule is not a good leader ais dragging the citizens in the cliff again and again like we have seen,
and so the more people they add up the more destruction of land and water,
it doesn’t take long either to destroy the land, the air, the sea, by careless new illegals
taking places and crowding the citizens,
and what they call climate change is exactly where their mistake are,
choking the citizens by importing from abroad with importing their virus
which destroy the already anti virus who protect the already living being.
that is the real clmate change made by the leadership the same who spend trillions in trying to find solutions anywhere but what they do.